How a woman is sleeping

Did you sleep badly? Nothing unusual. The quality of women’s sleep is related to the action of hormones. It changes depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, as well as during pregnancy and the menopause. In order to sleep well, you should also remember a few rules – alcohol, tea and food are forbidden in the evening. Regular exercise is recommended – it can be a bicycle, swimming pool, jogging, aerobics. It is important to finish them about 3 hours before going to bed.

To function properly, most people need to sleep 7 to 9 hours a day. Women are more prone to problems related to the maintenance of this regularity. The quality of their sleep depends on the menstrual cycle. – Fluctuations in the level of estrogens and progesterone related to physiology can lead to many disorders in this regard – says gynecologist Dr. Jacek Tulimowski.

It is already known that estrogens – including estradiol – extend the duration of the REM sleep phase. It is in this phase that dreams appear and that is why the brain of the sleeper is very active, breathing is irregular, the frequency of heart contractions increases. REM period occurs periodically, repeats every 90 minutes, and lasts for 5 to 30 minutes. It gives less rest than slow wave sleep. Progesterone, on the other hand, the concentration of which in the blood rises after ovulation, i.e. before menstruation, causes the feeling of exhaustion and excessive sleepiness in most women. So falling asleep may turn out to be easier and sleep longer.

Sleep disorders and hormones

As the menstrual cycle is a constant fluctuation in the level of hormones in the blood, each phase of the menstrual cycle can cause various types of sleep disturbance. In the phase of menstrual bleeding estrogen and progesterone values ​​are low. Sleep disorders are associated primarily with the discomfort associated with the menstruation itself. Chronic pain that occurs during menstrual bleeding has a similar negative effect. In the next phase, which lasts from the sixth to about the thirteenth day of the cycle, the secretion of estrogen increases. This is also when women start to dream more intensely, but sleep less. Progesterone levels remain low, which can make it difficult for most women to sleep. This will continue until ovulation, which will be followed by an increase in progesterone levels, making the woman feel excessively sleepy. Unfortunately, the subsequent premenstrual syndrome, which causes swelling, headaches, mood disturbances, irritability, breast and abdominal pain, and flatulence, can reduce the quality of sleep.

Dr. Jacek Tulimwoski emphasizes that women are not defenseless against this hormonal swing. – If my patient has problems with sleeping related to the monthly cycle, I recommend regular gymnastic exercises. It can be a bicycle, swimming pool, jogging, aerobics. It is important to finish them about 3 hours before going to bed. Diet also helps. Before going to bed, it is forbidden to eat heavy meals as well as sweet food and drinks. Also, do not drink a lot of fluids. Coffee, tea and alcohol are forbidden. It is worth going to bed at a fixed time in a well-ventilated room – advises Dr. Tulimowski.

Sleep problems in pregnancy

In the first trimester of pregnancy, progesterone produced in large amounts may make you feel sleepy throughout the day. Despite this, the number of awakenings during the night increases. This is the result of passing urine more frequently. The higher the pregnancy and the bigger the belly, the more hassle associated with finding a comfortable sleeping position. In the third trimester, breathing difficulties also appear due to swelling of the nasal mucosa and sinuses. Over 30% of pregnant women snore. – It is dangerous because it can lead to apnea during sleep, which has a very negative effect on the fetus – warns Dr. Tulimowski.

The quality of sleep at the end of pregnancy can also be disturbed by: high diaphragm lift, heartburn, muscle cramps in the lower limbs and frequent urination. “Most women wake up several times a night,” says Dr. Tulimowoski. She recommends going to sleep on your left side and avoiding a prolonged position on your back. During the day, you should drink plenty of low-sugar fluids. However, it is a good idea to limit your drinking before bedtime. You should also avoid eating a lot of spices, fried and sour products. Regular exercise is also necessary during pregnancy.

A separate problem in 15% of pregnant women is restless legs syndrome, which also disrupts sleep. Deficiency of iron and folic acid may be contributing factors. So let’s talk to your doctor about this.

Postpartum sleep quality may be reduced by postpartum depression experienced by 75-80% of mothers. Fortunately, it’s a temporary and mild disorder.

Insomnia in menopause

Menopausal symptoms may vary in nature and severity for every woman. During this time, the level of estrogen and progesterone in the blood serum drops sharply. The accompanying menopausal hot flashes cause frequent interruptions in sleep, while depressive mood disturbances and disturbed breathing during sleep lead to insomnia in most women.

– In this difficult time for women, more than 40% of women report symptoms of insomnia. Snoring also occurs. Drenching sweats, so characteristic of the climacteric period, also lead to sleep disorders due to the necessity to frequently change the nightgown and even bedding at night – says Dr. Tulimowski. She adds that when there are problems with sleeping during menopause, hormone replacement therapy should be started after consulting a gynecologist.

Fortunately, many sleep problems can be resolved by changing your health and dietary habits or exercising. But if, in spite of the changes, sleep disturbances do not go away, it is urgent to contact your doctor – he emphasizes.

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