Hosta Liberty (Liberty): photo and variety description

Every gardener dreams of planting unusual plants on his plot. Hosta Liberty is just from this series. She is unpretentious in care, practically does not get sick. But an ornamental plant with beautiful large leaves of unusual colors will appear in the garden.

Hosta Liberty (Liberty): photo and variety description

In Japan, the hosta is considered a sacred plant.

Description of hosta Liberty

Hosta Liberty is a spreading perennial. It can grow in one place for decades, becoming more and more every year. Decorativeness does not appear immediately after planting, but after five years. The height of an adult plant ranges from 50-70 cm.

The flower has large wide leaves with unusual colors. The edges are much lighter than the middle part. They can be green and golden, yellow and light blue. But most often the leaf blades of the variety are distinguished by yellow or creamy white colors.

Inconspicuous, very small, funnel-shaped lavender buds appear on racemose inflorescences. They bloom on a peduncle, the length of which is 10-20 cm, sometimes up to 30 cm. The first 2-3 years after planting, it is not recommended to leave flower stalks so as not to weaken the root system.

Hosta Liberty (Liberty): photo and variety description

The light yellow border along the edge of the leaf blade is uneven, by autumn it becomes cream

Culture should be planted in areas where there is an openwork shadow. They have enough open sun for 2-3 hours in the morning, afternoon and evening. The shade for the Liberty hosta is not suitable, since the pattern on the leaf blades appears weakly or is absent altogether.

Important! Despite the size, the leaves of the variety are tender, direct sunlight burns them, which leads to a loss of decorativeness.

Liberty hostas grow slowly. After landing, 2-3 rosettes appear first. And after 2-3 years – a lush curtain, occupying an area of ​​at least half a meter. This must be taken into account when choosing a location.

Hosta Liberty is a frost-resistant plant, therefore it takes root well in all regions of Our Country.

Application in landscape design

Hosta Liberty, like other representatives of the culture, does not cause problems when landing. It can be grown:

  1. Alone or next to other flowers.
  2. In trunk circles under low trees or shrubs.
  3. Along the paths or on the green lawn.
  4. Hosta Liberty is a great option for growing in tubs, flowerpots on the street or loggia.
Hosta Liberty (Liberty): photo and variety description

Since the variety loses its decorative effect in dense shade, it is not recommended to plant under tall trees.

Breeding methods

There are different ways of reproduction:

  • bush division;
    Hosta Liberty (Liberty): photo and variety description

    You can get high-quality and viable planting material from bushes older than four years

  • seeds;
    Hosta Liberty (Liberty): photo and variety description

    Hosts grown by seed grow slowly

  • cuttings or leaf blade;
    Hosta Liberty (Liberty): photo and variety description

    It will take about a month for leaves or cuttings to root.

Landing algorithm

Like many horticultural crops, Liberty hosta is negative about frequent transplants. As noted in the description, the decorativeness of the bush increases with age. That is why it is worth considering in advance where to place a flower with colorful leaves.

Site Selection

This should be an area with an openwork shadow, well protected from wind and drafts. You can plant hostas near water bodies or near the house on the north side.

As for the land, the culture prefers a humus composition and good moisture. Hosta Liberty is best planted in neutral or slightly acidic soils.

Warning! Loams and sandy soils are not suitable for planting.

Hosta landing dates

You also need to set deadlines. The end of August or the beginning of September (depending on the region) is the best time. While the temperature is above zero, the plant will have time to take root, therefore, it will survive the winter without loss.

Landing algorithm

For 2-3 years, the Liberty host grows strongly. If you plan to place several plants on the site, then pits should be dug at a distance of at least 60-80 cm. Unlike other crops, a deep hole is not needed for a flower, 3-4 cm is enough (excluding drainage).

Stages of work:

  1. At the bottom of the seat, be sure to put drainage: broken brick, large pebbles.
  2. Mix garden soil with humus, compost and wood ash, sprinkle on top.
  3. Spread the roots of the hosta seedling, sprinkle with nutrient soil.
    Hosta Liberty (Liberty): photo and variety description

    It is not recommended to deepen the Liberty host

  4. Lightly tamp the soil after planting and water generously.
    Hosta Liberty (Liberty): photo and variety description

    Moisturize the host carefully around the bush so as not to damage the roots.

  5. To preserve moisture, mulch with bark or sawdust.
Advice! It is advisable to mix the mulch with tobacco dust and Fitosporin. This will save Hosta Liberty from snails and fungal diseases.

Hosta Liberty (Liberty): photo and variety description

Growing rules

Variety hosta Liberty is demanding on water. The soil must always be kept moist. That is why the plant feels great near water bodies.

Water under the root, trying not to fall on the leaves. Work is planned for early morning or evening, when the sun’s rays are not so hot. In addition, raw leaf blades can deteriorate, snails, slugs and other insects settle on them.

Loosening the soil and removing weeds are mandatory, especially in the early years while the bushes are small.

Host Liberty is fed only in the third year after planting. The plant has enough nutrients, which filled the soil. In the future, fertilizing with fertilizers containing nitrogen will be required – at least four times during the growing season.

Attention! Watering with fermented green grass is excellent.

So that the bushes do not lose their decorative effect, it is recommended to cut the flower stalks after withering. Adult bushes also lose this quality, which is a signal for a transplant.

Preparation for winter

In September, when the first frosts begin, the leaves of the Liberty hosta are cut off. No special shelter is required for frost-resistant plants. You just need to mulch the root zone.

Hosta roots can damage mice in winter. Often in the spring, plants are simply destroyed. Therefore, under the mulch you need to put poisonous baits. There is another way: when planting in a pit, metal mesh bags with small cells are lowered into which a seedling is placed.

Diseases and pests

Despite the fact that Liberty Hosta is rarely affected by diseases, and slugs and snails are noted from pests, problems should not be forgotten. At the first sign, it is important to take drastic measures.

Hosta Liberty (Liberty): photo and variety description

This little pest spoils the hosta’s decorative look.

Advice! It is best to carry out preventive measures, then the bushes will delight with their colors throughout the growing season.

Diseases and pests


Control measures

Gray mold

It first strikes the tips of the leaf plates, then moves to the surface

Cut leaves with signs of the disease, then treat the bushes with any of the following preparations:


· Bordeaux liquid;

· “Topaz”;



The cause of the disease is fungi. Their colonies can be recognized by small brown spots. If you do not take action, they merge. As a result, the entire record turns brown, then dries up.

After cutting, burn the diseased leaves, and use the following to process the bushes:



· “Gates”;

a solution of copper sulphate;

colloidal sulfur

Repeat spraying after 10 days

Slugs and snails

Holes are clearly visible on the leaves

Hand picking or insecticide treatment


The disease manifests itself in hot weather, associated with dehydration of plant tissues.

Timely watering, if necessary, place canopies or old umbrellas over the bushes

Caterpillars and beetles

You can notice the invasion of pests by gnawed leaves. If you do not start a fight, the host will die

Spray “Karbofos” or any insecticidal preparations

leafy nematodes

If the leaves are with black stripes, then there are a lot of nematodes on the bush

There are no ways to fight. Host Liberty will have to be removed and burned along with the soil

Hosta Liberty (Liberty): photo and variety description

Hosta Liberty (Liberty): photo and variety description

After processing, you need to wash the tools and disinfect well so that the spores of the diseases do not get on other plants.


Hosta Liberty is an ornamental plant that landscape designers have long paid attention to. It does not require special care, some gardeners grow bushes in large flowerpots.

Hosta Liberty in the garden

Host Liberty Reviews

Vasilyeva Ekaterina Ivanovna, 35 years old, Volgograd.
I have been interested in flowers for a long time. I have many exotic plants. Once I saw a bush with unusual double-colored leaves at a neighbor’s dacha. It turned out to be Hosta Liberty. The bush was huge and old; she planned to plant it out in the fall. Gave me some roots, told me how to care. Before frost, I cut the leaves, sprinkled the root zone with humus. I really hope it makes it through the winter.
Khokhryakova Tatyana Nikolaevna, 63 years old, Cheetah.
I have a small allotment. I plant few vegetables. The whole area is mostly occupied by flowers. Hosta Liberty takes center stage. It grows in a row on my paths. The plant is unpretentious, you only need to water, feed, loosen the soil in a timely manner. To prevent diseases, early in the spring I spray the plantings with a solution of copper sulphate. I grow hosta because of the large decorative leaves.

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