How, according to Maslow’s pyramid theory, human needs should be realized

Good day to all! We have already talked about human self-development, the importance of timely recognition and satisfaction of needs, and today I want to talk in more detail about what it is, Maslow’s pyramid of human needs. After all, it has not lost its relevance in the modern world and allows you to look, from the side of psychology, at your life values.

What are the needs?

Needs activate the human body so that it gathers all its resources and starts looking for ways to satisfy those needs that are exacerbated in it. Thanks to the ability to recognize and implement them, we develop, achieve success and live, in the end. Abraham Maslow, a psychologist and scientist, once decided to identify the basic needs of a person and structured them, placing them in sequence in the form of a pyramid.

It has 7 levels, which are arranged in a hierarchy, that is, until we satisfy the lowest level, the rest will not be relevant to us, and, in principle, inaccessible to achieve.

This is a classification of the basic needs of each person, which depend on his lifestyle and value system, because it may seem to someone that only the realization of the most basic needs of the lower level is sufficient, and the person will not need to move on. And someone is trying to reach the top and does not stop, gradually stepping over each step.

Pyramid of Maslow

To begin with, to make it clearer, I will provide you with a drawing for study, on which you will clearly see each step that a person seeks to step over in order to achieve his goals:

How, according to Maslow’s pyramid theory, human needs should be realized




1. Physiology

First of all, every person has a need for food, water, health and sex. Without their satisfaction, the life of absolutely any creatures on the planet is simply impossible. And even more so the implementation of other goals. Indeed, when thirst or hunger torments, a person does not have thoughts about recognition among other people or about going to the theater, and even less about finding his own meaning in life. Has it happened to you when you were so hungry that nothing was of value and interest? By the way, it happens that just the philosophy of the future changes.

For example, when a person is constantly malnourished, all his resources and energy are directed only to satisfy his hunger, then he has fantasies that if he got to a place where there is always food, he would be the happiest person. . But then, if this suddenly happens, then he has another need that he seeks to realize, and so constantly, achieving something, other goals appear that we are trying to conquer.

You can read more about the physiological needs of a person here.


When we are full and not thirsty, the issue of safety becomes relevant. That is, about comfort, is there somewhere to sleep, so that it is warm and cozy. And each person has his own idea of ​​comfort and confidence in the future. After all, it is enough for someone to have at least some kind of roof over their heads, and for someone it is also necessary to establish security, for greater peace of mind.

When there is space in which we can relax and exhale, then we can realize our other desires without getting stuck on a sense of anxiety and expectation of danger. For example, the same babies, having only satisfied their hunger, already need an adult, his protection. So that he can be held in his arms, rocked, and only when they feel that they are safe and not alone, they relax and fall asleep.

3.Love and belonging

A very important aspect is when there is a desire to communicate, meet new people, feel interest in yourself and experience it in relation to others. It is important to show love and receive it, take care of a partner and feel his attention and support. We are social creatures, and without a sense of belonging to something, it is very difficult to survive. It can be a family, an interest group, a professional community. This gives a resource when we know where we come from and who we can rely on.

It is difficult to survive alone in the world, and when there is an understanding that I belong to some part of society, it becomes much easier. It’s like the roots of a tree. For example, has it ever happened to you when you met your fellow countryman in another country or city and experienced inexpressible joy, as if you had known him all your life?

4. Recognition

That’s just when we discover our belonging, the question of recognition arises. For example, in a professional circle, when they call me a colleague, it means that they recognize me. And then you want to be respected, to notice talents and skills, to be appreciated as a professional. And the more this desire, the more ambitions a person has, he feels self-confidence and achieves success.

It is important to notice this desire in ourselves, because it happens that we push somewhere deep into ourselves the need for recognition for various reasons, for example, considering that it is shameful or scary, to be active and bright. And then this unfulfilled desire to be recognized turns into self-destruction when depression or withdrawal into some kind of addiction occurs. After all, there is a lot of energy in it, which stops and is not realized, and, not finding a way out, simply destroys the personality and health.

You can read more about social needs of a person here.

5. Self-realization

How, according to Maslow’s pyramid theory, human needs should be realized

It becomes important to reach heights, realize potential and develop your spiritual level. The hierarchy of aspirations reaches the point where simply professional activity does not satisfy, I want to add more creative. For example, going to the theatre, traveling, dancing… At this stage, a person asks the question about the meaning of his existence and, in general, about the meaning of being. A lot of interest arises in the surrounding reality, in the quality of one’s life. It is during this period that a reassessment of values ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXband beliefs occurs.

This is an abbreviated version of the classification, when the first 5 steps are the basic needs. The remaining 2 are needed by people who are very important for self-realization and promotion, when previous desires for the most part have found their energy outlet.

6. Aesthetics

A person in search of achieving inner harmony, it is aimed at contemplating this world, its beauty and amazing manifestations. The physical health and endurance of the body becomes important. Thus, harmony is also achieved in appearance. The first positions in the value system are given to art, from which a person receives aesthetic pleasure.

7. Self-actualization

Achieving one’s goals, plans, when the desire to reach heights prevails in a person, and he does not stop there. Constantly strives for improvement and development. Such a person, as they say, has comprehended Zen, because he understands the structure of the world, he is conscious and knows why, how and for what he does something, he knows how to recognize his feelings, and accepts others as they are. Such a person finds his way, this is an amazing state when a person’s hobby brings him a good income, because he recognized his natural inclinations and managed to unlock his potential.


Abraham Maslow’s theory of the hierarchy of human needs is still relevant today. In addition, it is used not only in psychology, but also in management. Because time passes, technology does not stand still, every day there are some discoveries, and despite all this, the needs of mankind remain the same, there is only a change in the ways of their implementation.

I recommend reading previously published articles, they will help you go through all the steps of this pyramid: “Can anyone become financially independent and what is required for this?”, “TOP 10 methods to attract success in all your endeavors.”

That’s all, dear reader! Maslow’s triangle will help you realize what level you are at and generally understand what a person usually strives for. Realize yourself, your potential, be attentive to your desires and ways to achieve your goals. I wish you success!

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