Horse manure is a well-known fertilizer. Its popularity can be explained quite simply – the composition includes nitrogen, potassium elements, calcium, water, organics. Everything you need for garden plants. It increases yield, enhances resistance to disease and harsh environments. In addition, horse manure has a prolonged effect, lasting up to two years. Horse manure is stored in bags or specially dug pits. You can buy it anywhere in Mos. region
The undeniable benefit of this fertilizer for the garden is that the quality and composition of the land improves. Fertilizer regulates the access of air, water, heat, due to its structure. The content of carbon dioxide increases, clay soil becomes looser, and useful substances are not washed out of sandy soil. During decay, the growth of beneficial microorganisms is stimulated, which improves the chemical composition of the soil.
Fertilizing with manure has a beneficial effect on pumpkins, zucchini, cucumbers, squash, celery. Spreading bushes with fleshy stems and succulent leaves are formed, crops tolerate wintering better. In early spring, it helps the soil warm up faster, which speeds up the emergence and survival of seedlings. It should be mentioned that horse manure contains a small amount of weed seeds and is almost not susceptible to the development of pathogenic microflora.
Manure can be used in any form: fresh, diluted in water, dried, rotted, extract performs equally well – each of the species is suitable for a particular culture. Fertilizing the land with manure prevents its oxidation, makes it more fertile by increasing the amount of humus; a mixture with peat, straw or sawdust – loosens the soil, helps retain moisture.
Horse manure is used not only for fertilizer, but also to control pests such as the bear, as she loves him very much. As you know, the bear is one of the most annoying pests in the garden – it eats up the roots of plants, arranges a labyrinth of passages, and nests in the beds. You can cope with a bear if you dig holes in the fall, put fertilizer in them and sprinkle with earth.
Medvedka will climb into manure holes to spend the winter there, because he retains heat well. The gardener has to wait for the cold weather to dig up manure traps and scatter them on the ground, the bear will not withstand low temperatures. This method can be used in the spring. You should scatter heaps of manure around the garden at the rate of 2 heaps per hundred square meters, wait 20-30 days. Medvedka with offspring will take a fancy to heaps, and the gardener will only have to destroy the pest.
Horse manure as a fertilizer is divided into several types, each of which can be used for a certain type of crop. In addition, different types of fertilizer imply different storage.
- Fresh. Such fertilizer is obtained at the initial stage, that is, immediately after defecation by the horse. It is highly undesirable to use it immediately – it will burn out the plants and their roots, moreover, it may contain helminth eggs, a variety of pathogenic bacteria that will harm the site. First, fresh fertilizer must be processed. An obvious plus is that the bear loves such manure very much, which will help to deal with it more effectively. A solution of fresh manure is best for treating rose bushes. It is recommended to dilute 1 kg of material in 10 liters of water during the day, dilute in a ratio of 1: 2, and then water the flowers, trying to pour the fertilizer not under the very stem. Widespread sale in Mos. areas.
- Semi-rotted. The second stage of fertilizer transformation is semi-rotted manure. It is used mainly in a semi-liquid state, as a nutrient for zucchini, cucumbers, spinach and cabbage. Added to the ground during digging. The long-term effect of fertilizer on the ground makes it ideal for planting potatoes, carrots, beets, tomatoes, and strawberries. The mulching layer of such a fertilizer is suitable for rose bushes. You can buy it in Mos. areas.
- Overripe manure. With proper storage, this type of fertilizer is useful for many plants, since it contains several times more nutrients than fresh. You can use it to fertilize fruit trees, berry bushes, strawberries, tomatoes. Often it is mixed with straw, leaves, to lay a layer between the beds of raspberries, strawberries, to help retain moisture in the roots.
- liquid manure. Another option that is convenient to use is diluted liquid in 5 liter bottles. First, transporting the fertilizer from the store to the site is less inconvenient. Secondly, it is a fast-acting fertilizer that does not require special preparation before use. Nettle solution is kneaded into slurry, the mixture is left for 2-3 days, and then plantings are watered or sprayed in the evening, when the sun cannot “burn” the treated crops. Top dressing with slurry will have a positive effect on tomatoes during the growing season. You can buy slurry directly at the stables (for example, in the Moscow Region) or at Avito.
- Granulated horse manure. If you are upset by the need to transport it, with all the attendant inconveniences, then use fertilizer in granules. Especially if your goal is not to fertilize large areas of the garden. Granular fertilizer can be used for the entire garden. The undoubted advantages of this type: almost all nutrients are preserved, there are no weed seeds, unlike mineral fertilizers, it does not adversely affect the soil and humans. It will not be difficult to find it for sale in Mos. areas.
- Humus. Feeding with humus combines all the positive aspects of horse feces. Its use is not limited, as it is suitable for all garden crops and flowers. Moreover, on soil fertilized with humus, many plants lose their unpleasant qualities: onions cease to be bitter, greens become more fragrant, the taste of potatoes and tomatoes improves. Mos stables. region willing to share it for a small fee.
Video “Preparation of manure”
Preparation of semi-rotted manure before fertilizing a summer cottage.
How to prepare
The preparation and storage of manure is not difficult, because the longer it “rests”, the better it will work. You will need to dig a hole, the bottom of which is lined with peat, in order to collect slurry. Lay a layer of future fertilizer on top of it; cover it with sawdust, leaves, grass; cover it all up with earth.
Each layer must be at least 20 cm high. You can repeat layering as many times as needed. For the winter, cover the compost pit with oilcloth. It is also important to ensure that there is no excess or lack of moisture in the pit. This method is called cold.
The hot method of preservation is the accumulation of manure, which is loosely laid in a layer of 90-100 cm. Air access guarantees rapid decomposition of the material, and the temperature reaches 60-70 ⁰С. After compaction of the formed layer, another one is laid on top. The maximum height with this formation is 3 m. 3-4 months later you will receive a loose fertilizer without a specific smell. Remember, the bear loves manure, so carefully check the material from the pit before putting it into the ground.
How to fertilize
For different types of soils and crops, you should choose different types of manure, based on what the composition of the fertilizer is. For example, you should not make fresh manure in the spring, it is better to use humus. On light soil, fertilizer can be applied once every 3 years, for heavy soil this period is 7 years. The main thing is to observe the dosage – no more than 6 kg per 1 sq. m.
Fresh fertilizer is used in the fall during digging, from consumption – 4-6 kg of material per 1 sq. m. Also keep in mind that a bucket of 10 liters can only fit 7,5 kg of fertilizer. And if you mix it with sawdust, then the mass will decrease to 5 kg. It is better to use the extract so as not to harm the seedlings.
Fertilizer is well suited for preparing plantings in greenhouses. To do this, rotted manure is laid in a layer 30-40 cm high, and covered with dry straw and a layer of earth on top. For early greenhouses, a combination of horse and cow manure is suitable.
Rose bushes are fertilized in autumn. The extract is mixed with the earth during hilling. With the advent of warmth, roses receive all the necessary nutrients for accelerated growth.
To feed berry crops, it is necessary to breed semi-rotted material with rotted. The resulting solution is infused for 24 hours, and then diluted 1:10. If you are going to fertilize potatoes, then an extract of a semi-overripe fertilizer, which is applied in the fall, will do. Winter storage will have a beneficial effect on the mineral composition, so that with the advent of heat, the potatoes will receive a nutrient supply.
Video “Manure in the garden”
Application of organic fertilizer such as manure to improve soil loosening.
Author: Svetlana Galitsina