How 20 minutes of daily walking will change your life

For noticeable changes in our physical and psychological well-being, it is not necessary to buy a subscription to a fitness club or set triathlon records. It is enough to set aside 20 minutes for a walk every day. There are several arguments in favor of this simple but highly effective technique.

Our ancestors did not have cars, and they were forced to move almost always and everywhere on foot. Today, we are more distant from work, shops and gyms than ever before, which means that we cannot do without a car. As a result, we move less and less.

Movement is important not only for our physical well-being, but also for mental health. Just 20 minutes of walking a day can seriously affect your health and boost your performance. Even walking at a calm pace will bring a huge positive effect if it is regular. And this is how this effect will be expressed.

1. Mobility will increase

“Whoever rests, he rusts,” the Germans say. As a result of prolonged sitting, the spine suffers, muscles, tendons, and joints atrophy. As a result, back pain often occurs, and susceptibility to sports injuries increases, especially if we unaccustomedly put a lot of stress on the weekend or on vacation.

Regular movement strengthens different parts of the musculoskeletal system and reduces the risk of back problems, joint inflammation and osteoporosis.

2. Reduce weight

Along with monotonous and high-calorie food, lack of exercise increases the risk of obesity and metabolic disorders. The consequences of this lifestyle become especially noticeable after 35 years.

By exercising daily and actively moving for at least 20 minutes, we burn excess energy and stimulate digestion. There is evidence that even if all other vital factors remain the same, about five kilograms can be lost in this way.

3. Feel better

In addition to strengthening muscles, improving digestion and blood circulation, walking affects our overall well-being and even self-esteem. Stress levels are reduced, blood pressure and sleep quality are improved. We feel healthier, more energized and more beautiful.

4. Reduce the risk of diabetes

Many researchers suggest that exercise — including a daily 20-minute walk — may reduce the risk of type 1000 diabetes. For those who already have diabetes, more exercise is recommended: XNUMX extra steps a day can lower blood sugar just like some medications.

5. Improve blood circulation and heart function

Daily exercise improves blood circulation, trains the heart and strengthens blood vessels. This can reduce the risk of hypertension by 7%, and the risk of a heart attack drops by a quarter.

6. Life expectancy will increase

Studies have shown that life expectancy with regular physical activity can increase significantly: “active” life is on average three to four years longer.

7. Memory will improve

Since, as we said earlier, exercise stimulates blood circulation and provides the brain with more oxygen (blood flow increases by 30%), this has a beneficial effect on memory: it increases by about 2% per year.

8. You will find balance

Walking helps us to pause, switch, take a break from the busy pace of everyday life, calm down, reflect and find emotional balance.

9. You will be able to make smarter decisions

When we move, not only muscles and tendons tense up, but also different areas of the brain. Walking slowly and breathing fresh air, we can take a fresh look at a difficult situation and weigh all aspects more carefully. So if you have a tough choice to make, walking is the way to go.

The main thing to remember is that even small changes in the daily routine will bring noticeable results.

How to find an extra reason to move

Most likely, like most people, you return from work tired, and you don’t feel like playing sports at all. However, even in this case, you can find a way to move more.

For example, on your way to work or home, get off the bus or subway a stop earlier and take a walk. Or choose another route, following which you will walk 15-20 minutes through a beautiful park or along the embankment. Leave the car a little further than usual – this way you will add a couple of kilometers to your usual path.

Approach colleagues from time to time instead of writing a letter or calling

Are you used to shopping by car? Make it a rule to go for small purchases on foot – this, by the way, will help you save money: this way you definitely won’t buy too much! From time to time, approach colleagues (even those who work on other floors) instead of writing a letter or calling.

Take the stairs more often than you do the elevator, and of course only go down on foot. Instead of reading newspapers or watching the news on your computer or on TV, you can listen to it on the radio while walking around your neighborhood.

If you don’t have a dog, you may know someone in the neighborhood who would love to have you on walks. In a word, the main thing is to set a goal to move more, and there will be opportunities and reasons.


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