How and how to treat surfaces from coronavirus

Unaccustomed, this may take a little longer than regular cleaning. But family safety is worth it.

April 4 2020

Coronavirus can live on any object brought from outside for several days. Even going to the store is now unsafe, although we maintain a social distance of one and a half to two meters. In our everyday life, imperceptibly and very quickly, the word “disinfection” has taken root. Some do it with fanaticism. In order not to go to extremes, we have collected tips on how and how to treat surfaces in order to certainly get rid of the coronavirus.

1. All surfaces in the house – dining and work tables, chairs, bedside tables, cabinet doors and dressers – must be wiped with disinfectants. It is desirable that they be based on chlorine or alcohol.

What means to use

Rospotrebnadzor experts advise using funds with calcium hypochlorite (sodium) at a concentration of at least 0,5% for active chlorine or based on dichlorantine – 0,05% for active chlorine. That is, these are chlorine-containing bleaches. Be careful, they are poisonous to humans, you need to use them strictly following the instructions. In addition, for surfaces of a small area during the coronavirus, Rospotrebnadzor allowed the use of ethyl alcohol 70%.

2. The dishes must be disinfected by immersing them in an antibacterial solution for a while. Then rinse with boiling water.

3. Carry out cleaning in the following sequence: first we clean the corridor, then the kitchen, then all the other rooms. Wash the toilet and the bathroom in the last place with separate rags. We use gloves, of course. Rospotrebnadzor advises to do cleaning not only with rubber gloves (better than disposable), but also in a special dressing gown or overalls. If not, a regular raincoat will do.

4. At the door it is worth highlighting the “dirty zone”: we leave our shoes there. Put a jar of disinfectant wipes there: when you come from the street, immediately wipe the door handles, keys and phone behind you, treat your hands. Then you can undress and go to wash your hands already properly.

5. Do not forget to regularly ventilate all rooms in the apartment one by one. When airing one room, it is better to be in another, so as not to catch a cold.

6. Pay special attention to door handles and cabinet handles, chair backs, household appliances, switches – they need to be treated with an antiseptic.

7. In the bathroom, you need to direct disinfection every day: treat faucet handles, faucets, drains, sinks with a chlorine-containing agent. In addition, Rospotrebnadzor advises to treat toothbrushes and combs with an antiseptic.

9. After the end of cleaning, hands are treated with an alcohol-containing skin antiseptic. Which ones? Taking into account the spread of the new coronavirus, Rospotrebnadzor gave special explanations: for hygienic treatment of hands, skin antiseptics containing ethyl alcohol (at least 70%), isopropyl alcohol (at least 60%) or a mixture of alcohols (at least 60%), as well as perfumery – cosmetic products (liquids, lotions, gels, disposable wet wipes) with a similar alcohol content. Alternatively, you can make your own antiseptic.

10. Products brought from the store or delivered by courier also need to be processed from viruses. Throw away the boxes and packages immediately, wash the hermetically sealed packages with hot water and soap, treat the boxes (with cereals or milk, for example) with an antiseptic. Then wash your hands again. Send reusable bags or bags for washing.

11. The food itself should be washed as usual. If you’re making soup, drain the first broth.

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