Household chores that are forbidden to do in the evening

Clean the house

To wash the floor looking at night means to wash over the threshold all the well-being of the family and incur a bunch of minor troubles: squabbles, quarrels, everyday problems. Sweeping is the same: together with litter we sweep material goods beyond the threshold and the house will never be full. Vacuuming is no better. This is just a modern analogue of sweeping, financial well-being and harmony between family members will simply fly into an unknown black hole. In addition, the evening cleaning opens the gates for evil spirits – all evil spirits receive an invitation to visit, which they will certainly take advantage of and begin to do dirty tricks.

And if you think about it, then in fact there is a reasonable grain in such prohibitions. For example, starting cleaning the house after work, when you just want to lie down and fall asleep, is clearly not worth it. This will not add a good mood, but quarrelsomeness and irritability – quite. By the way, religion also prescribes that in the evening you should not do household chores, but communicate with your family: chat about how the day went, discuss plans for the next.

By the way, the only thing that is still allowed in the evenings is to wash the dishes. They say that the brownie is terribly offended if you leave the sink full overnight. And then expect quarrels, minor domestic troubles. And the mountain of dirty dishes spoils the mood in the morning – that’s for sure.

Wash clothes

If you start a wash in the evening, the signs promise terrible consequences: the hostess will wash off her beauty, the water will drain vitality. In addition, laundry dried at night will absorb the negative energy that reigns in the dark. And then clothes and bedding will attract illness, failure, nightmares to the owner. But sunlight is a completely different matter. It will warm you up and take care of you.

And you also can’t start the day with a wash. Signs say that this is not good and bad.

In fact, laundry washed overnight will take longer to dry because it is cooler at night. And if you dry your clothes in an apartment, you will breathe in vapors all night long, saturated with the remains of washing powder and fabric softener. Still, this is not the kind of humidity that is good. Therefore, it is better to start the wash overnight – if the laundry is left in the car for 3-4 hours, nothing bad will happen.

Give money

Paying off debt, borrowing, even just counting – it’s best not to do this all in the evening. If you give, then along with your financial luck. If you take it, then debts will haunt you all your life and there will be no way to get out of loans. However, it is quite easy to get around this prohibition. Money should not be passed from hand to hand, but put on the table, on the floor. Remember how in “The Adventures of Shurik”? Shurik brings money for renting a room, and the hostess asks to put them on the chest of drawers – it was in the evening, you never know.

To recount money in the evening is to unplanned unpleasant expenses and financial losses.

It is difficult to find a rational kernel here. The only thing – signs advise all financial issues to be solved in the morning, with a fresh mind. This advice, perhaps, can be heeded. Spontaneous spending is not a good idea.  

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