Hospital layette – what should be in it, when to prepare it

A layette for the hospital is a very important issue for a future mother. Its proper and sufficiently early preparation gives a sense of control over the situation and reduces somewhat the anxiety related to the expectation of the baby’s coming into the world. The layette for the hospital should contain all the documents necessary for the stay in the hospital, tests performed during pregnancy, clothes and cosmetics useful during the stay at the delivery room for both the mother and the baby – both before and immediately after delivery.

What should be in a hospital layette?

W layette to the hospital there should be personal items needed by the expectant mother in the delivery room – such as pajamas or nightgown, bathrobe, slippers, cosmetics and hygiene products, as well as the necessary documents and the results of pregnancy tests.

Layette to the hospital should contain the following documents:

  1. referral to the hospital (it is not necessary, but if we have it, it is worth taking it with you to the maternity ward,
  2. ID card with the current name or a copy of the marriage certificate (if the child is to have the father’s surname),
  3. pregnancy card,
  4. Employer’s or own tax identification number (NIP), if the expectant mother runs a business,
  5. test results: for the carrier of infectious hepatitis virus, WR (for syphilis), blood group, ultrasound test results (at least one ultrasound test should be performed during pregnancy), recent urine test and blood count, HIV test result, antibody level anti-Rh (in the case of a negative Rh factor in the mother), vaginal culture for streptococci and streptococci (GBS), results of specialist consultations during pregnancy (for example, cardiological, ophthalmic or orthopedic consultations) and the results of an ionogram and coagulogram if a cesarean is planned cutting.

In addition, in layette to the hospital should be handkerchiefs, wet wipes, paper towels, nappy cloth, personal hygiene products, massage oil or oil, something light to eat and drink. You can also put an MP3 player with your favorite music in the bag, which will be very useful in a multi-person room in the maternity ward and will help the future mother to relax and reduce stress levels.

After giving birth, nightgowns with a slit, comfortable for breastfeeding, several pairs of maternity panties (they should be made of “breathable” material, toiletries, 2 towels, packaging of postpartum pads (they should be comfortable and absorbent), paper towels, bras for nursing mothers and nursing pads, and comfortable clothes, all of these things should also be in layette to the hospitalbut may be packed in a separate bag. Don’t forget your cell phone and charger.

Do bag taken to the hospital it is also worth packing things for the child (preferably in a separate bag). They will be useful:

  1. disposable diapers (at least 20 items),
  2. a pack of wet wipes for babies,
  3. diaper rash cream,
  4. 4 tetras diapers,
  5. clothes for children: jackets, bodysuits, rompers, rompers,
  6. 2 cotton hats and “non-cloak” gloves,
  7. sleeping bag or blanket,
  8. baby wash emollient,
  9. a towel with a hood,
  10. clothes for leaving the hospital – it should be adapted to the season and weather.

Items for leaving the hospital should be packed in a separate bag, which can be brought by your partner or husband (or someone from the family) just before the mother and the baby are discharged from the delivery ward.

When should I prepare the layette for the hospital?

Layette to the hospital it should be ready by the beginning of the 9th month of pregnancy at the latest, but you can pack it earlier. This will give the future mother a sense of security and control over the situation – it is enough to take the previously packed bag with you to the delivery room when the time of delivery comes.

It is best to print a list of essentials from the website layette to the hospital (or make such a list yourself) and complete all documents, clothes and hygiene products for yourself and the baby, so that they are packed and ready to take when they go to the maternity ward. Packed bags are best placed in a visible, easily accessible place. This will give you a sense of comfort and relieve some stress

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