Household habits that make us unhappy

Household habits that make us unhappy

We spend so much time and effort on them, but the results of labor, which is most offensive, are not visible. So maybe it’s enough to kill yourself in the field of domestic work?

More than a quarter of a century has passed since the collapse of the Soviet Union. But the habits that thoroughly entered the life of housewives in Soviet times are still alive and popular. Many of them are of no use at all. On the contrary, they take away the strength that we could spend on something more pleasant. has collected habits that it is high time to give up.

Ironing linen

It turns out that ironing is not as vital as our grandmothers told us. Scientists have found that after this procedure, the tissue becomes denser and stops breathing. During sleep, a person sweats, and due to heat treatment, the linen cannot absorb moisture. Therefore, every day begins with a shout: “Hurry to the shower!” In addition, an ironed sheet creates a not very pleasant tactile sensation. The impression is that you are hiding with a huge sheet of paper.

Someone desperately ironing clothes to get rid of harmful microorganisms. There is a way out here too. For example, you can steam the fabric without touching it with the sole of the iron. It is much faster and easier than pedantically shoveling an endless pile of laundry.

Fabrics that do not need ironing

  • Satin jacquard

The fabric is strong and durable. When carefully dried, it creates the impression of already ironed.

  • Silk

Natural breathable material that is great for both wearing and sleeping. It boasts high wear resistance. It is better not to iron, so as not to burn the product and leave no traces. Light steam will do.

  • Calico

Calico is a super-resistant material that can last more than ten years. It will be more pleasant for the body if you add conditioner to the wash and dry it not in the scorching sun.

Boil white

Boiling laundry for many is already like a bad dream. A full kitchen of steam, a hellish smell, humidity throughout the apartment, exhaustion, as after a shift in the mine. Moreover, linen wears out faster – long exposure to high temperatures in combination with exposure to “heavy” household chemicals contribute to the destruction of fibers. However, there are also such housewives who still boil linen, and those who do not do this are accused of laziness. Fortunately, there are now many alternative and gentle ways to return products to their original whiteness.

  • Brine

Make a solution of 3 tablespoons of regular salt per 5 liters of water. After thorough washing, soak kitchen towels in the solution for 20 minutes, then rinse.

  • Pine turpentine

Dissolve 3 tablespoons of pine turpentine (available at the pharmacy) in 3 liters of water. Leave the laundry in this solution overnight.

  • Vinegar or lemon juice

For 3 liters of water, you will need the juice of one lemon or 3 tbsp. l. vinegar. Soak laundry in this solution for 5-7 hours.

  • Oxygen bleaches

They contain sodium percarbonate, a fairly safe and effective whitening agent. When interacting with water, it decomposes into soda and oxygen. This chemical reaction helps to deal with pollution.

Washing with “Whiteness”

Undoubtedly, “Whiteness” is the leader in fabric bleaching. However, her scent … Fuuu. He discourages any desire to put on washed clothes. In addition, now there is a huge amount of more gentle household chemicals. There are powders that deal not only with difficult stains from coffee or tomato juice, but even remove ink from clothes. In addition, they smell much nicer.

Use laundry soap

In Soviet times, laundry soap was a panacea for all problems: it could wash, wash your hair, and even be treated. Now there are those who rub the soap on a grater and add it to the washing machine, slowly but surely shortening the life of household appliances.

If you wash your laundry by hand, then laundry soap is really good at getting rid of dirt. However, you have to rub your laundry properly, and this makes it wear out faster. Another disadvantage: the soap smells bad and dries hands a lot due to the alkali in the composition. Nowadays, housewives have a wonderful opportunity not to spoil the manicure and choose a less coarse washing option.

Wipe the windows with newspapers

This is one of the most economical ways to dry your windows. In the west, by the way, the hostesses have discovered it for themselves only now – and are enjoying it like exotic fun. But there is a super option that will save you time and effort. For example, glass can be wiped with microfiber cloths that do not leave marks or fine hairs. What other ways are there to wash plastic windows without streaks – read HERE.

Psychologist and personal growth coach

“Stability for a person is a kind of stronghold of peace and a guarantee that everything is going right. A person in a state of uncertainty feels that he is unsafe and uncomfortable. Therefore, people do not want to leave their comfort zone, which becomes destructive for them. Habits that have grown firmly in place become more difficult to overcome over the years.

Paradoxically, people often think that right now they are at the peak of their happiness, that is, it cannot be better. When they, applying incredible strength, destroy these boundaries and change their beliefs, they are sincerely surprised: “Why, was it possible?”

We must take into account the fact that time is running forward and we need to manage to rebuild in order to achieve success. What kind of personal transformation can we talk about if we live automatically, continuing to use the remnants of the past? Of course, the older generation has always been an authority for us, but in a global sense it is not true. What our grandmothers and mothers did for years before is not always correct. But then it was impossible in another way, but now it is possible! “

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