How and what kind of water to drink to maintain youth and health

How and what kind of water to drink to maintain youth and health

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Regular water will help you look and feel great. True, not any.

Don’t let the body “dry up”

Life and water are inseparable. The body of a month-old human embryo is 97% water, a newborn baby – 75-80%. Water in the body of an adult is about 65%, and in older people – 57%. We can say that aging of an organism is its “drying out”.

The brain contains the most water – as much as 95%. But water plays a key role in absolutely all processes that ensure the life of any organism:

– removes toxins and waste products from the body;

– protects joints from wear and tear;

– regulates body temperature and metabolism;

– affects the functioning of the nervous system;

– reduces appetite.

If you feel tired, dizzy, dry skin, the reason may be unexpectedly simple: improper use of water. When we are engaged in nutrition, we do not attach importance to how and what we drink. But it turns out that you also need to be able to drink!

Yogis recommend drinking 10-15 glasses of water a day. This does not include soups and other hidden liquids.

Everyone should drink at least a glass of clean, warm, preferably alkaline water in the morning on an empty stomach. Then powerful processes immediately begin in the body. Start drinking warm water in the morning – and after 3-4 days you will feel better.

Water should be drunk half an hour before meals and two and a half hours after meals. You will eat less, because you will get used to drinking water correctly, but you will feel full and vigorous and in three weeks you will be able to get rid of 3-6 kilograms without any problems.

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