How a child was punished at different times
A third of parents, according to a survey, are not averse to ever giving a slap on the head to a child, believing that physical punishment is more effective than a thousand words. And how were children punished in past centuries?
A modern slap on the head would have seemed to a little boy from medieval Russia something like manna from heaven. At that time, rods, twigs and whips were common. And “I will not be any more” as a magic wand did not work then. Nobody has heard of juvenile justice either. Guilty – get it to the fullest. And strictness with regard to children was one of the main principles of upbringing. It was believed that the child was beaten solely out of love for him – they say, he would grow up as a man. From Domostroi of the XNUMXth century: “Punish children in youth – they will rest you in your old age”, “Do not weaken, bey baby.” And even in the Bible: “A lesson to him is a lesson. The vine is a vine to him. “
The fear of being beaten persecuted children not only in families, but also in schools at monasteries and churches. For a negligent attitude to study or disgusting behavior, the child was flogged to the point of blue in front of the whole class. Moreover, the force of the blows and the duration of the “execution” were not prescribed by laws – if only he did not die. It got up to 600 hits or more. Even though religion in general was intended to bring philanthropy into the world.
By the 1785th century, flogging became less and less popular, and in 1864, representatives of the nobility were completely relieved of assault. True, the ban did not last long – some ten years. And only a century later, in XNUMX, gymnasium teachers were finally forbidden to beat students.
In addition to physical violence, children from the high classes were deprived of sweets for misconduct, put in a corner, and forbidden to have fun. And at the imperial court they were not allowed to visit their parents in their half, or (oh, horror!) They offered to eat one soup at dinner. And they could have completely deprived of the meal, if the child dared to ask: “What do we have delicious today?”
In lyceums, dressing up was often an alternative to rods (though rather dubious). The ugly man was dressed up in a suit of a different color and forced to wear – everyone became aware of his “fall”. Alternatively, a plaque with speaking information was hung on the jacket (for example, “Pushkin is a poor student”). Many students, unable to withstand cruel ridicule and ridicule, preferred to survive a short-term physical violence.
A crooked tree saw will fix
The power of the parents over the children was unconditional. The father could easily sell his children, assign them to employees for debts, or renounce. And from the middle of the XIX century – to shake off in a correctional institution. The Code of Laws of 1857 reads: “Children of both sexes who are not in government service, for stubborn disobedience to parental authority, depraved life and other obvious vices, should be sent to restraining homes.”
Don Cossacks, too, in raising children were often guided by the idea that “the back is a profitable thing: the whip will diminish the body, so you will make a new one.” “If the child is not touched, not punished for pranks, then he will come out awkward: it is necessary that he listens to his parents in everything, and if he does not hear good things, then he can be whipped.” The father could tie the disobedient son to a plow or cart, and then beat him with the reins. Remember Sholokhov’s Quiet Don?
“Pantelei Prokofievich, gurgling something in his beard, holed up to the house. He found Grishka in the upper room. Without saying a word, he pulled him along his back with a crutch. Gregory, bent over, hung on his father’s arm.
– For what, dad?
– For work, su-u-u-kin son!
– For what?
– Do not be dirty to your neighbor! Do not disgrace your father! Don’t drag around, dog! – Panteley Prokofievich wheezed, pulling Grigory’s room, trying to pull out the crutch.
– I won’t let you fight! – Grigory snapped dully and, clenching his jaw, pulled the crutch. On his knee and – grunt! Pantelei Prokofievich – a tight fist on his son’s neck. “
The usual thing.
In the schools of the Soviet Union, corporal punishment was out of the question. During the active construction of communism, when the public was valued above the personal, the exclusion from the pioneers or Komsomol members, the announcement of a boycott, and the reproach at the council of the squad were truly hellish punishment. In families, the belt was still in the lead. You yourself probably remember.
– I was born in 1945. The authority of our parents was indisputable for us, – recalls Galina Firsova from Rostov. – My sister and brother, my whole life addressed them to you – out of respect. And to say a swear word in response, I can’t imagine that. For leprosy, my mother whipped me – with everything that came to hand: a belt, a rope, a towel … But sometimes my father could not stand it either. I remember how one day, at dinner, an 8-year-old was hit on the forehead with a spoon just because I was reaching for the potatoes from the other side of the frying pan. And stood on the peas in the corner, there was a case.
It must be said that in multinational Russia there are many nationalities, in whose families a belt is rare. Not out of softness, but because the traditions are different. Highlanders, both in ancient times and now, rarely resort to physical punishment. Will a humiliated child grow into a free person with a sense of his own dignity? Well, they tugged at my ear, they gave me a slap on the head, but they didn’t beat me. Usually for misconduct they were loaded with work, conducted long explanatory conversations with numerous relatives. And they rarely raised their voices. And the worst was the public censure. “Shame of the family”, “shame of the clan” – human memory could stab the eyes for a long time.
Northern peoples are also opponents of violence against individuals. Forcing a child to do something using pressure, blackmail is not in their rules. The boy does not want to learn to put a chum – no need. The time will come when he himself will understand that he needs it.
Nowadays, hitting children is considered bad form. Most modern parents prefer to wash down their child with lectures. In addition, you can pay for assault.
As explained by lawyer Mikhail Revyakin, if a parent raises his hand against a child, his actions are evaluated according to Part 1 of Art. 5.61 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (Administrative Code), which provides for liability for insult, since humiliation of honor and dignity can be committed by action, and not just by word. The punishment is from 1 to 000 rubles. But in the event that the court assesses the parent’s actions as cruelty, Art. 3 of the Criminal Code and a penalty of up to three years in prison can be imposed. In addition, the actions of the parents can be assessed under Art. 000 of the Administrative Code as beatings in the implementation of violent acts against a child that caused physical pain, but did not lead to a health disorder. The punishment in this case is a fine of 156 to 6.1.1 rubles, arrest for 5 days, or compulsory work.
In addition, moralizing becomes so familiar to the child’s ear that it is perceived as background noise. The child at least does not react, at the most he is irritated. Make it a rule: fewer words, more deeds. Only your own positive example and a sincere conversation about your feelings, and not about its “incorrectness”, can correct the behavior of a son or daughter.