Horseradish leaf diseases: types and methods of control, methods of prevention

Horseradish leaf diseases: types and methods of control, methods of prevention

Horseradish leaf diseases: types and methods of control, methods of prevention

Horseradish has a number of useful properties, so many people prefer to grow it in vegetable gardens. It is used as a folk remedy to improve appetite, in the fight against gout, liver diseases, rinsing the mouth with sore throat, stomatitis, pharyngitis, as mustard plasters, for the prevention of colds, as a tonic and so on. Today we will tell you what ailments can appear on the leaves of this plant.

Horseradish leaf beetle

This vegetable is a valuable medicinal crop, whose birthplace is the southeast of the European part of Our Country. It is grown for its cylindrical, weighty and fleshy rhizome, which is used as a food and spice plant. Horseradish root has a sharp and pungent specific smell. It tastes sweet at first, later it becomes pungent and spicy.

Horseradish leaf diseases: types and methods of control, methods of prevention

Horseradish pests include babanukha or horseradish leaf beetle. Adults and larvae love to gnaw on its leaves. Such beetles are pests 3–4 cm long, oblong-oval in shape with a convex back and dark green elytra. Females tend to lay their eggs in the eaten pulp and fill them with secretions. The larvae live in groups and harm horseradish for about 3 weeks. Cloudy weather and air humidity up to 100% are favorable for their life. Pupation of the larva takes place in the ground.

The fight against them involves the destruction of diseased crops, deep digging of the soil, spraying with insecticidal preparations. Fury proved to be a good remedy – it should be used at the rate of 1 ampoule per 10 liters of water. It is advised to collect parasites by hand. From folk remedies, the use of wood ash in combination with hot red pepper and dry mustard is popular. With this composition, at the rate of 1 cup of ash and 1 teaspoon of pepper and mustard, horseradish should be powdered.

Video “Useful and medicinal properties of horseradish”

Informative video about the benefits and medicinal properties of horseradish.

Horseradish Useful properties

White rot

Another pest for the normal growth of horseradish is a dangerous infectious fungal disease – white rot. For the development of this disease, horseradish requires good soil and air moisture. Spores of the disease are usually carried along with the wind, spread through planting materials, weeds. Favorable for them is the richness of nitrogen in the soil and the excessive planting density of horseradish.

The fight against this disease includes the use of fungicides containing Cu. Bordeaux liquid is also suitable. Against such a disease that occurs in horseradish, contact preparations Ditan M-45, Profit, Rovral are used, which can not always help. It is recommended to treat horseradish with agents related to systemic contact fungicides – Ordan, Previkur, Profit Gold, Acrobat MC, Ridomil Gold MC. Prevention – weed control, destruction of affected crops, plowing the land in autumn, liming of acidic soil, a balanced composition of mineral dressings.

Horseradish leaf diseases: types and methods of control, methods of prevention


One of the diseases that affect not only horseradish, but also cabbage, radish and other crops. Those horseradish leaves, stems, seedlings and pedicels that have been subjected to this most dangerous of diseases appear as if covered with white oil paint. As this disease develops, horseradish tissues become brown and dry. The leaves look swollen and deformed as virus spores form on them. Control methods for this disease include spraying with copper-containing agents.

Remains of plant origin must be removed from the site. For the prevention of the disease, merciless destruction of weeds in the process of horseradish growth should be carried out and crop rotation should be adhered to.

Horseradish leaf diseases: types and methods of control, methods of prevention

Wavy flea

Another pest that prefers to eat horseradish is the wavy flea. This is a black beetle with yellow stripes on the elytra. The body length of the insect is 3 mm. Such pests attack crops in early spring. Females lay eggs on the surface of the earth, from which offspring appear after 10 days. Such bugs eat holes in the leaves. In addition to horseradish, they feast on radishes, turnips, cabbage, watercress, and daikon.

To get rid of parasites, it is necessary to treat the plants with Octellik or Phoxim. For the first time, it is better to carry out the processing during the period of sprouts, the second time – at the beginning of budding, and the finish – after the crops have finished flowering. It is permissible to use plant insecticides, among which tobacco products are recognized as effective. For prevention, weeds, plant residues after harvesting are removed from the site where the crop grows, raking the fallen leaves into a pile. To disrupt the pupation process of the wavy flea, it is recommended to loosen the ground around the plants. It will not be superfluous to treat seeds before planting with high-quality disinfectants.

Horseradish leaf diseases: types and methods of control, methods of prevention

cabbage moth

Another of the pests that often attack horseradish is the cabbage moth butterfly. It has dirty yellow wings with brown stripes and a dark spot, about 26 mm long. The caterpillar is an insect with a light brown head, a yellowish-green body, light stripes in the back, and its length reaches 17–19 mm. The habitat of such pests is Siberia, the Far East, and the Caucasus. Caterpillars spend the winter in the ground in a special cocoon, which is lined with cobwebs inside, and covered with parts of the soil on the outside.

The cabbage moth is a nocturnal moth that is rarely seen during the day. She prefers to lay her eggs on the underside of leaves in groups containing several. Caterpillars emerge from them after 8-10 days. They love to gnaw out the flesh of the leaves from below. Grown up individuals eat through holes in the surface of foliage. They live from 14 to 35 days – a lot here depends on the weather. Then they descend underground, where they develop as pupae.

Horseradish leaf diseases: types and methods of control, methods of prevention

The fight against these enemies of the normal development of horseradish includes spraying with insecticidal preparations and dusting. This is done in the spring, when insects begin their destructive activity. For the prevention of the disease, it is important to destroy the weeds in time, which are breeding centers of the cabbage moth.

Video “Horseradish in the garden”

Demonstrative video about a plant called horseradish.

Author: Svetlana Galitsina


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