how a woman found her happiness

😉 Hello dear reader! “The Most Valuable Find” is the story of how a young woman found her future husband in the trash heap. Everything happens in life…

When we see a person lying in a trash heap, as they say, in a “state of non-standing,” what do we think first of all? It is clear – a drunkard, a vagabond, a bum. So at first, a woman named Katya, about whom my acquaintances told, decided.

Do not pass by

Seeing a man lying at the garbage dump, Katya, unlike the others, could not pass by. She gently touched his shoulder. He groaned, opened his eyes and stared at her in confusion.

– Where I am? He asked and closed his eyes again.

The man gave off the killer smell of alcohol. Katya first wanted to call an ambulance. But I thought that the doctors would scold her for calling. They say that the sick are waiting, but we go to the alcoholics here. Thinking, she began to lift the stranger …

Katya with difficulty dragged the drunk to her apartment on the third floor, put him on the sofa, and she collapsed into a chair. The most valuable find! Dragging an adult man on you is not an easy task for a fragile woman.

When in the morning a friend-neighbor looked in and found an unshaven man with a drunken face in Katya’s apartment, twisted her finger at his temple – what, they say, girl, have you gone crazy?

Then the stranger woke up and began to apologize. Then he said that his name was Ivan. He is not an alcoholic, but a black streak has begun in his life. I found my wife with her lover, and instead of making excuses, she kicked her husband out of the apartment.

Job layoffs soon began and he was fired. Friends turned away – so not friends! No parents, no wife, no friends. So I started drinking it. And he doesn’t remember how much he drinks. And here’s the trouble – the day before he sold the garage, wandered into a cafe. Some guys got hooked. We drank together, and then there was a blackout. And accordingly, empty pockets.

Of course, people are to blame for many of their troubles. And this is no exception. But Katya, after what her new acquaintance told, could not put him out the door. Something he touched her. I decided – let him live, and then we will see. And she kept him with her.

Not at all because she is already over thirty and she is all alone. I just thought that no one is born in the garbage – they get there. But you can find a way out of any vicious circle – if you help a person in this.

Second Life

Then Katerina wondered more than once whether she did the right thing then without passing by. How many times did she lose heart at the sight of Ivan, who once again appeared drunk. But for some reason she believed in this man and fought for him.

I found him one job, another, a third, locked the houses so that he would not run to the nearest pub, curse, and then quietly cry in the kitchen.

Once she asked Ivan to make a wardrobe for her in the hallway – he once said that he used to work at a furniture factory. Ivan made a wardrobe – such that the whole house came to admire. And then one neighbor asked to make the same one, another …

Katya gave Ivan the keys to her father’s empty garage for a workshop. And now she had to go there every evening in order to tear him away from the work into which he had gone headlong. We remembered everything that we knew how to do before.

Ivan made every order with love, and at first the neighbors brought money to Katya. But then she said – he does, and you pay him. I decided to check whether he would drink or not. I didn’t drink it. Came home that evening with flowers and a package of groceries.

“Here,” he handed her several thousandth bills. – Almost everything is here – I spent a little.

And sober as glass …

Six months ago, Ivan opened his own company. He still makes furniture, but not alone, but with his team. About where and in what form Katya picked him up, she never reminded him. But Ivan remembers this. Once, when they went to bed, the husband (now legal!) Hugged his Katyuha and said:

– If not for you – where would I be now?

She only smiled in response. The doctor just that day at the reception told her:

– You, mommy, have a term of five weeks.

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