The recipe for horseradish on alcohol at home is quite simple. In the classic version, 200 g of horseradish rhizomes are taken for each liter of alcohol base. The drink is infused for several days, after which it is diluted with water about twice. For greater accuracy, it is recommended to make measurements using an alcohol hydrometer.
Medicinal properties
Horseradish contains antioxidants, vitamins, dietary fiber, minerals, flavonoids and other valuable components. Therefore, the use of tincture of horseradish leaves and root in alcohol provides certain health benefits:
- improve digestion;
- strengthening immunity;
- stimulation of metabolism;
- increased endurance;
- prevention of premature aging processes;
- stimulation of intellectual activity;
- anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.
Fineness of preparation
Cooking horseradish with alcohol at home is quite simple, but you should follow a few rules to make the taste rich and pleasant.
One of the important requirements is the ratio of ingredients. To infuse horseradish, pure medical alcohol with a strength of 96 degrees is used. But in its pure form, it is almost impossible to drink such a drink, moreover, it is dangerous to health.
Therefore, in all recipes, chopped horseradish is first insisted on alcohol, and then diluted with water to the desired ratio. For example, if you add 1 liter, you get a composition with a strength of 48 degrees. If you make a simple calculation, you can find the optimal amount of water for horseradish of different strengths. For example, for a classic 40-degree drink, you need 1 liter of alcohol and 1,65 liters of water. You can measure the strength more accurately using a hydrometer.
Another important figure is the amount of horseradish. For the preparation of horseradish, it is recommended to take 100 g of the root for each liter of the finished drink. For example, if you plan to dilute 1 liter of alcohol with water twice, then take 200 g of rhizomes.

For the preparation of horseradish, it is better to dig up the roots in September
In the process of preparing a drink, important points should be considered:
- It is better to cut the rhizome with a knife, and not grind it on a grater, in a blender or in a meat grinder.
- It is not worth insisting the drink for too long – 5-7 days are enough.
- Particular attention should be paid to the main ingredient – for the preparation of horseradish, only a fresh root is taken, not dried, without damage and signs of disease.
- You need to insist in a dark place. At the same time, it is better to shake the container every day.
How to make horseradish with alcohol
Making horseradish is quite simple – even beginners can cope with cooking. The main condition is to observe the ratio of ingredients and not violate the deadlines. The best horseradish recipes for alcohol are described below. You can choose any to your taste.
The classic recipe for horseradish on alcohol

In the classic case, alcohol-based horseradish is prepared with honey according to a simple recipe.
You will need the following ingredients:
- medical alcohol 96% – 1 l;
- horseradish root – 270 g;
- liquid honey – 6 tbsp. l.
Instructions for cooking:
- Clear root.
- Finely cut into equal pieces of 2-3 cm.
- Connect with honey.
- Fill with alcohol.
- Let stand in a dark, warm place for five days.
- Shake periodically.
- After five days, strain and dilute with water to obtain the desired strength. For example, to get the classic version of 40 degrees, add 1,65-1,7 liters.
Horseradish tincture on alcohol with cumin
Horseradish root tincture for alcohol can be made with cumin. To enrich the drink, several ingredients are taken for preparation:
- alcohol 96% – 500 ml;
- ground ginger – 20 g;
- cloves – 2 bud;
- cumin – a small pinch (3-4 g);
- allspice – 3 peas;
- honey – 2 st. l .;
- black pepper – 5 peas.
The sequence of actions is as follows:
- Peel the roots, chop with a knife.
- Add cumin, clove buds, both types of pepper.
- Dissolve honey in a few tablespoons of water.
- Pour the honey mixture into alcohol, combine with the rest of the ingredients.
- Put for 8-10 days in a cool place.
- Then strain and add 600 ml of water. It can be a little less – then the drink by strength will turn out like moonshine.
- Pour into another container and store in the refrigerator.

Cumin enriches the aroma and taste of the drink
Horseradish tincture with lemon
In this horseradish recipe for alcohol, the following products are taken (based on 3 liters of the finished drink):
- alcohol – 96%;
- horseradish – 300 g;
- juice from 1,5-2 medium-sized lemons;
- honey – 6 tbsp. l.
The sequence of actions is as follows:
- Clean and finely chop the rhizome.
- Fill with alcohol.
- Add honey and lemon juice.
- Mix thoroughly until completely dissolved.
- Let stand for 5 days in a warm and dark place, shaking occasionally.
- Strain and add 2 liters of water.
- Taste, if necessary, add another teaspoon of honey, mix.

When serving, each glass is decorated with a slice of lemon.
A quick recipe for horseradish root on alcohol
You can insist horseradish on alcohol for several days. Since alcohol extracts (“pulls”) substances from plant tissues well, the tincture is prepared in just 5-7 days. Although there is an accelerated recipe that will allow you to enjoy a drink in 15 minutes. You will need the following ingredients:
- alcohol base 96% – 250 ml;
- honey – 1 st. l .;
- fresh ginger root – 20 g;
- horseradish – 45-50 g;
- salt – a pinch (3 g);
- freshly squeezed lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.
The step by step instructions are:
- Grate horseradish and ginger on a fine grater.
- Add salt and grind with your hands so that the roots give juice.
- Add lemon juice and honey.
- Pour in the alcohol base and let stand for 5 minutes, shaking thoroughly.
- After 5-10 minutes, strain and dilute with water twice, adding 250-270 ml to the desired strength.
That is why in the classic and many other recipes it is recommended to cut the rhizomes with a knife. A blender and a meat grinder should not be used.
Is it possible to insist horseradish leaves on alcohol
On alcohol, you can make a tincture not only from the roots, but also from horseradish leaves. For cooking, take the ingredients in such quantities:
- 5 large leaves;
- alcohol base 96% – 250 ml.
The instruction is as follows:
- Wash and dry leaves thoroughly.
- Cut into small pieces, removing rough petioles.
- Pack tightly into a jar.
- Pour alcohol and insist in the refrigerator for six days.
- Strain and add 270 ml of water.
- Pour into another container.

To prepare 500 ml of drink, it is enough to take five large leaves
This tincture can also be used as a drink, but its taste will be somewhat different from the classic horseradish. Therefore, it is recommended to try both options.
Side effects
Drinking the tincture on an empty stomach, in excessive amounts and on a regular basis, can lead to adverse health effects:
- increased acidity of the stomach;
- irritation of the esophagus;
- increased blood pressure;
- discomfort in the stomach;
- headache;
- the formation of blood clots;
- deterioration of intellectual functions;
- gradual formation of dependence, alcoholism;
- changes in behavior;
- oppression of sexual desire;
- problems with conceiving a child and many others.
Therefore, it is optimal to cook horseradish no more than 50-55 degrees. You can drink it only on a full stomach.
Rules of Use
Khrenovuha is a strong drink with a special taste and aroma. Therefore, when using it, several features should be taken into account:
- An hour before the start of the feast, the bottle should be put in the refrigerator.
- It is better to drink not in one gulp, but at a slow pace to feel the taste.
- Be sure to accompany horseradish with a snack – high-calorie dishes, for example, meat, potatoes.
- For one feast, it is better to drink no more than 150 ml so that there is no hangover. This is especially important for those people who very rarely take strong alcohol.
Shelf life of alcohol tincture on horseradish
Khrenovukha should preferably be stored in a refrigerator, cellar, basement or other cool, dark place in the temperature range of 2-6 degrees Celsius. Humidity should be moderate, up to 70%. Subject to these rules, the shelf life is 2-3 years.
If kept at room temperature, the drink should be consumed 3-4 months in advance. It is important to understand that the longer the horseradish costs, the more bitter it will be. At the same time, it will still retain its shelf life, but the taste will deteriorate.

To increase the shelf life, the drink is stored in the refrigerator.
The recipe for horseradish on alcohol at home is simple, therefore it is available to everyone. Honey is used to make a delicious drink. It softens the spiciness and gives an additional flavor. To enrich the aroma, it is recommended to use cumin, ginger, cloves and other fragrant spices.