How and how much to cook venison?

How and how much to cook venison?

How and how much to cook venison?

How and how much to cook venison?

Venison is a gourmet meat. It is quite simple to prepare, but when cooking it, it is important to follow some recommendations. You can cook venison in a regular saucepan or using kitchen utensils (pressure cooker, multicooker, double boiler). You can cook this meat in the microwave, but this method implies compliance with a number of rules. The slightest flaws in the preparation and cooking of venison can ruin its consistency and taste. The meat will become tough and fibrous.

Cooking venison step by step in a regular saucepan:

  • before cooking, the venison should be cut into small pieces, rinsed thoroughly and pickled for several hours;
  • tenderloin is most suitable for cooking (other parts of the deer may take too long to cook, retaining the tough structure of the meat);
  • if there are fat layers on the meat, then they must be cut off (deer fat impairs the aroma and taste of the meat);
  • you can lay venison in cold water (a sharp temperature drop can negatively affect the delicate structure of the meat, so it is better not to visit it in boiling water);
  • first, venison is cooked over high heat, and after boiling water, the fire decreases to an average or minimum level;
  • it is necessary to pour water into the pan so that the liquid covers the meat with a margin of 2-3 cm (if during the cooking process the liquid evaporates, then it can be topped up);
  • no foam is formed when cooking venison (when foam appears, it is removed with a slotted spoon or a regular spoon);
  • the readiness of venison can be checked by its consistency (the meat becomes soft and can be easily pierced with a knife);
  • after the end of cooking, do not immediately remove the venison from the pan (it is better to let the meat sweat for 20-25 minutes).

Reindeer Cooking Secrets:

  • before you start cooking venison, it is better to marinate it for several hours in salted red wine (you can add any spices you like);
  • as a marinade for venison, you can use a mixture of water, apple cider vinegar, carrots and onions (for 2 liters of water, you need to take 2 tablespoons of vinegar, and chop onions and carrots as much as possible);
  • A spicy venison marinade can be made with garlic, mustard, apple cider vinegar, water, basil, oregano, and olive oil.
  • you can salt venison and add spices to it at any stage of cooking;
  • venison is easy to dry out due to the lack of fat, so boiling is considered the ideal way to cook it;
  • when boiling venison, you need to replenish the fat, so you can add butter, vegetable oil, margarine or bacon pieces.

You can cook venison in a slow cooker. The main nuance in this case is the use of any (meat or vegetable) broth instead of water. On top of the workpiece, be sure to place a few pieces of butter. This secret will help make venison more juicy and tender. Salt and spices should be added to meat before cooking. It takes four hours on average to cook venison in a slow cooker.

How much to cook venison

The cooking time for venison directly depends on the size of the pieces and the age of the animal. In an ordinary saucepan, small pieces of young meat are cooked for an hour and a half. If the pieces are large, and the venison is rather old, then the cooking process can take up to two and a half hours.

Cooking time for venison using kitchen appliances:

  • in a slow cooker, venison is cooked on average for 4-6 hours;
  • in a pressure cooker, venison will be ready in 1-2 hours;
  • Deer meat is cooked in the microwave for 2 hours in the “Stew” mode.

Venison is best cooked in a regular saucepan. If you plan to cook deer meat in a slow cooker, pressure cooker or double boiler, then you must first marinate it. Venison should be soaked in marinade for at least 10-12 hours before microwave cooking.

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