Horseradish (horseradish appetizer) – a classic recipe for cooking

Khrenovina is a purely dish, which, nevertheless, is very popular in other countries too. And in Our Country there are several dozens of the most diverse recipes for preparing this not only tasty, but also healing dish, which can be consumed fresh and prepared for the winter.

What is “crap”

A dish with such an unusual name as horseradish cannot but be of interest, although in fact, everything is very simple – its main ingredient is horseradish – hence the “talking” name. The rest of the components may vary depending on the tastes and preferences of the one who prepares it.

Since horseradish belongs to the group of spicy-flavoring plants and is quite pungent in taste, it goes well with many vegetables: tomatoes, beets, carrots, and, of course, with different types of peppers and garlic. Traditionally, this is a rather spicy dish, so various variations of horseradish often get other names: horseradish, spark, Siberian adjika, dragon seasoning, cobra, gouge your eye, horseradish appetizer and others. The most interesting thing is that there are recipes for horseradish even without horseradish itself, the main thing is that it be sharp and burning.

Yes, and the technology of preparing horseradish can vary significantly. Most often there are horseradish recipes from fresh vegetables without heat treatment in order to preserve all the vitamins and nutrients as much as possible, especially for the winter. But such an appetizer is best stored in a refrigerator or cellar. Many people store horseradish in the winter on the balcony, at sub-zero temperatures, since freezing does not impair either the taste or nutritional qualities of horseradish. Sometimes horseradish is prepared with the addition of vinegar or vegetable oil, which allows it to be stored in more gentle conditions, and harvested for the winter, without necessarily using a refrigerator.

Horseradish (horseradish appetizer) – a classic recipe for cooking

There are also recipes for making horseradish for the winter using cooking either all ingredients or only tomatoes.

Horseradish: benefit and harm

Horseradish prepared according to traditional recipes is not only fragrant and tasty, but also can bring considerable health benefits. Horseradish alone in its rich mineral and vitamin composition (especially in the content of vitamin C) surpasses many vegetables and fruits, second only to black currants and rose hips. In addition, horseradish, especially fresh, contains phytoncides, which have a powerful bactericidal effect. Therefore, regular use of horseradish will help strengthen the immune system and protect yourself from colds in the difficult time of autumn-winter cold.

Attention! Japanese scientists have found that horseradish is able to resist the development of caries, so horseradish can help save teeth.

But for pregnant women and people with inflammation of the kidneys and chronic gastritis, the use of horseradish is highly undesirable.

Horseradish calories

The calorie content of horseradish, as one of the main components of horseradish, is about 56 kcal per 100 g of product. The calorie content of horseradish depends on the specific recipe and can be even less if vegetable oils and other nutritious ingredients are not added to it.

Tips for new housewives

Horseradish has been prepared in Our Country since ancient times, and during this time many different recipes have been invented, including those with storage for the winter, using which you can pleasantly surprise your household and friends. And with experience comes the knowledge of some subtleties of horseradish preparation, which are far from always lying on the surface.

Horseradish – sauce, appetizer or salad

Horseradish (horseradish appetizer) – a classic recipe for cooking

It is not always easy to figure out which category of dishes horseradish can be attributed to. It seems to be a traditional hot sauce, which is ideal for seasoning some meat and fish dishes. But after all, it is often used as a snack for alcoholic drinks. And if you cook a not too hot horseradish, then it will completely come down as a spicy salad or even a paste for spreading on bread – healthy and very tasty.

What the hell is better to use

Our ancestors had an unmistakable sign – for harvesting and cooking horseradish, use only horseradish roots dug out in months, in the name of which there is the letter “r”. And there was some truth in this belief. Since, it is the rhizomes dug out after the first frosts that are the most delicious and fragrant. Summer horseradish is not yet able to provide horseradish with sufficient spiciness, and in spring it becomes more lethargic and not at all juicy.

City dwellers can always buy horseradish roots at the market – they are often sold throughout the winter. It is necessary to choose solid, white rhizomes. Well, in the most extreme case, for some recipes for horseradish with cooking, it is allowed to use purchased horseradish from cans, although you need to understand that there is a minimum amount of useful substances in it.

Horseradish (horseradish appetizer) – a classic recipe for cooking

How much garlic do you need for horseradish

The amount of garlic for horseradish can vary quite significantly. In the traditional recipe, 1 g of garlic is taken for 100 kg of tomatoes. But this number can be easily changed in one direction or another. You just need to remember that garlic is one of the preservatives and its presence in a significant amount helps horseradish not turn sour in winter. However, for these purposes, the main component of the recipes is also used – horseradish, as well as vinegar and vegetable oil.

How to clean horseradish for horseradish

The outermost rough part, the skin, is removed from the rhizomes of horseradish. Before cleaning, the rhizomes must be thoroughly rinsed in cold water.

Advice! If you want to reduce the spiciness of horseradish a little, you can soak it for several hours in cold water before cleaning.

For cleaning, you can use both a kitchen knife and a device called a potato peeler.

How to grind horseradish for horseradish

You can grind horseradish in different ways: using a grater, meat grinder, blender, food processor. But here it is necessary to understand that horseradish, when crushed, releases a huge amount of phytoncides, which can make you sob so that the onion does not even dream of.

Therefore, only the most courageous cooks can afford grinding horseradish on a grater, and then in very small quantities.

The vast majority of housewives use the meat grinder, and there are also some nuances here. In order not to shed tears into the dish being prepared, it is necessary to put plastic bags on both holes of the meat grinder and secure them with an elastic band. It is especially important to do this procedure with the meat grinder outlet. In this case, chopping the vegetable for the horseradish will not cause you much inconvenience. It is better to use a manual meat grinder – it copes with horseradish more reliably.

Horseradish (horseradish appetizer) – a classic recipe for cooking

If you got a very vigorous horseradish, then you can try to put it in the freezer for a couple of hours before grinding.

Advice! Use a bag with fasteners so that immediately after disconnecting from the meat grinder, you can also close it tightly and prevent excess release of healing aromatic substances.

A food processor is ideal for grinding the main ingredient for horseradish, but not everyone has it. And the blender does not always cope with the task – it is necessary to use quite powerful models and pre-cut the horseradish rhizomes into relatively small pieces.

Adding salt, sugar and vinegar

Salt is an essential ingredient in recipes for the manufacture of horseradish. But its quantity can vary greatly depending on the tastes of those who will use it. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that immediately after mixing all the components, the taste of horseradish may seem more insipid. Therefore, they are usually not in a hurry to add salt yet, but let the horseradish stand at room temperature for at least a few hours and only then try it, and add more salt if desired.

If tomatoes are used in the recipe, then when sweet varieties ripened in the sun are added, sugar for making horseradish is not really needed. But if the tomatoes are sour (ripened at room conditions), then adding a small amount of sugar will not hurt, but will only enrich the taste of the harvest for the winter.

Horseradish (horseradish appetizer) – a classic recipe for cooking

To add or not to add vinegar is the eternal subject of dispute between housewives. When storing horseradish in a refrigerator, this procedure may be superfluous. If it is supposed to store horseradish in the winter in the cellar, then it is better to play it safe and add vinegar so that the workpiece does not sour.

How to cook horseradish

Since in most recipes horseradish consists of components that are very useful for humans, it is not recommended to cook it for a long time. Usually, only tomatoes are subjected to long-term heat treatment, the taste of which and the content of lycopene in them (a substance with anti-cancer effects) only increases during the cooking process. Horseradish and garlic are usually added to tomatoes only 5 minutes before the end of cooking.

Horseradish sterilization

Most often, only sterile jars with sterile lids are used to package horseradish for the winter. But sometimes standard sterilization of the product can also be applied. Since jars of small volume (up to 0,5 liters) are mainly used to store horseradish for the winter, the sterilization time is no more than 15 minutes from the moment the water boils.

How to cook horseradish for the winter so that it does not sour

If horseradish is prepared from raw vegetables without cooking and sterilization, then it is necessary to sterilize glassware for storage for the winter and place the finished dish in the refrigerator. All vegetables must be whole, strong, without signs of disease and spoilage. They should also be thoroughly cleaned of contaminants.

Important! It is better in these cases to choose horseradish recipes with the maximum amount of salt, horseradish and garlic – they are responsible for the safety of the product for the winter.

For additional safety, you can first rinse the lid with soda, and then grease the inside with mustard, and only then cover the jar of horseradish. This procedure will help keep the workpiece from mold.

Horseradish (horseradish appetizer) – a classic recipe for cooking

You can also pour a small layer of boiled vegetable oil on top of the horseradish. Finally, when using vinegar, sterilizing or boiling the product, horseradish can be stored even at room temperature, but its usefulness, of course, will decrease significantly.

The nuances of cooking and eating horseradish

In the old days, it was believed that it was right to first put a little food in your mouth, then chew it slightly, eat horseradish, and only then swallow it all together. It is in this way that the seasoning is best absorbed by the body.

Many do not like too liquid sauces. To get a fairly thick horseradish, you need to first strain the chopped tomatoes through several layers of gauze. Juice is used separately, and only the tomato thick itself is used to make horseradish.

If there is a desire to cook a vigorous horseradish, then the number of tomatoes in the recipes can be slightly reduced.

If, on the contrary, you want to slightly reduce the sharpness of horseradish, then reduce the amount of garlic and pepper, and also soak the horseradish rhizome in water for several hours.

What do they eat horseradish with?

Horseradish goes perfectly with jelly or aspic fish. However, horseradish is able to enrich the taste of other fish and meat dishes. It can also be used as an addition to various salads and even as a separate snack. It is very tasty to spread horseradish just on bread or combine with butter and cheese in the form of sandwiches.

Horseradish (horseradish appetizer) – a classic recipe for cooking

Horseradish recipe with tomatoes for the winter

To prepare horseradish or tomato horseradish, as it is called in the common people, you need to cook:

  • 150 g of horseradish rhizomes;
  • 1 kg of tomatoes;
  • 100 g of peeled garlic;
  • 20 g salt;
  • 10 g sugar optional;
  • dry sterile jars with lids.

The general technology for making horseradish at home for the winter according to this recipe is as follows:

  1. All vegetables are thoroughly cleaned from contamination.
  2. Then the garlic is freed from the husk, horseradish from the rough skin, and the point of attachment to the branch is cut out from the tomatoes.
  3. All vegetables are sequentially ground through a meat grinder.
  4. Shredded horseradish before mixing is stored in a separate well-closed bag.
  5. Finally, all the vegetables are mixed together, salt and sugar are added.
  6. Leave until completely dissolved for 30-60 minutes.
  7. Horseradish is tried again, if desired, salt is added.
  8. Lay out in sterile jars, cover with lids, store in the refrigerator.

Horseradish (horseradish appetizer) – a classic recipe for cooking

Horseradish for the winter from tomato and horseradish

This winter horseradish snack recipe with tomatoes is distinguished by a variety of ingredients and their heat treatment.


  • 4 kg of fully ripe fleshy tomatoes;
  • 5 large Antonov apples;
  • 1,5 st. l of salt;
  • 15 cloves of garlic;
  • 0,5 l of pickled horseradish (homemade or store-bought);
  • a pod of hot pepper;
  • 3 Art. l sugar;
  • 1 tsp ground black pepper;
  • ground cinnamon – 1/3 tsp
  • ground nutmeg – a pinch;
  • turmeric – to taste;
  • ginger – to taste.

How to cook horseradish according to this recipe:

Horseradish (horseradish appetizer) – a classic recipe for cooking

  1. Remove the skin from the tomatoes, cut and boil until a relatively dense consistency is obtained for 25-35 minutes.
  2. Wash, cut, peel and boil the apples in a small amount of water until pureed (about 15 minutes).
  3. Then combine the tomatoes with apples in one container, beat with a blender and cook for 18 minutes.
  4. Then add salt, sugar and other spices to the mixture, as well as pickled horseradish and boil for another 5 minutes.
  5. Grind garlic and hot pepper in a meat grinder, add to a mixture of vegetables and apples, bring to a boil.
  6. Place horseradish in sterile jars and roll up.
Advice! If using fresh horseradish, first grind it, then pour some 9% vinegar to taste and let it stand for a couple of hours.

Horseradish for the winter – a recipe without tomatoes

If the use of tomatoes along with horseradish does not seem very attractive, then you can try making horseradish according to the following recipe.

  • 1 kg horseradish;
  • 0,5 L of water;
  • 20 g salt;
  • 40 grams of sugar;
  • 2 st. l. vinegar essence;
  • Cinnamon, cloves – to taste.

Horseradish (horseradish appetizer) – a classic recipe for cooking

The process of cooking according to this recipe for horseradish from tomatoes consists of the following steps, it is necessary:

  1. Place sugar and salt in water, heat until dissolved and boil, add spices and cool to +50°C.
  2. Add vinegar essence and set aside for a day.
  3. Wash the horseradish and also put it to soak for a day.
  4. After that, filter the solution.
  5. Grind horseradish in a meat grinder.
  6. Pour the pureed horseradish with marinade, stir.
  7. Spread horseradish on banks, twist.

Fucking no shit

It also happens that horseradish is prepared without horseradish. It is sometimes called tsitsibeli or simply adjika.


  • Tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • Sweet pepper – 0,5 kg;
  • Garlic – 0,5 kg;
  • Hot pepper – 1 pod;
  • Salt and spices to taste.


  1. Rinse all vegetables and clean from unnecessary parts: ponytails, seeds, husks.
  2. Chop and mix all vegetables with spices.
  3. Bring the mixture to a boil and divide into sterile jars.

Horseradish (horseradish appetizer) – a classic recipe for cooking

Horseradish for the winter – a recipe with cooking


  • 3 kg of tomatoes;
  • 200 g of horseradish;
  • 400 g sweet pepper;
  • 100 g of garlic;
  • 50 g salt;
  • 75 grams of sugar;
  • ground black pepper to taste.

The process of making horseradish for the winter with cooking consists of the following steps:

  1. First, tomatoes are washed and cut and boiled for 20-30 minutes.
  2. At the same time, all the remaining vegetables are ground through a meat grinder.
  3. Add everything to the tomatoes and boil for another 5-10 minutes. At the end, spices are put, allowed to boil and laid out hot in jars.
  4. Stored under rolled up lids.

Horseradish (horseradish appetizer) – a classic recipe for cooking

Horseradish with beets

You will need:

  • 1 kg beet;
  • 0,5 kg horseradish;
  • 200 g of water;
  • 100 g of sunflower oil;
  • 50 g of sugar and salt;
  • bay leaf – 2-3 pieces;
  • black peppercorns – 5-6 peas;
  • 50 g vinegar;
  • cloves to taste.

The recipe steps are as follows:

  1. Beets are washed, peeled and boiled until tender.
  2. Rubbed on a fine grater.
  3. Horseradish rhizomes are soaked for a day, cleaned and crushed.
  4. Prepare the marinade from all the remaining ingredients, after boiling water, add vinegar and set aside.
  5. Mix beets, horseradish and marinade in a separate container.
  6. Mix and distribute into small sterile jars.
  7. Sterilized for about 15 minutes and rolled up.

Horseradish (horseradish appetizer) – a classic recipe for cooking

Horseradish without cooking for the winter

Horseradish prepared according to this recipe is wonderfully stored all winter in the cellar or even just in a cool pantry.

You need to prepare:

  • 500 g of the most ripe red tomatoes;
  • 50 g horseradish root;
  • 30 g of peeled garlic;
  • 1,5 tsp. salts;
  • 0,5 tsp Sahara;
  • 200 g sweet pepper;
  • 200 g carrots;
  • 50 g of greens any to taste;
  • 1 pod of hot pepper;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vinegar;
  • 200 ml of refined vegetable oil.

The cooking technology is very simple:

  1. Vegetables are prepared: they wash and remove the tails, seeds and peel.
  2. All vegetables are chopped with a meat grinder.
  3. Mix in one container, add salt, vinegar and sugar as desired.
  4. Leave in room conditions for a day.
  5. Then add vegetable oil, mix.
  6. The horseradish is laid out in sterilized jars, closed with plastic lids and put away for storage.

Horseradish (horseradish appetizer) – a classic recipe for cooking

Horseradish for the winter: a recipe with aspirin

Horseradish is well preserved according to the recipe without cooking, if aspirin is added to it. For 1 liter of the finished mixture, add one tablet in crushed form. The appearance and taste of horseradish do not change until spring.

What can be made from horseradish, except horseradish

A pickled appetizer is also prepared from horseradish, adjika with the addition of cherry plum, gorloder with a large amount of hot pepper, and the leaves are dried and used in various marinades.


Cooking horseradish according to any of the above recipes is a very simple matter. But you can stock up on a tasty and very healthy seasoning-snack, so as not to buy it later in the store.

How easy and simple it is to make “crap”

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