How and how to cheer yourself up 15 ways to do it quickly

Good afternoon, dear readers! Sometimes we don’t know how to cheer ourselves up, because life goes in stripes, and positive events alternate with difficulties and troubles.

Looking back, each of us can confidently say that those hours during which we were in a bad mood were, as it were, “torn out” of life. It makes us withdraw not only from active mental activity, but also from participation in friendly conversations and family conversations.

Therefore, today we will talk about 15 simple and effective methods that will quickly return you to normal. These methods practically do not require financial investments, they are elementary and accessible to everyone.


Taking a shower

We are used to taking showers quickly. But try to enjoy this process slowly. Favorite hygiene products will help create a pleasant unique aroma. The body will relax, and the problems will be washed away.

You can devote as much time as you like to this lesson until you realize that you have washed away all the negativity from yourself and are ready for new feelings, sensations and thoughts.

Watching films

Everyone has a few favorite films that inspire, associate with something pleasant, inspire faith and hope. If it is not possible to go to the cinema and enjoy the movie in full on the big screen, it does not matter.

Look at inspiring pictures at home, thereby distracting from sad thoughts. If you don’t know where to start, use the recommendations from this collection.

How and how to cheer yourself up 15 ways to do it quickly

Listening to pleasant music

Just like films, music can distract from worries, give a feeling of happiness and joy. You can sing along or dance along while listening — this will dramatically enhance the effect. Feel free to turn on your favorite audio recordings and sing from the heart. It helps to forget about problems.

Creating a pleasant smell in the apartment

Oddly enough, the sense of smell strongly affects our emotional state. Japanese scientists have found that when a person is allowed to smell a lemon, he experiences joy. It’s all about linalool, which is contained in this citrus.

Thanks to him, the level of aggression gradually decreases, a surge of strength and positive emotions is felt. Therefore, a lemon air freshener in the house will be a kind of remedy for depression and apathy.

If lemon is too harsh for someone, you can replace it with lavender or basil. They also reduce stress levels and give a feeling of lightness, carelessness.

Practicing breathing exercises

This is an effective option for both girls and boys, as well as for adult men and women. In addition, if you are in public places and do not want to attract attention, no one will notice your attempts to calm down.

We inhale the air through the nose slowly, for about 5 seconds, and then hold it in the lungs for the same time. At the same time, the diaphragm expands optimally, thus getting rid of tension. Then, just as slowly, exhale it through your nose.

The number of repetitions for each is completely individual, depending on the level of stress. Someone can calm down in 5-7 breaths, but for someone, even 20 will not be enough.

Learn more about breathing techniques by clicking here.

Using Audio Brain Wave Stimulators

This method consists in listening to recorded waves of a certain frequency, which will make it possible to fully immerse yourself in a meditative state and abstract from the thoughts that spoiled your mood.

As a result, a person gets rid of anxiety and stress, feeling at an accelerated pace the benefits of traditional meditation.

Healthy sleep

Sometimes the cause of irritability or sadness is banal fatigue. If you forget the last time you had a good rest, try to pay more attention to your sleep. It must be at least 8 hours a day. Because thanks to him happens:

  • active cell regeneration;
  • increased immunity;
  • prevention of the development of many diseases;
  • memory improvement;
  • forgetting the accumulated irrelevant information;
  • increasing the energy level in the body;
  • normalization of the amount of sugar in the blood;
  • burst of vivacity.

Our nervous system is undergoing a kind of reboot. If you suffer from insomnia or other sleep disorders, then follow this link to read the recommendations that will help restore a good rest.

How and how to cheer yourself up 15 ways to do it quickly

Smile and positive words

Try to smile at yourself in the mirror and say nice words. It’s trite, but effective. You, like no one else, know what words will drive away anxiety and instill at least a small note of positive in your thoughts. Plus, watching your smile in the mirror, which means from the outside, raises your self-esteem.

At first, you will feel that the smile is unnatural, but this will pass after 2-3 minutes. The main thing is not to give up and smile to yourself again and again.

Order in the house

Cleaning is a great way to get rid of the blues. While the body is busy with physical labor, your thoughts are aimed at getting rid of unnecessary trash, both in the house and in the head. It turns out that you simultaneously kill 2 birds with one stone: the house shines with cleanliness, and the head is clear.

Each item after cleaning will lie in its place. Neat stacks of paper, beautifully arranged books and figurines, lack of dust — all this together gives a sense of harmony and order, while negativity and irritability by themselves fade into the background.

Walk in the fresh air

Regardless of what’s on your mind, go outside. In the fresh air, you will get a lot of emotions from new people and a change of scenery.

A walk in unfamiliar places produces a particularly healing effect on the nervous system. Think, perhaps in your locality there is an area where you have never been before. It can be a square, a park or just a street.

New landscapes give a feeling of lightness and positive. Sometimes even a walk can heal a bad mood better than any doctor.

List of the most important things

Each of us has something especially precious in life. When you feel low, down, or just in a bad mood, write down a list of things and people that are important to you.

It can be:

  • house;
  • Job;
  • close people;
  • hobby;
  • achievement in school or work.

Oddly enough, but repeated re-reading of this list instills in a person faith in the best, causes positive associations. As a result, well-being improves by itself.

We begin to associate these people and things with the current state of affairs and understand that in reality, not everything is as bad as it seems now. We begin to make plans for these points, outline for ourselves a circle of actions and understand that everything is in our hands.

New hobby

Almost every modern person has a hobby. This is an activity that distracts us from the daily routine, provides an opportunity to escape and show imagination.

But few people throughout their lives try to pick up some interesting hobby for themselves. And this has a very positive effect on both the perception of the world and self-esteem.

After all, it is during such periods that we realize that far from our full potential has been revealed, that we are still capable of much. As a result, we try something new, develop this skill and begin to believe in ourselves more.

In this vein of emotions, there will simply be no place for blues. Therefore, if you want to change your life for the better, try to follow your interest. Just don’t put it off. It is very important for each of us to have at least a small outlet, an activity that brings pleasure.

How and how to cheer yourself up 15 ways to do it quickly

The exit of emotions

When anxieties and worries overcome, and sad thoughts do not stop spinning in your head, share with someone close to you the subject of your experiences. Often speaking, we feel relieved. You can cry without holding back your emotions.

According to scientists, accumulated emotions negatively affect our nervous system. Therefore, we must periodically give them an outlet. It is a great happiness when there are caring people who are ready to listen, understand and share experiences.

And if we are also given good advice, then there is a feeling that the problem has been solved, and there are no reasons left for a bad mood.

But what to do when there are no relatives and relatives around to whom you can speak out? Or when the situation is so delicate that it is unpleasant or undesirable to talk about it? Then a sheet of paper and a pencil will come to the rescue.

The reflection of our experiences on paper forces our brain to look for potential solutions, partially instilling faith in the best. Feeling better by itself and everything seems not so uninteresting, sad and so on.

Favorite food

Favorite food or drink can be a good helper in this matter. Treat yourself to something you enjoy. You can start preparing your favorite dish or dessert yourself or buy it in a store or order it in a restaurant.

Just be careful and follow the measure. When a person tries to “eat” stress, he has an eating disorder, which in this case is called addiction.

Show of concern

We are arranged in such a way that during care we feel pleasure and a surge of joy. Those who have pets will understand what is at stake. Such people are very rarely prone to a bad mood. They just don’t have the time for it. After all, they have to walk their animals, feed, bathe, play with them.

If you don’t have pets, consider getting one. It can be not only cats and dogs, but also a variety of hamsters, parrots, fish, chameleons. So, with you there will always be someone who is waiting for attention. After all, those who are busy do not have time to be sad.


Dear readers, remember that there are no hopeless situations. Often we ourselves become the source of our anxieties and experiences.

And being alone with negative experiences for a long time is not only boring and pointless, but also harmful to health, relationships with other people and an active life position.

Also, we recommend reading an article about how to dispel your boredom and keep yourself busy with useful work.

The material was prepared by Yulia Gintsevich

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