How a child behaves before birth in the womb: 13 facts

“Until he is born, he is not yet human,” many say. I wonder if they will change their mind if they read this text?

All mothers noticed that babies are growing rapidly and every new day brings something new. The child develops very quickly: here he is, a wrinkled funny shrimp, red with a cry, with toothless gums, and now he is already lying and smiling at his mother. Before you have time to blink an eye, it sits down, crawls, gets up, starts talking … Children are gaining such a fast pace of development in the womb. has collected 13 facts that will make anyone treat pregnancy in a completely new way.

1. During nine months of pregnancy, the baby’s weight increases three million times. If a mother is carrying several babies, the figure will be even higher.

2. Babies are selfish creatures. The nutrients that mom consumes are first given to him, and she – what remains after his saturation. Therefore, it is so important that mothers monitor their diet during pregnancy.

3. Even in the womb, the child becomes left-handed or right-handed – he uses one hand more than the other.

4. A four-month-old fetus will turn away if a bright light falls on the mother’s belly. Babies also react to sudden loud sounds.

5. Unique fingerprints form when the fetus is just three months old.

6. The baby’s heart begins to beat less than a month after conception. This organ fully develops in 18 months, 9 of which occur during pregnancy.

7. Babies begin to build their hearing skills before the first month of the first trimester. During this period, even the respiratory system and vision develop.

8. The devices record the infant’s brain waves starting from the 42nd day from the moment of conception.

9. Babies do not wait until they are born to start thumb sucking. Ultrasound images have already been published, where it is clearly visible that the baby is holding a finger in his mouth.

10. Almost all systems of the body of children are formed already in the second month of pregnancy. That is, eight weeks after conception in the abdomen – a little man.

11. Babies are born viable from the sixth month of pregnancy. A 26-week-old baby has a 50 percent chance of survival.

12. If you are sure that the cry that is heard after the doctor slaps a newborn on the bottom is the first cry, you are mistaken. Babies can cry (albeit without tears) from the 26th week of pregnancy. In a baby, even taste buds have already been developed by that time. By crying, he can react to a taste that he does not like.

13. Babies react to their mother’s laughter by jumping up and down. They begin to do this 32 weeks after conception.

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