How and how much to cook soybeans? How and how much to cook soy

How and how much to cook soybeans? How and how much to cook soy

Before starting cooking, soybeans must be soaked in water. It is better to keep it in liquid for at least 10-12 hours. Soy is not eaten raw. Dishes are prepared with fresh or dry beans and okara (cooked and chopped soybeans). It is recommended to add salt to the beans while soaking. Soy has no taste or smell of its own, and salt changes some of the characteristics of the beans. You cannot soak soy for more than a day. Otherwise, instead of swelling, an oxidation process will occur and the product will become unsuitable for human consumption.

How to cook soybeans in a regular saucepan:

  • the water in which the soybeans were soaked must be drained, and the beans must be rinsed again (after soaking, the beans should almost double their size);
  • soy is placed in cold water so that the liquid covers the beans with a margin of several centimeters;
  • during cooking it is necessary to close the soybeans with a lid and stir it periodically;
  • it is recommended to cook soybeans over low heat;
  • 10-15 minutes before readiness, soybeans can be re-salted (if necessary);
  • during the cooking process, the peel is separated from the beans, which must be periodically removed with a spoon or slotted spoon (it is necessary to stir the soy so that it not only does not burn and cook evenly, but also so that the empty peel floats to the surface of the liquid as much as possible);
  • Once the soybeans are ready, the water must be drained and the beans can be eaten or used for cooking.

You can determine the readiness of soybeans by changing the structure of the beans – they should become soft, but not boiled down. Sometimes it is recommended to add baking soda during the cooking process, but this method has its pros and cons. On the one hand, soy will cook faster with soda, but on the other hand, the beans will lose a significant part of their nutritional properties and vitamins.

Cooking soybeans in multicar or microwave ovens is not recommended… The beans must be constantly stirred, in these cases it will be problematic to do this. In addition, it is better to remove the skin of soybeans during the cooking process, and only wash off its insignificant residues after cooking the beans.

Using a pressure cooker is considered a convenient way of cooking. In this case, it is possible to stir the beans, and the cooking time will be reduced. When choosing any method of cooking soybeans, it must always be soaked for at least 10 hours beforehand. If the beans are not soaked, then the result of their preparation may not meet expectations, and they will have to be cooked for hours.

How to use cooked soy:

  • ready-made soybeans can be eaten on their own or added to other dishes as additional ingredients (soy is combined with salads, first and second courses);
  • if you grind boiled soybeans, you get a mass that can also be combined with any products (soy has no taste of its own, and the beans absorb the taste properties of the products with which it is mixed).

Chopped soybeans can be used to make cutlets, pancakes, curd mass, and many other options. It is important that the soybeans are cooked correctly. If its consistency is tough, and the skin is not completely removed, the impression of the final dish may be ruined.

How much to cook soy

On average, soybean cooking time takes about 1,5 hours. The cooking process can take up to 3 hours if the soy is too dry or too old. It is practically impossible to determine in advance how much beans will be cooked. This nuance depends on the variety of soybeans and the duration of its storage. The cooking time for dry and fresh soybeans is practically the same, so you can save time only by choosing other methods of cooking soybeans, in addition to the usual saucepan.

In a pressure cooker, the cooking time for soybeans can be shortened by an average of 30 minutes. The readiness of the beans is checked by their consistency or taste. If the soybeans are tough, then you need to wait for the change in the structure of the beans and continue the process of cooking them. Soy is cooked in a pressure cooker for an average of 60 minutes.

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