How and how much to store red caviar at home
In Russia, red caviar is especially popular. People acquire this delicacy for any special occasion. It is sometimes found while cutting fish. In both cases, it is important to know how to store red caviar correctly, because it is a perishable product. Also, some housewives forget that when buying a jar with your favorite delicacy, you need to carefully read the information about its shelf life. How to store it correctly?
How to store red caviar at home: recommendations
Choosing quality red caviar, and how to store red caviar
You can find caviar from a variety of manufacturers on supermarket shelves. It is sometimes difficult for an inexperienced buyer to find a quality product. There is even artificial caviar. It is a product obtained during the processing of algae. To choose high-quality caviar, you must:
- study the composition of the purchased delicacy on the attached label (choose a product without dyes and preservatives);
- find out the time of its production (carefully consider the delicacy that is sold at a discounted price);
- look at the manufacturer’s address (so you can figure out in your mind how many days it traveled to the destination);
- pay attention to the container where the caviar is located (it is better to buy a delicacy in a glass jar with a tight lid).
If you do not see the above information on the label, think about whether to buy such caviar.
How to store red caviar at home: looking for a way
How to store red caviar at home
After the jar of caviar is open, place it on a plate and protect it from airing. But what if the caviar was bought for a festive event that will not happen soon? Explore possible ways to store the product.
- The caviar is kept in the refrigerator, focusing on the expiration dates indicated on the label. If the jar with the delicacy is opened, store it for no more than a week.
- Sometimes the product is frozen. However, this makes the caviar mass look like porridge. To prevent this from happening, put it in a dry container greased with vegetable oil.
- Caviar is also stored in plastic food containers. You just need to cover them with a tight lid and put them in the refrigerator. Oxygen access to the eggs should be closed.
So how long to store red caviar? The taste of the factory product remains the same in a sealed container that has never been opened for about a year. The loose delicacy does not deteriorate for about 3-5 months. However, this can be counted on if all storage conditions for caviar have been met.