Hot flashes don’t necessarily mean menopause. Check their cause

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Suddenly appearing heat waves and sweating are primarily associated with mature age and the beginning of menopause. For this reason, this ailment is mainly attributed to women. Wrong because men also experience these symptoms. Hot flashes at a young age also happen and can have very different causes.

Causes of hot flashes

This unpleasant ailment does not have to mean a menopause, a hot flush can have a very common cause, such as stress or a serious illness. If they are not a one-off episode, consult your primary care physician.

However, if you are in the menopausal period, you can help yourself with the botanical complex for mature women. It is available on Medonet Market.

Hot flashes in pregnancy

Hot flashes are quite common during pregnancy and are caused by hormonal changes in the woman’s body. They can appear throughout pregnancy and immediately after its termination.

In addition to regular examinations, pregnant women are recommended to take dietary supplements rich in vitamin A, zinc, phosphorus and folic acid. You can find prenatal vitamins on the Medonet Market.

Hot flashes and menopause

It is one of the most characteristic symptoms of menopause. Hot flashes affect perimenopausal women. This unpleasant ailment may appear up to three years before the end of menstruation and persist after the body stops reproductive functions.

Hot flush in this case is caused by a decrease in the level of female sex hormones – estrogens. Hormonal changes during the menopause temporarily affect the body’s ability to thermoregulate.

For symptoms related to menopause, use MenoHerbs – a herbal mixture available on Medonet Market.

Do you need a consultation with a gynecologist? Make an e-visit on the haloDoctor platform.

Other causes of hot flashes

Diseases of the thyroid gland

Hot flushes can be a harbinger of various hormonal disorders, one of which is hyperthyroidism. In the course of this disease, other symptoms may also appear, such as flushing or increased sweating, as well as irritability, problems with concentration and palpitations.

Suspicion of thyroid disease should be consulted with a doctor and the recommended diagnostic tests should be performed.


Another cause of hot flashes may be excess weight. This is likely due to higher estrogen levels related to the amount of body fat.

The way to fight heat waves is to reduce body fat, i.e. lose weight.

The rest of the text is below the video.

Side effects of drugs

As cliché as it sounds, medications are often the culprit of hot flashes. This side effect is quite popular among many drugs. You should consult your doctor and try other available preparations if necessary.

Heart diseases

This ailment is more common in women with elevated levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, which are the causes of myocardial infarction. If the hot flashes are caused by a heart problem, the matter is serious.


Night sweats combined with hot flashes are very characteristic of this disease.


Some people experience this reaction to severe stress or anxiety. Hot flashes are accompanied by blushing blush on the face or trembling hands. It could be a symptom of neurosis.


A similar symptom may turn out to be the result of consuming caffeine, sugar, alcohol or too spicy spices. It is a very individual trait. It is worth observing your body’s reaction and eliminating the culprit from your diet.


A rare – but very dangerous cancer – carcinoid tumor manifests itself with hot flushes, reddening of the face and neck, and increased heart rate after eating certain foods or alcohol. Carcinoid tumor is an endocrine tumor which causes the secretion of active substances into the blood, such as serotonin and histamine. The carcinoid tumor is most often located in the abdominal cavity.


Untreated arterial hypertension causes a feeling of hotness, and its increase – periodic hot flashes.

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