Hosta Blue Ivory is distinguished by very attractive, large leaves of harmonious color: a green-blue central part with a cream-colored border. The bush grows small, but spreads in width up to 1 m or more. It completely covers the soil, which allows it to be used in carpet plantings. Blue Ivory has a high winter hardiness, thanks to which it can be bred in Central Our Country, Siberia and other regions.
Description of Hosta Blue Ivory
Hosta Blue Ivory is distinguished by dense blue leaves with a wide stripe along the edge of a white or cream shade. The leaves change their color during the season: at first the center is bluish-green, and the border is cream, then the leaf becomes more blue, and the edge is white. Leaf size: 25 cm long and up to 15 cm wide.
The bush grows small, no more than 45 cm, but very sprawling – up to 120 cm in diameter. Blue Ivory blooms in the middle of summer, lavender buds. It belongs to shade-tolerant varieties, prefers medium shading. If planted in an open area, burns form on the leaves.
In terms of frost resistance, it belongs to the 3rd zone: it withstands winter frosts down to -35 degrees. Therefore, it can be grown in different regions of Our Country – everywhere in Central, in the Urals, as well as in Southern Siberia and the Far East.

The central part of the Blue Ivory hosta leaf resembles feathers or bird wings.
Differences between Blue Ivory and Fern Line hosts
Due to the similarity in appearance, Blue Ivory hosta and Fern Line are often confused. They are really similar, but upon closer examination, you can find differences:
- Hosta Fern Line has a dark green leaf center with no blue hues.
- The border around the edges is light yellow.
- In addition, it is wider than Blue Ivory.

Hosta Fern Line has a pronounced greenish tone in the center, not blue

Blue Ivory’s hosta leaves are wider than Fern Line’s.
Application in landscape design
Due to its interesting coloration, lush foliage and unpretentiousness, Blue Ivory is often used to decorate the garden:
- in single landings;
- in combination with other types of host;
- in carpet plantings;
- in flower arrangements – bright flowers contrast well against its background;
- in rock gardens and rockeries.
Blue Ivory goes well with different colors:
- peonies;
- forget-me-nots;
- astilbe;
- undersized daylilies.
It is also appropriate to plant it in compositions with conifers:
- dwarf firs;
- different types of thuja;
- juniper.
Hosta gets along quite well with different plants. But you should not plant it next to actively growing, sprawling bushes that completely obscure its view.

Hosta Blue Ivory is in perfect harmony with other varieties and bright colors.
Breeding methods
Blue Ivory can be propagated:
- seeds;
- cuttings;
- division of the bush.
It is better to breed relatively mature plants aged 4 years and older. The fastest way is to divide the bush. It is carried out in almost any season – in spring, summer and even autumn, and no later than a month before frost.
To split a bush, proceed as follows:
- They cut the ground with a sharp shovel within a radius of 35 cm from the center of the plant (you can navigate by the size of the hosta bush).
- Dig a bush along with the ground.
- Hit the surface several times to shake off the soil.
- Using a sharp knife, cut it into several pieces so that each division has 2-3 sprouts.
- Transplanted to a new place at about the same depth.
- They mulch for the winter (in the southern regions this is not necessary).
Landing algorithm
Hosta Blue Ivory is best purchased from trusted nurseries or specialized stores. When buying, you need to carefully examine the roots: they must be healthy, without visible damage and contain 2-3 or more growth buds.
Hosta is usually planted in the second half of April, when the snow has completely melted, and the probability of night frosts is close to zero. In the south, this is the beginning of April, in the middle lane – the end of the month, and in the Urals and Siberia – the beginning or even the middle of May.
When choosing a place, the main attention is paid to the presence of shade: Blue Ivory hosta grows well next to sprawling bushes or trees. Also, the place should be protected from open drafts and stagnant moisture (ideally planted on a small hill). Hosta is not demanding on soils – it grows even on depleted soil, subject to regular fertilization. The reaction may be neutral or slightly acidic; alkaline soil is undesirable.
Landing instructions are as follows:
- The site is dug up for 2 weeks, complex fertilizer and a bucket of humus per 1 m2 are added. If you do not do this right away, humus can then be applied directly to the hole.
- Dig several holes of small depth and diameter – 30 cm.
- Fall asleep a mixture of garden soil with a small amount of peat and a few handfuls of sand. If the soil is infertile, rotted manure can be applied.
- Lay small stones at the bottom of the hole.
- Fill half the soil and water.
- Root the host and add the remaining earth.
- Water again and mulch with hay, straw or pine needles.

With proper care of the Blue Ivory hosta, you can get a lush, sprawling bush.
Growing rules
Hosta Blue Ivory does not need special care. For the successful cultivation of this beautiful bush, you must follow a few simple rules:
- Water regularly, especially in dry weather, keeping the soil moderately moist at all times. Excessive moisture is not allowed.
- In the spring, it is better to lay a layer of mulch so that the soil retains moisture well. In addition, mulching prevents the growth of weeds.
- Periodically loosen the ground, which is especially important for young seedlings.
As for fertilizers, it is optimal to apply them 3 times per season:
- In April, add urea, ammonium nitrate or other nitrogen fertilizer for lush leaf growth.
- In the middle of summer, potassium salt and superphosphates are added to maintain flowering.
- In the last decade of August, the same composition is added. After that, you do not need to feed.
At the same time, feeding should not be added in the first year – the plant needs enough humus or manure introduced into the pit during planting.
Preparation for winter
Blue Ivory is very resistant to frost, so it is not necessary to cover it especially for the winter. Usually in the fall, several procedures are carried out with the plant:
- Remove all faded flower stalks – they are cut off completely.
- If necessary, remove old foliage and obviously damaged shoots.
- Mulch the trunk circle with hay, straw, peat or needles. It is not necessary to specially cover the bush with burlap or other materials.

Hosta Blue Ivory does not need to be covered for the winter
Diseases and pests
Blue Ivory, like many other varieties of hostas, is resistant to diseases and pests. But sometimes she is affected by such diseases:
- root collar rot (leaves turn yellow and become soft);
- the HVX virus is a specific pathogen that parasitizes only on hosts (rings, spots or extraneous strokes appear on the leaves).
At the first symptoms, damaged leaves and shoots should be cut off and burned. If the bush continues to get sick, it will have to be parted so that it cannot infect neighboring hosts.
Snails and slugs also like to parasitize Blue Ivory. They can be collected manually, and then processed:
- saturated salt solution;
- 10% solution of vitriol (iron or copper);
- a dry mixture of ash, red pepper and mustard (ratio 2:1:1) – it is scattered on the ground, in the near-trunk circle.
Typical pests (aphids, spider mites, scale insects and others) rarely settle on the host. But if they are found, it is necessary to immediately treat them with an insecticide. For example, you can use Green Soap, Decis, Confidor, Karbofos. If the Blue Ivory host is affected by a fungal infection (gray rot, rust, and others), fungicides are used (Topaz, Spore, Maxim, Bordeaux mixture).
Hosta Blue Ivory is sure to be an eye-catcher in any garden. It looks especially beautiful in composition with other hostas and flowers – for example, in mixborders or on rocky flower beds, in rock gardens. This non-capricious plant tolerates winter well, so it can be grown in almost any region.