Houseplants and indoor flowers that bloom all year round

Houseplants and indoor flowers that bloom all year round

Indoor plants are a part of nature in the house, a source of oxygen and a positive mood. They do not fade like bouquets, and periodically bloom right in front of our eyes, exuding a wonderful aroma. And the plants that bloom all year round are ready to please their owners every day. What varieties are capable of blooming at different times of the year and how to care for them in order to regularly enjoy the phenomenon?

What houseplants bloom all year round?

These plants bloom several times a year and in any season, therefore they are called year-round. Thanks to the imagination of mother nature and the efforts of breeders, there are many types of such flowers, but the following specimens are most often settled in apartments:

  • lush geranium – gorgeous;
  • balsam;
  • spurge;
  • Decembrist;
  • indoor rose;
  • pahistakhis;
  • gerbera.

Plants can only bloom regularly if they are properly cared for. In its absence, inflorescences appear less and less, and then completely disappear.

Plants that bloom all year round are the best decoration for any room!

What kind of care do indoor plants blooming all year round need?

Different varieties of flowers require a separate approach from their owner. The plants listed above need the following conditions:

  • normal air humidity;
  • room temperature – up to 20 degrees;
  • regular watering and spraying;
  • timely destruction of parasites;
  • removal of excess shoots and leaves;
  • adequate lighting.

Some examples of indoor plants are especially capricious, and caring for them implies compliance with individual rules. You can find out about such features from the seller or the previous owner of the flower.

Unpretentious houseplants blooming all year round

With improper care, the plants wither, stop blooming and exude a pleasant aroma. To avoid this, busy people and beginners are advised to acquire flowers that do not need special attention.

  1. Abutilon. It blooms from spring to autumn, then hibernates. If you water it regularly and provide constant lighting, it will delight the whole year. Shoots can grow chaotically, so they need to be pinched off periodically.
  2. Anthurium. The bright flower adapts to the conditions of the apartment and does not need anxious care. He needs constant watering, access to light and normal indoor humidity.
  3. Pelargonium. The owner of small flowers is ready to decorate the room for a whole year with one condition: it needs to be watered regularly. The flower grows quickly, so it is periodically transplanted into a larger pot.
  4. Spathiphyllum. This flower is one of the most independent – even with a weekly lack of watering and lighting, it will not fade.

Plants capable of blooming all year round are a great addition to the interior and a source of oxygen in the room. In order for flowers to delight you with their beautiful appearance and aroma for a long time, follow the rules for caring for them and choose only those varieties that you can care for.

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