How and in what myostimulants help

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The history of these devices is rooted in medicine, but now they are actively mastering the beauty industry.

The peak of the popularity of muscle stimulants occurs in the late 90s or early 2000s. But the general interest played a cruel joke with these devices. Then they were one of the stars in the “Store on the couch” program, and advertisements with might and main trumpeted that these were super trainers that would bring even the lazy into shape.

Of course, they will not pump up cubes, but they will completely affect muscle tone. Initially, myostimulants were used in medicine. With the help of current pulses with different frequencies, they help the muscles to contract. In this way, the affected area improves blood flow and the tissues receive more nutrition. This procedure has been recommended for patients with reduced mobility and athletes for an early recovery. Cosmetologists also took note of myostimulants and often use them for body shaping and in the fight against wrinkles.

And today this invention can even be bought at home. But first it is better to consult with specialists. When choosing such a unit, you need to take into account several nuances.

To begin with, you should study the quality certificate and the warranty of the device. Next, pay attention to the number of output channels of the device. Please note that they are not the same for all procedures. For example, in therapeutic physiotherapy, two to four channels are used, and for body shaping, about ten are needed.

The conductors through which the therapy is carried out also require attention. Self-adhesive diodes require frequent replacement, as they accumulate dirt, but they cannot be washed, and a device with pressure belts cannot always provide access to a certain point and requires additional options, such as conductive gel.

If we go by brands. EMLA is worthy of attention. If only because the brand was at the origins of the creation of electrostimulators. According to independent polls, 9 out of 10 professionals working on these devices will not change it to another brand.

By the way, quite recently the company presented a computer physiotherapy complex ESMA 12S Excellent. With 48 electrodes, it allows you to perform about four treatments at the same time. Considering that the set of programs for this device includes 11 functions, this option may come in handy. Compared to previous versions, the efficiency of the new product has increased by 20%.

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