Butter mushrooms are almost the most popular mushrooms, found almost everywhere in the forest zone. It is difficult to confuse them with other representatives of the mushroom family, because they have a tubular cap structure and its mucous, wet upper surface. You can cook almost any dish from them, everywhere and in everything these mushrooms will surprise you with their attractive taste and aroma. They are so strong and pleasant that it may seem to novice mushroom pickers that it is not necessary to cook butter mushrooms at all. In fact, there are many nuances in the culinary processing of these mushrooms that every fan of “silent” hunting should know.

How and how much to cook butter until cooked

Нужно ли отваривать маслята

Many people know that boletus belongs to the second category of mushrooms in terms of nutritional value, which is quite highly appreciated in the mushroom world. In addition, they are tubular mushrooms, among which there are practically no poisonous ones, and newcomers to the mushroom business may think that there is no need to boil them. Indeed, in some cases, if the mushrooms are subjected to further heat treatment, they may not be boiled.

But in the modern world there are too few truly clean places from an environmental point of view. And any forest mushrooms have the property, like a sponge, to absorb all the substances contained in the air, in water and in the soil. And it is boiling that helps to transfer all substances harmful to health into the water broth and get not only tasty, but quite safe mushrooms.

Therefore, in most cases it is necessary to cook boletus, and it must be done correctly.

What do boiled butternuts look like

Butter mushrooms, especially young ones, are very strong and attractive-looking mushrooms. The diameter of the hat can range from 1 to 14 cm depending on age. The color of a wet, oily hat can vary depending on the amount of light that hits it, from dark yellow to brown.

But boiled butternuts differ in that they are significantly reduced in size and, accordingly, in volume. If a pinch of citric acid or a teaspoon of vinegar is added to the water during cooking, the mushrooms will remain light, attractive milky-beige.

How and how much to cook butter until cooked

When cooked in ordinary water, the oil can acquire a dark gray-brown color.

Как подготовить маслята к варке

Маслята не зря получили такое специфическое название. Их шляпка, словно покрытая маслянистой жидкостью, притягивает к себе самый разнообразный лесной мусор. Кроме того, именно в верхней маслянистой пленке находятся вещества, которые могут придать некоторую горечь грибам и даже подпортить вкус готового блюда. Поэтому опытные грибники рекомендуют счищать маслянистую пленку с поверхности шляпок этих грибов. Таким образом, с них удаляется одновременно и большая часть загрязнений.

It is not difficult to remove the film from mushrooms, but you should not soak them specifically for this. They will become even more slippery, and the process will only become more complicated. Usually they do the opposite – they lay out the collected mushrooms on the surface of a flat baking sheet or even a small grill and dry them slightly for half an hour in a slightly heated oven or in the sun.

After that, it is enough to slightly pick up the skin with a knife, it can be easily removed from the entire surface of the mushroom cap.

How and how much to cook butter until cooked

Comment! Many even like this activity, because it has a calming effect on the nervous system.

But after the oily skin is removed, the mushrooms can be transferred to a container with cold water. However, sometimes they are additionally washed under running water, and only then laid out in a cooking liquid.

If the mushrooms were not picked very carefully in the forest, sometimes it is still necessary to cut off the lower part of the stem from them, or at least update the existing cut.

If mature mushrooms with caps larger than 8 cm in diameter were collected, then they can also be cut into several pieces. It already depends more on the taste preferences of the hostess, what size of mushrooms she likes to deal with. Most often, butternuts are cut into slices, cubes or straws before cooking first courses. And for pickling and salting use whole small mushrooms.

Как варить маслята

Experienced mushroom pickers advise cooking butter in two waters, because after the first boiling, the remaining particles of earth or sand can easily come out of the mushrooms even as a result of thorough washing.

The first time they are dipped in cold water, a little salt and citric acid are added, heated to a boil and the water is drained, throwing the mushrooms into a colander. Although during the first cooking, salt can not even be added.

After that, fresh water is poured into the pan, salt is added at the rate of 2 tablespoons of water per 2 liters of water. Salt can be used any: table, stone or sea. Also add a pinch of citric acid or 10 drops of fresh lemon juice.

How and how much to cook butter until cooked

Put the pan with mushrooms on a fairly strong fire. After boiling, the fire is reduced and the resulting foam begins to be removed. Fresh boletus is cooked after boiling for at least 30 minutes. This time will be enough for the mushrooms to be eaten directly or put into further cooking.

Advice! If there is even the slightest doubt that an inedible mushroom could accidentally get into the pot with mushrooms, then a fresh onion should be put in the cooking water. In the presence of such a fungus, the bulb will acquire a bluish tint.

Do I need to salt butter when cooking

According to whatever recipe boiled butter would not be used in the future, it is better to add salt to the water during cooking. This will make the taste of mushrooms more pleasant.

How much to cook butter mushrooms until tender

Cooking time for mushrooms can be determined by various factors. In addition to their age and size, the duration of cooking is influenced by what dishes the oil will subsequently be used to prepare.

How much to cook butter for pickling

For pickling, mainly small mushrooms with caps are used, the diameter of which does not exceed 5-6 cm.

To prepare for pickling, it is best to use the double-cooking technology. The first water after boiling is drained. And in the second, the oil is cooked for exactly 20 minutes.

Если вдруг по какой-то причине было принято решение использовать для маринования крупные грибы, порезанные на кусочки, то время варки для них во второй раз следует увеличить до получаса.

After cooking, it is advisable to rinse the oil in cold water and be sure to dry it so that they retain their strength in the marinade.

How and how much to cook butter until cooked

How much to cook butter before freezing

Теоретически, если было принято решение сохранить маслята на зиму в замороженном виде, и времени на обработку совсем нет, то грибы можно и вовсе не варить. Но в этом случае после размораживания необходимо будет провести полную обработку грибов, включая чистку, промывание и варку. С размороженными плодовыми телами это делать не так удобно, как со свежими. Поэтому легче все-таки отварить маслята для заморозки, чтобы затем получить практически готовый продукт для приготовления любого блюда.

In addition, with a large volume of collected mushrooms, boiling will help reduce their size several times. And this will save space for storing them in the freezer.

Before freezing, there is no need to boil butter in two waters. It is enough just to fill the prepared mushrooms with water so that they are completely hidden under it. Heat water to a boil and boil for a quarter of an hour.

Important! It is necessary to cook oil for the winter with the lid open.

Then boiled mushrooms are placed in a colander to drain excess liquid and cool to room temperature.

The cooled butternuts are distributed in portioned packages, appropriate signatures are made on them and placed in the freezer for storage.

How and how much to cook butter until cooked

How much to cook frozen butter for soup

Butter mushrooms are mushrooms that are very rich in taste, so they make a thick and fragrant broth. There is no special need to boil in two waters. But if you want to get a lighter and less rich first course, then the original water can be drained. In the future, the mushrooms are boiled for soup for at least 30 minutes, then all the other ingredients required by the recipe are placed in the pan.

How much to cook boletus before frying

The most controversial is the time required to cook the butter before frying. Many housewives, confident in the quality of the collected mushrooms, and also dealing only with young fruiting bodies, prefer not to boil them at all before frying.

This is perfectly acceptable, especially for those who prefer the firmer texture of mushrooms in ready meals. But if the butternuts were collected in an unknown place or there are doubts about their quality, the best option would be to boil them.

This is especially necessary for mature and large mushrooms with a cap size of more than 8-10 cm.

For further frying, you can cook butternuts for only about 15-20 minutes, and there is no need to do this twice. Just one boil is enough.

How and how much to cook butter until cooked

Comment! If you cook butternuts for too long, then they have a real chance of becoming a little “rubber”.

How much to cook butter mushrooms for pickling

When salting, very often the legs and hats are separated from each other and boiled, and also salted in separate containers. As with pickling, the cooking time is about 20 minutes. Legs can be cooked for 5-10 minutes longer.

Надо ли промывать маслята после варки

It is not necessary to rinse the mushrooms after cooking. This procedure is highly desirable only when boiling mushrooms for pickling and salting. In all other cases, washing the oil or not after boiling is a matter of choice for the hostess.

Calorie boiled butter

Butter is not only a very healthy and tasty product, but also has a relatively low calorie content. In boiled form, 100 g of mushrooms contain only 19 kcal.


In most cases, it is necessary to cook butternuts before further cooking and harvesting for the winter. But this process will not take too much time and any hostess can easily cope with it.

Processing oil after collection.

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