Hosta Orange Marmalade is a garden plant of unusual beauty, which is often included in bouquet compositions. It does not require much maintenance and increases its decorative effect over the years. A pleasant green color and a simple pattern attracts attention, but is not able to irritate.

Description of Hosta Orange Jujube

If you give a description of the host, then the Marmalade variety can be called picky. Among gardeners, it is considered to be universal for any climate. It can withstand drought and severe frosts, and also does not require serious training and skills when growing. In addition, the host “Orange Marmalade” is famous for its longevity: the plant can bloom for 20 years in one place, and every year the crown of the bush will grow.

Hosta Orange Marmalade (Orange marmalade): description + photo, planting and care

According to its agrotechnical properties, the host is considered a universal, drought- and winter-resistant plant.

“Orange Marmalade” has large oval leaves that have a slightly wrinkled and dense texture. The main feature of this plant variety is the change in color during the period of cyclic annual flowering. When the leaves open, they have a bright hue (from golden yellow to bright orange), but under the sun they gradually fade, becoming creamy.

The flowering period of the hosta usually falls on July-beginning of August. “Orange Marmalade” at this time has pale purple hues and reaches a size of 1 meter. Hostas – plants from the lily order, have a pronounced pleasant smell in cool weather. On average, a bush can grow up to 50 cm in height and up to 60 cm in width. Flower growth rate is average. “Orange Marmalade” loves moisture, so it will not take root on arid soil if the soil is not moistened in time. Best of all, the flower feels in the shade or partial shade; in the open sun it shrinks and burns out.

Winter hardiness of hosta “Orange Marmalade” reaches 3 degrees, that is, it survives at temperatures up to -40 ° C. Japan or China are considered natural habitats, but even in Our Country hostas are widely used as an ornamental plant.

Application in landscape design

The hybrid hosta Orange Marmalade is often used as the basis for bouquets, because of the wide beautiful leaves and bright aroma characteristic of the lily family. In the garden, flowers are usually planted along the perimeter of the reservoir so that there is no accumulation of water in the landing sites. Green and golden bushes also look favorably against the background of rocky coverings and stone gardens, on an emerald lawn, when the plants are formed in small groups.

Hosta Orange Marmalade (Orange marmalade): description + photo, planting and care

Inflorescences “Orange Marmalade” have a strong aroma, which intensifies in cool weather

Pale pink or purple, bright red brown flowers look spectacular next to Orange Marmalade. Such coloring is usually inherent in the autumn period, just the time of flowering. Pastel shades can be used in the garden: peach, pale pink or beige, silver, gold and orange. You can also use blue and purple flowers next to hostas.

Important! It is better to plant plants close in kind.

White, yellow, orange and gray flower beds go well with Orange Marmalade. The main thing to remember is that the host loves dark areas of the garden.

Breeding methods

The most popular and effective way to propagate a bush is to divide the rhizome. Small specimens of four-year-old Orange Marmalade hosts are taken. Parts are carefully separated from the mother plant without damaging the rhizome. Division should be carried out in early spring or early autumn. Fertilize and plow the soil before planting, water abundantly. Delenki should be planted at a distance of 50 centimeters between the holes. Be sure to water the hosta seedlings with a little water.

Another way is cuttings from an adult hosta flower. It is not as popular, but no less effective. Young shoots form at the mother hosta, which detach along with the heel. Large foliage should be cut in half so that nutrients accumulate in the rhizome. The stalk thus loses less moisture. Then the hosta bushes are planted in the shade and watered abundantly until rooting.

Landing algorithm

The main thing that you need to pay attention to when planting the Orange Marmalade hosta is the choice of location, or rather the location of sunlight and shade at different times of the day. For a decorative effect and brightness of the color of the leaves, you will have to look for a place where there will be a shadow during the day, and the sun in the evening and in the morning.

In addition, you will have to create small fences from wind and drafts.

Hybrid hosta “Orange Marmalade” takes root well in soil enriched with humus. Moist soil is also important to her.

Before landing, the following procedures must be carried out:

  1. In the area where the host is supposed to be planted, you need to fertilize the soil (in autumn).
  2. After plow the land.

The best period for planting a bush is April-May. At this time, the threat of frost will pass, and the seedling will take root more likely.

The second landing season of the hosta can be done from August to September. Later it is not recommended, as the plant will not have time to develop the root system. Landing in the autumn does not involve fertilizing and weeding the soil, it is enough to water the site abundantly.

Hosta Orange Marmalade (Orange marmalade): description + photo, planting and care

Hosta blooms in July-August with lavender inflorescences.

Before placing the hosta seedling in the ground, it is necessary to clean the root system:

  1. Remove all dry branches and rhizomes, rotten and fungus-affected parts of the plant.
  2. Then straighten the roots.
  3. Sprinkle with soil.
  4. Pour in plenty of water.

Before the winter planting “Orange Marmalade” you need to mulch with sawdust from wood and dry grass. Thus, the plant will have a supply of nutrients and an insulated layer above the roots.

Important! When planting in groups, bushes should be placed at a distance of no more than one meter, but no closer than 20 centimeters. So adult hosts will not interfere with each other, while creating a lush green canvas.

Growing rules

Adult hostas “Orange Marmalade” are resistant to frost, and can also live for a very long time without watering. But this cannot be said about young seedlings – a fragile root system needs regular moisture and nutrients.

Important! Do not over-moisten the soil with young seedlings, as nutrients are washed out of the ground. Watering should not be frequent, but plentiful.

Moisturizing the soil is carried out as follows: you need to send a small stream of water to the roots of the hosta, trying not to touch the leaves of the flower. Moisture on them can attract pests, in particular the main enemies – slugs. They not only harm the health of the bush, but also spoil its appearance.

Hosta Orange Marmalade (Orange marmalade): description + photo, planting and care

Due to moisture, the leaves are nailed to the ground, the integrity of the stem is violated

Watering must be done in the morning. If moistened at lunchtime, then only in cloudy weather, otherwise soil erosion will occur. Even if water gets on the foliage, it is necessary to remove it – wipe the sheet with a towel or napkins. Moisture can have a negative effect – it evaporates in the sun and a burn remains in a wet place.

Hosta “Orange Marmalade” is very demanding on fertilizers. Top dressing is quickly absorbed, as evidenced by the intensive growth of leaves and shrubs. Moreover, both ready-made industrial and organic (mowed grass, humus, compost, peat) fertilizers can be used for top dressing.

Important! For better growth of seedlings, it is imperative to carry out weeding, as well as loosening the soil. The procedure should be carried out for 5 years, until the bush gets stronger and grows.

Preparation for winter

Preparation for the winter period hosts “Orange Marmalade” is simple: all the foliage and the ground yellowed part under the bush are removed and sent for processing. This is necessary in order to get rid of pests that can hide there. Hosta “Orange Marmalade” can tolerate severe frosts down to -40 ° C, therefore, it is not necessary to cover it. You can make small coverings that would protect the plant from wind and drafts. But it is enough to apply mulching with fallen leaves to fertilize the soil.

Diseases and pests

Pests eat the leaves and damage the rhizome of the plant. They appear from excessive moisture, which can form after rains or abundant watering of the host. Therefore, the bushes must be covered during rain, and after it, wipe the leaves.

Hosta Orange Marmalade (Orange marmalade): description + photo, planting and care

The main pest for the host is slugs and snails.

Unfortunately, getting rid of slugs is not easy, as they love the shade during the daytime, and come out to hunt at night. You can destroy them with the help of special poison granules or traps on brewer’s yeast.


Hosta Orange Jujube is a beautiful ornamental plant that can brighten up any garden. It does not require much attention, blooms for almost 20 years, has a pleasant bright aroma. It can be used when creating bouquets.

Reviews about host Orange Marmalade

Voronina Olga, Voronezh
Variety “Orange Marmalade” acquired a couple of years ago in the nursery. I bought an adult five-year-old hosta bush and was satisfied. “Red miracle” blooms right under the dacha window. There is practically no care for the host, and the return is crazy.
Sklyab Alexander, Samara
I love flowers very much, I have my own garden in front of the house. We live in the village, on the first of September I make bouquets for all my grandchildren. Hostas are very convenient flowers in this regard: the leaves are wide, the flowers are beautiful, the shades are unusual and bright. One of the inflorescences is already 12 years old, and every first of September it decorates a bouquet for my granddaughter.
Zirodov Oleg, Tula
I have been growing hostas for a long time. My wife does not really like flowers, she is allergic to them, but for some reason she does not react to hostas. Beautiful, neat, without excessive variegation. The main thing is that they are not capricious in care.
Hosts for beginners. How to grow

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