Hosta Brim Cap is notable for its large cup-shaped leaves with a light pattern around the edges. She is able to fill the garden with greenery and decorate the landscape of the site. The plant is easy to care for and does not require super-fertile soil for good growth and development. The Asian hybrid reproduces in several ways and after three seasons it develops into a full-fledged plant.

Description of hosta Brim Cup

“Brim Cup” or “variegated bowl” is one of the varieties of hosta of an exotic look. The plant has unusual leaves that resemble containers in shape. Hosta plates have a rich green color with a light, golden edging. The central part is ahead of the growth of the edging, so the leaves become wrinkled. Closer to the middle of summer, the edges change from a light shade to white.

The flower is characterized by earlier flowering. Brim Cap opens in late June or early July. Inflorescences in the form of a brush appear on a bare stem. The height of the peduncle can reach 45-50 cm. At the beginning of flowering, they have a lilac hue, then, by mid-July, they lose their pigment and turn white, like the ornament on the leaves. Flowers adorn the garden until August.

Advice! Timely removal of withered parts prolongs the flowering time of the hosta.

An adult bush reaches a height of 30-35 cm with leaves up to 18 cm long and 16 cm wide. One copy covers an area of ​​​​up to 75 cm.

Hosta Brim Cap: photo and description, reviews

Hosta “Brim Cap” blooms in mid-July

Features of Brim Cup Hybrid Hosta:

  • has an attractive appearance;
  • growing fast;
  • unpretentious in terms of soil composition and care;
  • grows well in dark areas;
  • prevents the active growth of weeds;
  • grows in one place for a long time;
  • does not age;
  • withstands low temperatures.

The leaves of an adult plant are rounded, becoming smoother. 8-10-year-old bushes reach the highest flowering.

Cup-shaped hosta belongs to the plants of the third winter hardiness zone and can withstand temperatures down to -40 °C.

Hosta is native to Asia. A climate comfortable for these plants prevails in central Our Country, where the summer period is characterized by low temperatures and high air humidity.

Application in landscape design

Hostas can be planted along the banks of the reservoir in combination with other flora that prefer moist soil.

A chic composition is formed by Brim Cap and the white variety Bressingham Blue.

It is better to plant small plants at some distance from an adult hosta, otherwise its leaves will not allow undersized bushes to develop.

Hosta Brim Cap: photo and description, reviews

Brim Cap hosta bushes serve as an excellent frame for the garden plot.

These include:

  • primrose;
  • daisies;
  • lungwort.

Plants with small bulbs that do not need to be dug up after each season are planted next to the hosts.

It can be:

  • muscariki;
  • crocuses;
  • chionodoxes;
  • Pushkinia;
  • daffodils.
Important! During the flowering of the bulbous, the leaves of the hybrid are not yet shown, and in the summer the large Brim Cap plates will fill in the bare areas formed in place of the spring flowers.

Breeding methods

Hostas can reproduce in three ways:

  • with the help of seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • division of a mature bush.

The third method is the most popular among gardeners.

“Brim Cap” tolerates division and carrying, takes root quickly. It is necessary to divide the adult bush with a shovel and transfer the process with part of the rhizome to a separate hole.

Attention! If the host is divided at the end of summer, the cuttings must be freed from the leaves and the stems cut off about 10 cm. Then the disturbed root will have enough strength to feed the aerial part.

Landing algorithm

You can plant new plants in early spring, until the leaves appear, or in late summer – early autumn.

Warning! The choice of Brim Cap bushes for planting must be approached carefully. In the rhizome zone there should be several buds that have just begun to germinate.

The roots of healthy hosta seedlings are sprawling, not wrinkled. Their length is about 10 cm. Instances on which mold or decay is present are not suitable for planting.

It is important to organize the proper storage of young cuttings before planting in the ground. This may be a room with a low temperature (up to +10 ° C), away from sunlight.

Can be stored in:

  • cellar;
  • refrigerator (lower shelf);
  • warm balcony.
Hosta Brim Cap: photo and description, reviews

Seedlings that take root and get stronger before the onset of frost will overwinter better.

Important! Before planting, you need to prepare a hole about 30 cm deep. This form of recess is due to the growth of the plant’s roots in a horizontal direction.

Hosta hybrid Brim Cup is a perennial plant, so it should be thoroughly rooted.

As fertilizers that are applied to the planting site, you can use:

  • compost;
  • rotted manure;
  • peat;
  • river sand;
  • ash (if acidic soil prevails in the garden).

Mix fertilizers and fill the hole with this mixture. The well should be 2/3 full. Then the soil should be poured abundantly with non-cold water and mixed with nutrient soil.

Roots should be distributed on a fertilized layer of earth. Germinating buds on the basal neck should be located no lower than the soil level. Next, you need to fill the roots with earth and re-moisten the soil. Mulch around plantings.

Advice! The recommended layer is up to 2 cm. The first time after planting, the host petioles should be watered regularly. Rooted, the bush will grow without special care.

Growing rules

Brim Cap grows well with regular moderate watering, but not in swampy soils, feels great in dark areas of the site and away from strong gusts of wind and drafts.

If the hosta grows in a sunny area of ​​the garden, it is better to plant a plant with a lush crown in front of it, which needs more ultraviolet light.

The degree of illumination required for the full growth of the Brim Cap hybrid can be determined by the edging of its leaf plates: the larger the area occupied by a light pattern, the more light the host needs.

A deep dark green hue indicates that the bush will feel more comfortable in shady places.

Warning! If planted in the darkest area of ​​the garden, hosta ‘Brim Cap’ will develop slowly but the leaves will become larger and thicker.
Hosta Brim Cap: photo and description, reviews

Brim Cap grows well in moist, slightly acidic soils.

The best way to water is drip. The host should be provided with moisture without affecting the leaves with water. With proper watering, the sun’s rays will not leave burns on the greenery and the fungus will not spread.

The hybrid does not need frequent plentiful dressings. You need to fertilize the bushes 2-3 times per season or apply fertilizers that provide action for a long time.

You can feed Brim Cap with a combined mineral composition in early spring.

Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compounds positively affect the growth and development of the host.

Attention! The increased content of nitrogen makes the color of the leaves lighter, and the pattern is fuzzy, so you need to fertilize the bushes with this substance in stages.


  1. At the beginning of the season, when the leaves have not yet “hatched”, the Brim Cap host is fertilized with a complex with a high nitrogen content. The optimal proportions of N + P + K substances are 20:10:10. You can add azophos. When using mineral mixtures, it is important not to overdo it.
  2. In spring-summer, for the best color of foliage, fertilizers with the optimal ratio of all components should be used.
  3. Plantings benefit from organic compounds: humus, manure. They are safe, but the color of the leaf plates may vary.

The mulching method keeps the soil moist and helps ventilate the Brim Cap’s root system. The top layer of the substrate does not dry out and remains loosened.

Mulch types:

  • pieces of bark;
  • textile cover;
  • coniferous cones and needles.
Warning! Mulch also acts as a decorative element, but it can attract snails.

Preparation for winter

In order to prepare the plant for the winter period, at the end of summer, it is necessary to suspend feeding the substrate.

Leaves may not be cut. Due to its high frost resistance, the hosta tolerates low temperatures typical of the central zone of the Federation, Belarus and Ukraine, even in open ground.

Hosta Brim Cap: photo and description, reviews

Before winter frosts, you need to stop feeding the plant

Warning! If Brim Cap bushes are planted in the fall, care must be taken to ensure that the roots are located at a depth of at least 5 cm above the soil level.

If the underground part of the hosta is close to the surface, with frequent changes in temperature in winter, it may suffer.

Diseases and pests

Brim Cap hostas are not susceptible to disease, but can be damaged by pests.

The main enemy of the plant is the slug. The appearance of the bush can be spoiled even by one individual, and there are many of them. Slugs eat fresh leaves. There is a simple and gentle way to control pests – mulching. But using soft peat or sawdust will not be effective.

Advice! Plants should be sprinkled with prickly raw materials: coniferous needles or spruce branches, crushed stones or shells and wood chips.

Slugs will not crawl to high surfaces. Also, bushes can be sprinkled around with lime or superphosphate fertilizer, pests do not like these substances.

For the Asian Brim Cap hybrid, these fertilizers are harmless. Lime lowers the percentage of soil acidity, and superphosphate makes its composition richer.

Wood ash, which contains potassium carbonate and alkali, is also effective.

Hosta Brim Cap: photo and description, reviews

Snails and slugs are manually disposed of


Hosta Brim Cap is notable for the beauty of the leaves and the absence of difficulties in the care process. The plant often becomes an object of interest for gardeners and landscape designers. For successful cultivation, you need to choose the right rooting site and carry out regular watering.

Brim Cap reviews

Sinyavskaya Elena, 38 years old, Tver
Brim Cap is my favorite variety. I have it growing in company with astilba and geykhera. The host won my heart, for which I am very grateful to her: all the shady corners of my garden were filled.
Karonova Alina, 44 years old, Yaroslavl
I love this variety very much: colorful, cheerful, grows well. In the company of green and blue neighbors, Brim Cap looks amazing.
Verteeva Natalia, 28 years old, Pushkin
We planted a cup-shaped hosta in the free area near the fence. Over several seasons, it has grown impressively. It looks beautiful and unusual for our area.
Hosta hybrid Brim Cup (brim cup) 🌿 review: how to plant, seedlings, bulbs Hosta Brim Cup

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