How and how much to cook cabbage?

How and how much to cook cabbage?

How and how much to cook cabbage?

White cabbage is most often cooked in chopped form. Sometimes it is prepared with whole leaves, for example, for the subsequent preparation of cabbage rolls. There are several varieties of cabbage, each of which implies its own subtleties of cooking. In addition, the dish for which the ingredient is prepared plays a special role.

White cabbage is cooked in different ways for different dishes.:

  • for salad or cabbage rolls, the leaves are poured with boiling water;
  • for cabbage soup or borscht, cabbage is pre-washed, chopped, poured with boiling water and boiled (if necessary, additional ingredients are added, but cabbage must be boiled first);
  • An alternative to boiling water is to boil the cabbage for a few minutes.

Before cooking, cauliflower should be divided into inflorescences and rinsed thoroughly. It is recommended to pre-salt and boil the water and only then put the cabbage in the liquid. In addition, soaking the buds in salt water helps to get rid of insects and impurities.

The water temperature at the initial stage of cooking any type of cabbage is of particular importance. If you put cabbage in a cold liquid, then there is a risk of boiling the vegetable. In boiling water, the leaves or the chopped mixture will retain their shape.

Step-by-step cooking of cabbage:

  • you need to choose a container for cooking and pour the required amount of water;
  • the liquid should boil (it is better to bring water to a boil over high heat);
  • prepare the cabbage (rinse, separate the leaves, chop);
  • cabbage is placed in a container, and the fire is reduced to an average level;
  • you can check the readiness of cabbage by consistency or taste.

How much to cook cabbage

Shredded white cabbage is cooked for an average of 20-30 minutes. If in the future it is planned to use cabbage for stuffed cabbage, then its leaves are boiled for 10 minutes so that they remain dense. Some people prefer not to boil the leaves, but pour boiling water over them in a deep bowl. In this case, the workpiece is also ready for use in 10 minutes. The cooking time of cabbage is influenced by its age. Small heads of cabbage cook faster, large ones take longer.… The smaller the head, the younger the cabbage.

In a double boiler, cabbage is cooked for 20 minutes. In a double boiler, it comes to readiness in a similar amount of time. Cooking cabbage should be in the “vegetables” mode, after adding salt and spices as desired. In a multicooker, the vegetable is cooked in the “baking” mode. Cooking time will average 20-25 minutes. The fastest way to cook white cabbage is in a pressure cooker.… In this case, it will be ready in just 15 minutes.

Cauliflower is cooked for no more than 15 minutes. During this time, the inflorescences reach readiness and retain their shape. Cauliflower can be cooked not only in a regular saucepan, but also using a pressure cooker, multicooker, or double boiler. In the first case, the cooking time will be a maximum of 7 minutes, in the other two – no more than 10 minutes.

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