All housewives know that cleanliness is the key to health. How to do the cleaning correctly, what tools to use? We figure it out together with an expert on cleanliness, ex-presenter, and now producer of the “Revizorro” program Lena Letuchaya and leading environmentalist of EcoStandard group Nikolai Ivanov.
13 2016 June
Bath and toilet are places where the level of humidity is always high, which means that fungi and microbes in our “clean” room multiply at an insane rate. How can you avoid this? Do a mini-cleaning every day – wash the sink, bathtub, toilet and tiles. One universal bottle for cleaning everything and at once is not an assistant in this matter. Even if your toilet sanitizer does an excellent job of removing limescale deposits, you shouldn’t use it on the bathroom or sink. Such fighters with dirt include acids, they destroy the enamel of plumbing and can leave traces, stains, cracks that cannot be eliminated.
To cope with invisible enemies in this room, the following set will help: toilet bowl cleaner, individual one for the bathroom and sink, and tile cleaner. What personal creams and powders are not needed for is for mixers. To keep them always shiny and clean, it is enough to regularly wipe them with a dry soft cloth.
Most of the housewives clean here every day, but the kitchen is a place where grease and dirt accumulate despite all efforts. Vapors from boiling soups and fried foods turn into a sticky coating over time, and it settles on all walls. It can be resisted only by general cleaning, which must be done at least once a month, and always with the use of special means marked “for removing fat”. Apply these gels or aerosols to tiled walls and all horizontal surfaces.
What needs to be washed literally every day is the sink. Raw meat, fish, eggs and vegetables leave a trail of bacteria in the kitchen. You can wipe it off with a disinfectant spray or bleach. And you need to clean not only the sink, but also the area around it, so that harmful microorganisms do not get on the countertop, and from there onto the plates.
The refrigerator deserves special attention in the kitchen. You cannot pass by it during general cleaning. How to wash an electronic assistant? The stores are full of disinfectants in the form of powders or pastes from refrigeration equipment manufacturers. Most of them are two in one – both cleaning and antimicrobial. Give preference to such.
There are fewer microbes in the rooms where we sleep and rest than in the kitchen or bathroom, but another enemy awaits here – the ubiquitous dust. You will have to fight it with your bare hands, there are no other more effective ways. First, remove dust collectors from the bedroom – books, discs, carpets. And make it a rule to do wet cleaning once a week. Just wipe all furniture and appliances with water and a rag. This will be enough to maintain the hygiene of the room. It is the maintenance. Nobody canceled general cleaning. It needs to be done once a month – to wash curtains, wash windows, clean upholstered furniture and carpets with a vacuum cleaner, move sofas, tables, chairs and wipe the floor under them with disinfectants.
If, despite constant cleaning, you wake up in the morning with the feeling that there is sand in your eyes, your mouth is dry, and your skin is peeling, then your room has the wrong microclimate, and it promotes the active reproduction of bacteria. A humidifier will help to correct the situation. Turn on the device every night and you will sleep well.
- Sponges and rags are an ideal breeding ground for germs. Washing in hot water above 60 degrees or heating in the microwave will help to neutralize them. Just put damp sponges in the oven and set a timer for two minutes.
- Remember about the commodity neighborhood in the refrigerator – raw meat, fish must be kept separately from all products, dairy products cannot be stored next to fruits and vegetables, and there is no place for medicines in the refrigerator. Their storage is allowed only in individual cases, when the annotation of the preparation requires it, and not next to the products, but in a special lockable box.
- Dirt and moisture accumulated in the joints between the tiles, and where there was dampness, there was mold. Therefore, the tiled floor in the hallway and bathroom must not only be washed and wiped dry, but also cleaned weekly with a scraper.
- If a fungus has appeared in the bathroom, most likely, this is due to a clogged ventilation grill or a poorly working hood. Spray the affected areas with a special mold spray and clean the hood.
- It is necessary to use cleaning agents strictly according to the instructions and do not exceed the dosage. Does your head hurt, dizzy, have an allergy? These are the main symptoms of chemical poisoning.