Hot drinks cause cancer?

Coffee was under the scrutiny of the WHO as a probable carcinogen, but after analyzing the scientific reports, it was concluded that there was no evidence of this. However, it turns out that it can cause esophageal cancer if not drunk properly.

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Esophageal cancer is one of the most dangerous malignant neoplasms, unfortunately with poor prognosis. It can be squamous or glandular, depending on the part of the esophagus where it develops. The occurrence of squamous cell form is mainly influenced by smoking and drinking alcohol, and in the case of the second form, mainly by gastroesophageal reflux, i.e. the regurgitation of acid food from the stomach into the esophagus.

An overlooked risk factor

Alcohol and tobacco are long known risk factors for many health problems. Not surprisingly, it also has cancer of the esophagus. It turns out, however, that not only they contribute to the development of this disease. The first suspicions of frequent drinking of hot liquids as the cause of cancer appeared in the 30s. This was indicated by Dr. Watson after analyzing nearly 800 cases of this cancer. It is interesting because in the forefront of countries that have the highest incidence of esophageal cancer, the leaders are countries where hot drinks are eagerly eaten, such as Turkmenistan and China. In the case of the former country, alcohol consumption is at a relatively low level – 4,3 liters of pure alcohol per capita – compared to, for example, Poland, where it is about 12,5 liters. So it can be concluded that the root cause may lie elsewhere. Studies in countries where drinking very hot beverages is a tradition, such as South American countries, show that the risk of esophageal cancer increases with the temperature of the drinks consumed. Additionally, the publication from 2009 in International Journal of Cancer analyzing studies on the effect of fluid quantity and temperature on esophageal cancer risk, indicates that hot coffee, tea, yerba mate, or other drinks over 65 degrees Celsius may increase the risk of esophageal cancer. There are more and more such reports, and research is still ongoing.

A simple recipe

So, do coffee, tea, yerba mate have health benefits or not? Yes, it’s still worth drinking. There are many reports indicating their beneficial effects on the body, for example due to the high content of antioxidant polyphenols. However, moderation and the right way of drinking are important. In Europe and North America, coffee is often drunk with milk, which reduces the drinking temperature to around 60 degrees. In Asia and South America, drinks are consumed at a temperature of 66-100 degrees Celsius, which may already have a negative impact on health. Of course, occasional drinking of such a hot drink will not hurt us, but something else, if it is our daily habit. Therefore, it is best to wait a while before grabbing the steaming mug, but also very hot food.

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