Housing for single mothers: how to get it, state subsidy
If a woman gives birth to a child out of wedlock, and paternity is not officially established or the father refuses to recognize it, she has the right to receive the status of a single mother. With him, a young mother will be able to have some benefits as an unprotected and especially needy member of society.
Are single mothers given housing
To obtain the status, you must contact the registry office with the documents:
- Information about the composition of the family.
- Extract from the house book.
- The birth certificate of the child.
- Salary certificate from the last place of work.
Receiving housing specifically for single motherhood in Russia is not provided.
Accommodation for single mothers can be obtained through a special program
To do this, you need to be large or poor, and not have your own home. In this case, you can use the following options:
- General queuing due to poor living conditions.
- Federal or regional programs to provide housing for low-income citizens or large families.
- Mortgage loan on special terms, if the bank provides such services.
Regional authorities can themselves create programs to help single mothers; you need to find out about their existence in local social protection organizations.
If the woman lives with other relatives, their income information will also be required. When she gets married, she needs a certificate of salary and property of the future husband. If the family is still poor, subsidies remain.
How to get a government grant
To do this, you need to collect documents. The main ones are:
- Passport.
- Document on obtaining the status of a single mother – a certificate in form 25 is issued at the registry office.
- The birth certificate of the child.
- Certificate of income and property that is taxed.
- Registration or registration information for 10 years.
- The results of the inspection of housing by authorized persons.
The list can be changed and supplemented depending on the specific region. In practice, the provision of housing has to wait for a long time, for several years. Therefore, it is necessary to start registration as early as possible, before the child reaches 3 years old, since obtaining the status of a single mother is also not easy and will take time.
It is advisable to be able to contact the housing organization for information on the progress of the process. To do this, you need to immediately take care of the contact information.
It is a good idea to consult a lawyer before applying. This will allow you to avoid all sorts of mistakes in paperwork, thereby speeding up the progress of the process.
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