We lived for several weeks in conditions of unbearable heat, and there is a possibility that he will return. In addition, in August, many go south. And rightly so: from the point of view of Taoist medicine, high air temperature has a healing effect on our body. Let’s see how you can use the heat for the benefit of health.
When it’s cold outside, we dream to become warmer, in the heat we want cold weather – this is in human nature. The Taoist art of living in balance with the environment is to determine the benefits of the current situation and learn to make the most of it. What good is the heat for our health?
Heat fights congestion and tension in the body
Acupuncturists believe that there are six factors that harm our health: cold, congestion, and tension are among them. They are interconnected, support and develop each other perfectly.
It is the cold from the point of view of oriental medicine that causes various colds and inflammatory diseases. In the Chinese tradition, it is believed that it can be in the body in an “encapsulated” state – inside the tissues. Just as we shrink and shrivel in the cold, in the same way the tissues that have absorbed the cold enter a state of contraction, tension, due to which stagnation is formed.
The manifestation of such accumulated cold in the body can be various chronic inflammatory diseases, such as thrush or cystitis. These diseases “shoot”, it would seem, unexpectedly – for no reason. And they have one reason: the cold that feeds them is kept inside the body.
Accordingly, heat, by expelling cold from the body, makes us more relaxed and improves the circulation of qi energy throughout the body, thus eliminating congestion.
However, there are a few rules about how to behave in the heat so that it brings us only benefit.
1. In the heat you need to drink plenty of fluids.
The obvious recommendation: the hotter, the more you need to drink. True, within the framework of Chinese medicine, it is believed that cold drinking can only harm. In the heat, our body becomes more relaxed, due to which the cold can penetrate as deeply as possible and provoke various diseases.
The temperature of the liquid you drink should not be lower than the temperature of the surrounding air – ideally correspond to body temperature, that is, be warm. The ideal drink looks like this: a third of mineral water and two thirds of ordinary non-carbonated water. This combination perfectly restores the salt balance.
2. In the heat you need to eat right
In the heat, you don’t really want to eat – and this is a sound decision. But it is important to remember the rule based on the theory of the Five Elements: according to this system, our entire universe and the human body in particular consists of 5 elements, 2 of which are Fire and Water.
Summer is the time of Fire, heat, it is associated with heart health. Winter, on the contrary, is associated with the energy of Water, which manages the health of the kidneys. Accordingly, in the summer, the kidneys are in a restrained state. If the Fire gets out of control, then they can get hurt.
To balance these two elements, you need:
- take care of the kidneys – drink a lot and add various seafood to the diet;
- give up that which kindles the Fire too much and accelerates the heart – we are talking about alcohol, sugar and very spicy foods.
This does not mean that your diet should always be this way now, but in the summer it is a safety precaution. For example, a sweet cold alcoholic cocktail with ice cream and cayenne pepper is the worst thing to drink in the heat.
3. In hot weather, you need to cool off properly
When the heat “wins” us, we feel the characteristic symptoms: the energy of Fire rises through the body from the bottom up, which causes the mind to become clouded and the reactions to slow down. We are overcome by laziness, we want to lie down. This means that it is time for us, at least, to move into the shadow, and, as a maximum, to qualitatively cool the energy of Fire, lowering it down, where it should by its nature be.
How to do it? Most often, we dive into a cold shower or turn on the air conditioner and seem to feel relieved. Strong people with good immunity can even, as it seems to them, painlessly endure such procedures.
However, as with cold drinks, a sudden change in temperature “drives” the cold inside, and it can manifest either as an immediate cold or in the form of delayed effects – for example, in the form of an exacerbation of chronic inflammation.
Useful Cooling Rules
Air conditioning
If you regularly go in and out of the room, the air conditioner should be set to 3 degrees below the outside temperature. If it is +35 outside, then +32 indoors. Sounds cruel, right? In fact, 3 degrees is a difference to which our body easily adapts.
If you are going to stay indoors for a long time and want to sleep at your favorite +25, you need to lower the temperature gradually. An hour after you come home, lower the temperature by a degree, then another and another. The step of lowering should not exceed 3 degrees.
By the way, the ideal place to install an air conditioner is not a bedroom, but a corridor from where cool air will enter the bedroom (if you can afford to sleep with the door open).
Like an air conditioner, it shouldn’t be too cold. Start with a cool douche and gradually, as the body restores normal thermoregulation, increase the temperature to the usual one.
Active points
In order to purposefully cool the energy of Fire, it is necessary to act on the points located on the channel of the heart, pericardium and large intestine. These channels run from the little fingers and ring fingers to the armpits. Accordingly, by wiping these parts of the body with something cool, you will balance the energy background. The active point, excellent for cooling, is located at the level of the elbow bend.
Knowing that the heat has healing properties, it is not so difficult to fall in love with it, especially since it does not last so long in our region. So have time to enjoy it and soak up the warmth!