The house mushroom is a harmful representative of the Serpulov family. This species settles on wood and leads to its rapid destruction. Often it appears in damp, dark places in residential buildings. The fungus grows rapidly, turning the wood into dust, so when the first symptoms of infection are detected, it is necessary to start a fight.
Description of the house mushroom
White house fungus at a young age is numerous whitish or light gray dots, which grow together over time, forming a wide, oval shape. The surface becomes covered with mucus or acquires a woolly coating.
At the initial stage of development, the fruiting body is painted snow-white, as it grows, the color changes to red-yellow or brown-rusty. The tough flesh has a layered, rubbery texture.
In order to recognize the house mushroom in a timely manner, you need to view photos and videos.

The size of an adult specimen can reach a meter or more.
Features of reproduction
With sufficient lighting, the house fungus forms the main fruiting body, ready for reproduction. On the upper folded surface of the fungus, elongated spores are formed, in the form of a rusty powder. Spores can spread to neighboring buildings by wind, animals, insects, through clothing and shoes.
Another way of infection is associated with mycelium, when healthy and infected wood come into contact with each other.
The effect of house fungus on wood
The house fungus is considered a parasite; it settles on both coniferous and deciduous wood. It is able to grow and develop under the most adverse conditions:
- at low temperature;
- high air humidity;
- with poor ventilation;
- in the absence of natural light.
Such an environment allows the fruiting body to develop rapidly, secrete enzymes that lead to the rapid destruction of wood. Over time, the fungus becomes leaf-like, and the infected wood is brittle and loose. The destroyed tree turns brown, covered with a whitish coating and easily crumbles under the fingers. Further, with the help of filamentous processes, the fungus penetrates into the woody pores, thereby increasing the area of uXNUMXbuXNUMXbdamage.
The house parasite does not infect all tree species. It develops well on pine, and on larch and spruce it is extremely rare. Acacia, oak and chestnut are resistant to damage, so they are great for construction work.

House fungus can destroy a house in a few months
Why does house mushroom appear in the house and buildings
Brownie white fungus often appears in humid places, in rooms with poor ventilation. Also, rapid reproduction occurs when soil contacts the floor and during the use of new wood along with infected building material.
Causes and signs of infection
House mushroom comes into fruition under favorable conditions. When the first signs appear, it is necessary to begin treatment, as the fungus grows rapidly, turning the wood into dust. Conditions for rapid reproduction:
- humidity 80% or more;
- air temperature + 24 °C and above;
- lack of sunlight.
Most often, the fungus can be found in basements, cellars and baths. Infection can occur through tools or work clothes that are contaminated with spores.

The parasite appears in damp rooms
Positive factors for the development of the fungus:
- A stuffy, unventilated place – closed windows, spoiled ventilation help the house fungus to grow and develop rapidly. This is especially true for places where condensate accumulates: kitchen, bathroom.
- Leaking pipes lead to an increase in humidity and the development of mold.
- Freezing walls, leaking roof, no heating.
- The close location of groundwater leads to rotting of wooden pillars and foundations.
What is the danger of the appearance of white house fungus
The house mushroom is very easy to detect, so when the initial symptoms appear, control measures should be started. What are the signs of a parasite?
- A lump of white threads appears on the wood, resembling airy cotton wool.
- As it grows, the fruiting body grows and turns brown-yellow with a silvery tint.
- The tree becomes covered with cracks, acquires a dark color and loses its strength.
- House fungus turns 30 cm of wood into dust in 4 days, and completely destroys the building in 12 months.
Harm of house fungus for humans
In addition to the rapid destruction of wood, house fungus harms the human body. Most often, children and the elderly with reduced immunity suffer from it. The first signs of poisoning are:
- headache, dizziness;
- conjunctivitis;
- rhinitis, laryngitis;
- nausea;
- exacerbation of asthma;
- an allergic cough;
- lung diseases.
How to deal with white house fungus
You can get rid of the house fungus only in the initial stages of infection. Home pest control:
- Antiseptics. Effective means for the destruction of house fungus are broad-spectrum fungicides. But it must be remembered that they have a toxic effect on humans and animals, so the treatment is carried out in work clothes, a respirator and rubber gloves. After carrying out the manipulations, the room is ventilated during the day. Often used: a mixture of wood and coal tar, carbolineum and petroleum.
- Mechanical method. This method allows you to destroy the mycelium of the house fungus at different stages of development. At the initial stage of infection, the upper tree layer is removed and burned, the surviving tree is disinfected with an antiseptic. With deep penetration of the fungus, only the removal of all infected elements, followed by processing the edges, helps.
- Disinfection. Ultraviolet irradiation is a simple, safe method of dealing with house fungus. It does not harm the environment, animals and humans. Quartzization of the room should be carried out regularly, as a strong dose instantly kills the fungus and its spores.

Antiseptics – save wood from destruction
There are also folk methods of dealing with house parasites. These include:
- an aqueous solution of copper or iron sulfate;
- sodium fluoride solution;
- working solution prepared from vinegar and copper sulfate;
- drug Pentabos.
Preventive measures
Ancient builders always used resinous, oiled and salted wood, as it retains the wood structure for a long time. In ancient China, before building a house, the tree was soaked in an aqueous solution of table salt. It is very effective to coat the building material with creosote, but the drug has one drawback – a persistent pungent odor.
To save buildings from house fungus, it is necessary to take preventive measures in a timely manner. These include:
- If the buildings were treated from the house parasite, it is necessary to carefully process the tools and work clothes after the end of the work.
- During construction, infected wood should not be used, as the fungus can quickly move to healthy building material.
- Floors must not touch the ground. Therefore, before laying the floor, a building pad is made of sand, broken bricks or large expanded clay. Do not use material rich in humus: coconut, ash.
- For construction, only dried wood is used, treated from house fungus with special antiseptics.
- The built wooden house should dry well, after which the wood can be coated with oil paint.
- The cellar and basement should be well ventilated.
- Floors are not recommended to be covered tightly to the walls.
- During the construction of a wooden house, it is necessary to organize air draft under the floor.
- To reduce the humidity in the room, several aspen logs can be laid out in the corners, since aspen perfectly absorbs moisture.
- The interior decoration of the bath, cellar and basement is best done with boards pre-treated with a hot solution of copper and iron sulphate.
House fungus is a dangerous, wood-destroying parasite that destroys wooden buildings in a short time. When the first signs of infection appear, it is necessary to immediately start control measures, choosing the most appropriate method, and then regularly carry out preventive measures in the future.