Housekeeper talks about the nastiest habits of clients

Housekeeper talks about the nastiest habits of clients

If you invite a professional cleaner, you should be prepared for the fact that he sees the wrong side of your life. Of course, he will not say this out loud, but he will condemn you for some things.

Most often, professionals are invited to do a general cleaning after a move or renovation. Some people prefer to call the housekeeper once a week to tidy up, but you still can’t call it a general cleaning, because we keep it clean all week at the very least. However, there are also such customers who do not even try to maintain their apartment in at least relative order, relying entirely on a professional. This is generally okay, because you pay for your quirks. But there are things that are still better not to show even to professionals.

1. Traces of the disease

A housekeeper can clean your sink, bathtub, toilet bowl, but exposing it to her own bodily fluids is too much. A bunch of crumpled clogged handkerchiefs, for example, is not just disgusting, it is unsafe, because there is clearly no line “catch the flu” in the price list.

“Once we were summoned to clean up and were not warned that we would have to clean up after seriously ill people. They were vomiting, and this is not the most unpleasant thing. We gave up this job because it requires special equipment, ”says Melissa Maker, owner of the cleaning service.

2. Dirty toothbrush cup

We jealously monitor oral hygiene, change toothbrushes, but often forget to wash the glass in which these same brushes are. Bachelors especially often sin. But if you open the holder, such a smell will come from the inside that at least take out the saints.

“The National Health Fund has found more than 3 million microorganisms in toothbrush holders, including E. coli and staphylococcus, several types of mold,” says Melissa.

3. Bed bugs

There is such an attack, what to do. But it is better to warn the cleaning lady about this in advance. After all, she runs the risk of bringing a couple of insects to her own house, and this is too much. Plus, she’s not paid for it.

4. Non-washable bedspreads

“One of the dirtiest things in the house that we come across is the bedspreads. They can be just disgusting, – quotes the source Melissa Maker. “If people change bedding at the very least, then they think of bedspreads or covers on the sofa much less often.”

According to the specialist, soft materials absorb dust, dirt, sweat like a sponge. They can simply be soaked in skin flakes, body oils, small crumbs and other food debris, and covered with animal hair. And the truth is disgusting.

5. Traces of canine activity

Or feline. For some reason, some of her clients don’t clean up after their pets, Melissa said. Those relieve themselves in a tray or a diaper, which remain to wait for the housekeeper to come.

“And sometimes you have to get it all off the carpets,” complains Melissa. “To clean the carpet from wool is one thing, but from cat urine is quite another.”

6. Parasites on animals

Surprisingly, some pet owners don’t even bother with fleas for some reason.

“We once had to throw out our equipment because we couldn’t use it in another client’s home. The previous customer’s dog was full of parasites, and we risked spreading them all over the city, ”says Lisa Chao, owner of the cleaning service.

7. Stale debris

Throwing away the contents of the garbage can is easy, not painful, or scary. Unless the garbage has lain there for a couple of weeks, properly rotting. The smell from such a bucket will not last long and faint.

“Sometimes even insects have time to start there,” the specialist frowns.

8. Dirty refrigerator

It turns out that there are people who do not wipe the inside of the refrigerator. Never.

“We saw everything: black mold on the seals and in the vegetable drawers, rotting food debris, disgusting smell,” says Melissa.

9. Hair in the bath

A clogged drain with a foul smell is definitely not a sign of a perfect bathroom.

“There are things that cannot be flushed down the drain. Hair is one of them, ”explains the expert.

Sometimes the drain hole is tightly clogged with hair, to which dirty soap suds have adhered. What could be more disgusting than slimy lumps that have to be removed from the drain, it is even difficult to come up with.

10. Unwashed toilet

“The most people do is wipe the seat and clean the inside of the toilet. The rim is also washed less often. And very rarely they wash the toilet outside, ”says the cleaner.

Therefore, the bathroom often turns out to be the most disgusting place in the house for a cleaner – on the toilet bowl itself and under the seat hinges what they can not find. Moreover, these findings are never pleasant.

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