
Hortiotherapy is a type of mental therapy that combines medicine and horticulture. Staying in the garden is supposed to help reduce chronic stress and contribute to restoring mental balance. Hortitherapy can be carried out in two ways: active and passive. Both are designed to stimulate all of a person’s senses, which in turn is a great way to engage your thoughts and relax.

Hortitherapy, otherwise known as horticulotherapy or just gardening therapy, uses contact with nature to treat states of low mood, depression or people suffering from anxiety. This form of psychotherapy allows you to calm down, organize your thoughts by focusing on work that gives pleasure and relaxation.

Hortitherapy – what is it?

As mentioned, hortitherapy is associated with the possibility of improving the mental condition of a person. During the therapy, the patient undergoing treatment takes part in it actively or passively. Active participation in horticulture it consists in performing typical, light garden works, including, for example: planting, quilting, watering, pruning or reproducing plants; sowing seeds of flowers, fruits, vegetables. During the transition horticulture the patient is involved in mowing lawns, collecting vegetables and fruits that he has grown himself. Hortitherapy active is also the design and planning of work in the garden, greenhouses and various types of conservatories. During this type of therapy, the patient may also acquire new skills, e.g. in the field of creating flower arrangements, and learn about the world of plants.

In turn, hortitherapy passive mainly consists in careful observation of plants in the garden, in the greenhouse. The treated person uses all his senses to concentrate better on plants, because he admires them, touches them, gets to know their smell, listens to the noise of trees, tastes fruit, etc. Hortitherapy passive is conducted during long walks in special therapeutic gardens. These types of gardens are designed in such a way as to make it easier for the treated person to observe nature. Various types of flower beds, beds, shrubs are specially arranged to facilitate access to them also for people with physical disabilities, e.g. patients in wheelchairs. Among the plants, there are also benches on which the treated person can sit and contemplate the beauty of nature or perform previously planned gardening works.

Hortitherapy – who is it for?

That’s why, that hortitherapy stimulates the imagination, it will be a very good solution for people who struggle with various diseases related to the malfunctioning of the nervous system. These will be such ailments as, for example, depression, autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or lack of concentration of attention (ADHD). Hortitherapy it is also recommended for the elderly, as well as for those patients who suffer from hearing and sight-related ailments.

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Garden therapy it is also increasingly used in people struggling with alcohol or drug addiction. It allows you to calm down, which can soothe symptoms associated with mental addiction, which is manifested by excessive desire to take drugs or reach for alcohol.

Hortitherapy – effects of action

Hortitherapy has a multidirectional effect on the body. Regular gardening and plant care have a calming effect on the body, thanks to which it regulates blood pressure, lowering it. It also has a positive effect on the rhythm of the heart. Long-term management hortitherapy active also affects the physical condition, as it requires performing specific activities that normalize breathing. Thanks to the fact that it is in progress horticulture all your senses are used, stress is reduced and your overall mood improves. A very important aspect horticulture there is also developing a sense of responsibility. Manually planting and caring for plants, and then harvesting the crops, improves concentration on the performance of individual activities and is a great way to learn patience. It also allows you to develop discipline and the ability to work in a team. Hortitherapy can complement drug therapy over time treating depressionbecause it helps you feel better.

Hortiotherapy – studies and courses

There is a field of study in Poland that educates future adepts horticulture. This field of study is carried out as part of first and second cycle studies, thanks to which students receive bachelor’s and master’s degrees, respectively. Hortitherapy is a dynamically developing field, thanks to which graduates of this field usually have no problem finding a job. There are also various types of courses in the field horticulture – both remotely and stationary. Cost of the course horticulture ranges from about 200 to 500 zlotys. However, as you know, the course will not allow you to acquire comprehensive knowledge that must be acquired during your studies.

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