Host captivates designing

Host captivates designing

Restaurants are a meeting place, a place for leisure and, above all, generators of experiences, where customers enjoy the food, and especially the environment.

The Host Congress of Trends and Innovation in Service and Hall arrives for the third consecutive year to continue inspiring catering professionals.

As in previous editions of Host, it seeks to identify realities and experiences to progress and evolve in the customer experience, in the attention and in the service.

On November 21 and 22, the meeting will take place, organized by the Basque Culinary Center (BBC) to show the best and new trends in the room.

Another of the key values ​​of the event is the importance it gives to design as a true lever for the growth of hospitality establishments.

Inspiration and design in Hospitality as a starting point.

Great professionals from the sector, the dining room and the kitchen, will participate and share their talent and professionalism in various presentations, round tables and various activities that will help attendees fill their heads with new concepts and successful content that adds value to business restoration.

In this 2016 edition, Host is framed in four main blocks or themes, all of them aimed at “designing to captivate”:

  1. Learning to design unique experiences; where the professionals of the Hall and will show us how to manage emotions in different dynamics, from the hand of renowned professionals such as Josep Roca, Inma Puig, Denis Courtiade, John Schadfer, Stefania Giordano, Joserra Calvo or Juan Ruiz Henestrosa
  2. Choose you from you to you. Where the personal will stand out from the general, sharing close moments lived in the room of the hospitality establishments.
  3. Learning from other disciplines; where architecture and design within gastronomy and the room will be the focus of interventions by architects and designers such as Diego Gronda, Xavier Torrents, José Manuel Fernández, Ana Roquero or Jose Miguel Piñero.
  4. New technology to create sensations; a future that is already present that will bring the latest news in virtual reality and new gastronomic concepts from the hand of Nicolás Alcalá and Diego Coquillat.

All the information on the program of activities, speakers and reservation of a place to attend the event, we leave them here linked on the Host website.

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