Household Cleaning: Cleaning Tips, Scale Method

Alsu Mukhamedshina is a convinced propagandist of order, the author and host of two very popular Internet courses “Decent House” and “Organizer of Space”. Unlike many other mentors and mentors, she sincerely believes in what she writes and talks about, because she came to all her conclusions by checking them on herself. Alsou shared with her rules of cleaning and getting rid of trash.

Among the seemingly insoluble problems of a human nature, there is one that, with a strong desire, can still be overcome. This is the discrepancy between theory and practice, the gap between “want” and “do”. Yes, many, almost all, agree that getting rid of unnecessary things is a blessing. How many self-development trainings begin with the task of throwing out everything unnecessary from the house! But, starting to implement these noble intentions, we become like the hero of an anecdote who decides for a long time whether an obviously unnecessary, empty thing is useful to him, rubbish or not. Intuitively feeling that the cleansing of the house is followed by the cleansing of life, we still hold on to another thought: the accumulated things are also a part of life, evidence that you have deliberately plowed the vastness of the planet.

How to be here?

The twenty-first century is not the time for harsh moralizing and overly emotional decisions. Also, by the way, and because a word given in the heat of the moment – all the more to itself – is usually violated at some point. Unlike decisions made with a warm heart but a cold mind. Therefore, as Carlson said, “calm, only calm.”

For the optimal way out of the situation of choice – and we are talking about just such a situation – in my opinion, the weights method should be used. Not the ones we look at with horror after the eclair, but the classic ones with two plates.

So, put on one bowl your “I want order”, and on the other – “sorry to throw it away” and answer yourself, only very honestly, what is more important to you. If the desire to live in order without unnecessary things wins, then you will have to close your eyes and get rid of everything that has been accumulating over the years. Your pity for things will be the payment for the order. But, believe me, this, like a summer cold, will quickly pass. After a month, you won’t even remember what exactly was in those trash bags. It turns out that life goes on – and now it is not burdened with meaningless objects, garbage and junk that have nailed you to the ground. You will discover with joyful surprise that fate is not an archive, not a warehouse of used items, it is written hourly, every minute, and all the main thing is inside you, not outside. This is the path that you consciously chose for yourself a few years ago, and now you are happy to share the roadmap with others.

But there is a second option: you agree – clearly aware of this! – every day to experience discomfort from the abundance of trash in the house, but you do not need to strain, overpower yourself, changing something. Horror? No. I think that such a solution is quite acceptable for someone. It just means that order is not a priority for you at this time. It is impossible to achieve mental comfort by immersing yourself in extreme stress: the result is likely to be exactly the opposite.

I am sure that violence against oneself is not at all a method for creating anything. Libra, on the other hand, helps us, subjective creatures, inveterate individualists, to look at ourselves a little from the outside, as if objectifying a set of our thoughts and feelings. This means that our decision is any! – will be the only correct one, at least for the current moment. Everything flows, everything changes – no one can forbid you to reconsider your attitude to order in accordance with the situation. The main thing is to listen to the heart and still act with the head.

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