Horse riding: baby riders from 11 months!

The baby pony for babies from 11 months

If we know baby-gym enthusiasts and baby swimmers well, the same cannot be said of baby jumpers. And yet, for thirty years, they prance from 11 months at the horse riding center of the Forêt de la Moulière, near Poitiers, on steeds barely larger than them! Discover the benefits of this still little-known activity.

In video: Very cavalier babies!

Taking care of their pony


Saturday, 9 a.m. The thermometer is close to 0 ° C. But it would take more to cool the ardor of Emma, ​​Chloe, Camille, Vadim, Emilien and Victor. In the large hall of the equestrian center, this little band, between 12 months and 3 years old, impatiently pawing at the idea of ​​riding a pony. Josette Rabouan, their riding teacher, assigns the mounts. The riders then run to look for their companion… with their parents. Very proud, Emilien, 16 months old, does not need his mother to hold Louisane alone! Then, brush in hand, the children dress their pony. The little ones, like Emma, ​​13 months old, just mimic the gestures. This is already a lot because it helps them to have self-confidence. Well-brushed manes, the mini-cavalry scurry towards the carousel.

We warm up… then in the saddle!


The children, helmets on their heads, walk enthusiastically alongside their mounts. Vadim, 16 months old, cannot walk yet, but he is already in the saddle. “In his first session, he was barely sitting down. After two hours, he managed to find his balance confidently, it was incredible, ”recalls her mom. The caravan takes to the track to the rhythm of African drums. The young riders do a few rounds of the merry-go-round holding their pony. They warm up by practicing small exercises: they clap their hands, touch their feet … Then, to capture their attention, Josette scrolls signs on which are drawn and written some notions of riding: saddle, helmet, boots … We warm up the body, but also the mind! Josette encourages them to stroke their companion, then it’s finally time to get in the saddle.

Complicity and tenderness


Emilien, 16 months old, can’t help but give him a few kisses. “He cuddles his pony, but not his parents yet!” », Laughs his mother. The relationship with the animal is spontaneous. Thanks to it, the child develops touch, smell and relationships with others. And he makes him his confidant. The animal does not cheat, unlike the parents… At the sound of the nursery rhyme “Jean Petit”, the recovery begins. The riders spontaneously and with pleasure accompany the movement of the pony. According to specialists, this sway reminds them of an archaic, even fetal stage. On the track, the riders are more and more at ease, they sing and move in time with their mount. Always at their own pace and under the watchful eye of the instructors. If they are afraid, we do not force them. If they are tired, they stop. This is not the case with Chloe, 15 months! “Since coming to the equestrian center, she has straddled everything she finds at home! These sessions also allow him to find a peaceful sleep, ”says his mother.

A steed to gallop towards autonomy


For others, the baby pony channels an overflow of energy or stimulates great shyness. The pony is also a transitional object. It helps children deal with the anxiety of separation. Everyone finds there a path to development. Without particular contraindications, except for proven allergy to horse hair or certain orthopedic problems. But no risk of bow legs with a session of one hour per week! During the final parade, accompanied by a farandole of ribbons, all display happy faces. However, the morning was long. It is almost noon. Among them, some may become “great” riders, but this is not the purpose of the activity. It is above all about helping them to feel good about themselves, with others, and with their parents. It is a stimulation that takes into account their possibilities by making them want to start over. A formula to the hair, in short.

Practical details

The horse club and the pony club of the Forêt de Moulière welcome children from 11 months to 4 years old, on Saturdays from 9 am to 12 noon and from 17 pm to 19 pm; Sunday 9 am to 12 noon. Before starting, a medical examination is recommended. 42 € per session with lunch or snack (36 € for members). Possibility of staying on site.

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