Hot flashes with menopause in women
It is about the ebb and flow of the sea that they write poems, make films. But it’s not customary to even talk about “those” tides. And we will tell you: what are hot flashes with menopause in women, and how to deal with them

With such a phenomenon as tides, even those who, due to gender, will never experience it personally, are familiar. At least you heard it on TV commercials. However, how unpleasant this symptom is, only women who have approached the threshold of maturity, or who have already stepped over it, know. Let’s see why the female body is attacked by hot flashes, at what age to expect them and what to do with them.

Causes of hot flashes in menopause in women

In fact, there is no such medical term as menopause.

“This is a generalized philistine name for the period of age-related changes in the female body that occurs against the background of a deficiency of one’s own estrogens,” explains gynecologist Fatima Revazova. – The cessation of estrogen production by the ovaries is a physiological process, genetically programmed, caused by the depletion of the “reserves” of the ovaries. Doctors call this phenomenon – climacteric syndrome. This is a complex of symptoms that occur in women who have crossed the age stage of 49-53 years.

Climax is a very uncomfortable thing. After all, these are palpitations, and sleep disturbances, as well as “jumps” in pressure, sweating, mood swings and nervousness. But the most famous symptom is probably those same hot flashes in the body.

“The “tide” is a response of the nervous system of a woman and the body as a whole to an acute shortage of estrogens,” says Dr. Revazova. – Against the background of a lack of hormones, the thermoregulation center works in a discoordinated way, and therefore, first there is a surge of heat to the head and upper half of the body, then a “ebb” – that is, the woman is covered with sweat.

Symptoms of hot flashes during menopause in women

So, when a woman is suddenly thrown into a fever – this is the tide. Actually, that’s why this phenomenon is called so. In general, when the moment comes – any woman will understand, here they are, the tides. But still, it does not hurt to prepare, so to speak, in order to know the enemy in person.

Basic facts about hot flashes with menopause in women.

  • Almost all women in the transition period have it.
  • The frequency of hot flashes is different for everyone: from 2-3 times a day to hourly.
  • The absence of hot flashes does not mean that a woman does not have menopause.

Treatment of hot flashes with menopause in women

To understand how to treat something, you need to look at the root cause. Since hot flashes (as, indeed, other manifestations of menopause in women) are caused by a lack of estrogens, it means that you need to make up for the deficiency of these hormones in the body.

“For this, special hormonal preparations have been created, which include natural estrogens,” says Fatima Revazova. – They, filling the deficiency of estrogen, improve overall well-being, contribute to increased efficiency and maintain the health of women.

You can’t just go to the pharmacy and ask the pharmacist for “something for hot flashes.” Drugs should be selected by a doctor.
Fatima RevazovaGynecologist

“In fact, an individual treatment strategy is determined for each woman,” says the doctor. Hormone therapy for menopausal disorders is called menopausal hormone therapy. The dose, composition and regimens of taking drugs are selected individually for each woman: depending on age, concomitant health status and examination results.

But, as we know, some people have a very biased attitude towards any treatment if the word “hormones” sounds in the context and it is not about their native hormones. What to do with such patients?

“If a woman has contraindications to hormonal therapy, or she categorically does not want to take hormones, or the symptoms of menopausal syndrome are not very pronounced, various vitamin complexes can be offered in combination with herbal preparations containing phytoestrogens,” says Fatima Revazova. – But still, menopausal hormone therapy has a greater advantage compared to herbal remedies: hormones are right on target, make up for the deficiency of their own estrogens, protect the heart, blood vessels, bones of a woman, and herbal remedies can only reduce the severity of menopausal syndrome, but not make up for hormone deficiency in all organs and systems. In other words, they will not be able to improve their health.


As a rule, in addition to hot flashes and other symptoms listed above, with menopause, a woman notices menstrual irregularities. And over time, menstruation completely disappears. In European women, on average, this occurs at 49-53 years. But there is such a thing as early menopause – when menstruation stops at the age of 40-45 years. Yes, yes, this also happens.

“So, if a woman’s age is closer to 50, there are hot flashes and cycle disorders, then she is on the verge of a transitional period,” says Fatima Revazova. – And she needs to undergo the following examinations: examination by a gynecologist, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, mammography, smear for oncocytology of the cervix. This is at least. The doctor may prescribe additional examinations, depending on the state of health of the woman.

Popular questions and answers

We discussed important issues regarding menopausal hot flashes with gynecologist Fatima Revazova.

Is it possible to treat hot flashes with menopause folk remedies?

To the “folk” I include phytoestrogens, homeopathy. But their effect is equated to a placebo. Such remedies help with mild menopausal syndrome or dull slightly more pronounced symptoms, mainly “hot flashes”.

Can a young woman face such a problem as hot flashes during menopause?

If a woman under the age of 40 has hot flashes, sweating and other symptoms similar to menopausal syndrome, and in parallel there is a violation of the menstrual cycle, this is premature ovarian failure. Previously, this condition was called “early menopause.” It is treated exclusively with hormones – until the age of natural menopause, that is, until the age of 50. In this case, the goal of treatment is to preserve the health of the woman as a whole.

Why are tides dangerous?

Frequent hot flashes disrupt a woman’s habitual lifestyle. Each tide is a blow to the female body: heart rate increases, blood pressure rises. It is very difficult to hide hot flashes while at work, in a team, and here the emotional sphere already suffers, the feeling of self-confidence decreases, there is a feeling that old age has come.

Is it possible to avoid hot flashes altogether?

Hot flashes are not for all women, as mentioned above. But the climax itself is inevitable. The main question is how healthy each of us will come to a transitional age. No one can predict whether we will go through this stage “light”, or we will have to face serious health problems.

Timely started menopausal hormone therapy is a real chance to support the body in the transition period, and create a reserve for subsequent years. Due to the fact that there are estrogen receptors in all tissues and organs of the female body, the depletion of one’s own estrogen reserves leads to the depletion of the body’s compensatory capabilities, and, as a result, hypertension, coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, urogenital problems and even Alzheimer’s.

To put it quite simply, with the cessation of menstruation, unfortunately, a person does not become healthier. But modern medicine and pharmacology make it possible to preserve the health of a woman, and go the way to maturity with minimal losses.

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