How and how much to cook pork?

How and how much to cook pork?

How and how much to cook pork?

To prepare a delicious dish with tender meat, it is important to cook it properly. When cooking pork, it doesn’t matter if it is fresh or thawed. The timing will depend on how old or young the pork is.

Duration of cooking pork:

  • small pieces will cook in 30 minutes;
  • a piece of pork weighing 1-1,5 kg will cook for 1,5 hours;
  • pork on the bone will be cooked after 2 hours.

Pork is best cooked over low heat with a lid on the pot. To make the dish tasty and healthy, it is important to periodically skim the foam.

To cook pork in the multicooker, you must select the Soup or Stew program. The sliced ​​meat will take 1 hour to cook. A whole piece of pork will cook for 2-3 hours.

To cook pork in the microwave, it is best to cut it into small, uniform pieces. The meat is filled with water so that it slightly covers the pork, put in the microwave and covered with a lid with a hole. Cooking time – 15 minutes at maximum power. When the time is up, the meat should be allowed to stand in the switched off microwave for a couple of minutes.

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