Red-haired beauty Lucy Edwards from Birmingham helps people understand how blind people live without sight and cope with everyday tasks. And in the art of make-up, the girl is not inferior to her sighted colleagues.
At the age of 11, Lucy Edwards stopped seeing with her right eye, and soon – with her left. By the age of 17, the British woman had become completely blind.
Lucy was diagnosed with Bloch-Sulzberger syndrome. This is a rare dermatosis in which skin abnormalities are combined with damage to other organs. The cause of the syndrome is related to genetics.
The girl had to literally learn to live anew, and she was able to adapt to her new reality.
Many old and new acquaintances of the British woman were interested in how she lives without sight and copes with everyday tasks, which for the sighted are elementary, but for the blind, they probably pose problems.
At first, the sociable Edwards patiently answered these questions, and then realized that she could lift the veil of obscurity over the daily life of the blind, and began to conduct a video blog on YouTube. Her videos about the life of a blind girl in the UK have attracted a very different and very grateful audience.
Lucy shows how she plants vegetables in her garden, handles the bank terminal and just crosses the road.
And once she demonstrated how she lights a candle, and this video suddenly went viral.
But the greatest popularity of the girl was brought by her makeup abilities.
Lucy willingly demonstrates to followers how she puts makeup on her face. She manages to make even rather complex makeup very skillfully and tastefully. At the same time, the girl turned the process into a real show. She turns out dashingly and fervently – over the years of practice, Edwards has honed her skills to perfection by groping. Even her arrows turn out perfect the first time!
Lucy’s secret is who her senses are very developed. She got used to doing makeup so much that she literally with her fingertips captures the moment when she needs to stop shading the foundation, where to apply concealer and where to stop by drawing an arrow.
Edwards often says that he prefers a sponge over a brush for applying foundation, as the brush can leave unsightly streaks on the skin that anyone can get, regardless of visual acuity.
How did Lucy learn to evaluate the result? “I ran to my sister’s room and asked if I was shading the foundation normally. And the answer was always no. I practiced and practiced and practiced until I got it right, ”she explained.
Lucy recorded several videos with different makeup, showing subscribers all facets of her talent, and inspired many girls not to give up: “I again took control of my appearance. Never let anyone tell you that you cannot do something. Live your life. “
By the way, Edwards is happy in a relationship – for seven years now she has been dating a young man named Ollie and recently accepted his marriage proposal.
Ollie and Lucy met at a time when the girl’s left eye was rapidly losing sight. So Edwards knows what her fiance looks like, but she saw him for only two months – then the sight finally left the red-haired Englishwoman, but her faithful companion remained.
The celebration should take place next year. Edwards even managed to take part in the popular English show Say Yes To The Dress, where she was helped to choose the perfect wedding dress.
Lucy Edwards is completely blind
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“I believe that in this life we will be able to cope with the most difficult problems together. The more we share and the more we care about others, the more in some way life becomes a little brighter. Don’t be afraid to ask me about my disability. Let’s break down barriers and change perceptions, ”says Lucy.
Photo: @lucyedwardsofficial / Instagram,