Household habits of Russian housewives, shocking foreigners

Foreigners like some of them so much that they try to adopt certain features of our way of life.

It is not difficult to surprise a foreigner with our realities. Our culinary traditions are enough. Even if we do not eat insects and clay, as in some southern countries, our pies and jellied meat are enough to make tourists feel stressed. And our everyday habits are completely stressful for a foreign organism. has collected a few of our daily habits that amaze people in other countries.

On a visit – with a gift

We consider it indecent to come to visit empty-handed, even if we are invited just like that, and not for a birthday or other holiday. We can even call and ask what to buy. What if the owners ran out of milk? Flowers, sweets, a cake and a toy for the baby are a must-have for a visit. By the way, foreigners really like this habit.

Sea food

Another habit that invariably amazes guests from abroad. If we are already having a home meal, then we will certainly have a dozen dishes on the table, and there will be so much food that will be enough for the company three times more. After the New Year, the shelves in the refrigerator are bursting for another week, and after that everyone begins to convulsively lose weight.

Water cut-off

The fact that twice a year we are left without hot water is nonsense for them. The way we stoically endure the discomfort, heating water in teapots, pots and buckets, is simply amazing to foreigners. Many people say that they could not be so optimistic about everyday inconveniences.

Do not whistle at home

The number of everyday superstitions we ourselves are sometimes impressive. Do not whistle at home. Sit down on the track. Sprinkled salt – to a quarrel. The mirror is broken – in general, a household catastrophe. Something fell from the table, which means to be guests. Hygiene procedures for cats also portend the arrival of friends. By the way, if you live, observing all the national signs, it will turn out to be very funny. And tiresome.

Enjoy Your Bath

We automatically give this phrase when someone from the family gets out of the shower. And if from the bath! This is not done anywhere else in the world. After all, congratulating a person on the fact that he washed himself is strange. Probably all because for us the bath is more than just washing. This is a whole ritual that requires a special approach and preparation.

New Year is the main holiday

It is customary abroad to celebrate Christmas on a large scale, and New Year is a so-so holiday. Everything is exactly the opposite. We celebrate the New Year twice, or even three times, if after the holiday according to the old style we also remember Chinese. The whole point is in the era of communism we lived through, when religiosity in people was not encouraged. Therefore, they tried to replace the church holiday with a secular one. It turned out quite successfully.

Life with parents

When we hear in the film “He still lives with his parents” in relation to an adult, it automatically means that we are talking about a loser. The child grew up, but never learned to live independently, fu-fu-fu. But for us, the tradition of a multi-generational family, when representatives of several generations live in one apartment, is quite normal.

Trips to the cottage

Only in our country they take the garden so seriously: they plant seedlings in early spring, then they dash to the site. And if a family lives in their own house, then a lot of useful things will grow on the plantation, from potatoes to apples. For foreigners, a vegetable garden is either business or pleasure. But not a way of life.

Long feasts

To meet and sit for hours at the table, eating something and chatting endlessly – it’s easy for us to imagine such a thing. But abroad it is not customary to spend time at the table longer than it is necessary to just eat. Even at a dinner party, eating is often just a small part of the event.

Package Package

Oh, this is just that detail of our life that does not fit into the head of the foreign country at all. But if a foreigner lives in Russia for at least a month, he once notices that under his sink, too, a bag of bags has wound up! Well, you must admit, it’s convenient – you don’t need to buy separate garbage bags, and you won’t have to pay for a bag in the store every time.

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