Hosta or lanceolate function
Khosta is the modern name for a perennial, which is named after the Austrian physician and botanist Khosta. Previously, it was called a funkiya named Funka, a pharmacist from Germany. This plant is used to decorate garden and backyard plots. It is planted in a flowerbed in groups and singly.
Description of the hosta funkia plant
Hosta is a perennial herb that belongs to the asparagus family. Moreover, it is very unpretentious and does not require special care. It looks great as a curb, planted along paths, near water bodies and on an alpine slide.
Function withstand low temperatures and drought tolerant
This ornamental foliage crop is often used in garden design and florists for bouquet arrangements. With the help of it, harmonious flower arrangements are created.
Hosta feels good in shady areas of the garden. And with minimal care, it pleases with its decorative appearance for a very long time. Some specimens can grow without transplanting for up to 20 years.
The lighter the leaves of the hosta, the more light-requiring
This ornamental crop loves to grow in humid, shaded areas. If fed in early spring with nitrogen fertilizers, it will respond with rich flowering.
From leaving, she needs watering in hot and dry periods, weeding and feeding.
You can do without feeding, but then the plant will not fully show its beauty. Its leaves will be paler.
The flower propagates by dividing the bush. When transplanting, the bushes are divided so that each new independent plant has 1-2 rosettes of leaves. If you want to get a more spectacular flower, the bushes can be divided into larger parts.
There are more than 40 different host types. Among them, the lanceolate hosta is distinguished by its beauty.
Hosta lanceolate has green lanceolate shiny leaves. They can grow up to 16 cm in length.
The flower stalks of this plant have purple flowers and grow up to 65 cm. It blooms for only 2 weeks at the end of August.
This type of hosta becomes most attractive in the 3rd year after planting.
This flower looks good in groups in curbs, alpine slides, on rocky soils and near water bodies. To make its bushes look attractive, young flower stalks must be removed, otherwise, after flowering, the bushes fall apart and lose their shape.
This unpretentious perennial is easy to grow: it quickly adapts to the location, it is resistant to diseases and pests, it is not aggressive to other plants growing in the flowerbed. No wonder it is called a plant for the lazy.