
Firstly, an unmotivated group, if they ordered a corporate training, is the norm. At least if we talk about line personnel (working directly with clients/customers) and middle management. There are actively interested people in every group, but they are in the minority. Sometimes leaders are visited by a bright thought: and we will make up a group of those who themselves will sign up for the list! Or: from those who will pay for their participation (at least in half with the organization)! So far it has never worked.

In my practice, rather motivated corporate groups — 5 — 10%.

Secondly, there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of. The vast majority of corporate groups are rather neutral, with normal human skepticism. But also with a normal human attitude towards you and the next event.

  • Good, when the group is still gathering, get acquainted with those who come: by name, still on «you». It turns out that by the official start with a part of the group you are already FAMILIAR. Let it be brief and formal, but in your and their heads you are already on THIS list.

We sit down with people in a circle and start. We need to “sell” the training now to its participants. And the principles of selling are simple: we’ll ask a little person: “I understand that your interest is preliminary, but if you were thinking about …, then what would be important to you in the first place?” And then say in a nutshell how what you have corresponds to what he wants.

  • If you’re worried, say you’re worried: now you don’t try to hide it, but complimented the group, became more human, and the excess excitement from such pronunciation is gone.

Introduced himself, the topic of the training, the adoption of the rules.

  • On the rules of the participants hands up – and it works for you. The fact is that the coach is actually a teacher’s figure, he has an advance. And when people start fulfill your little requests, one after another: “Raise your hands! Throw a ball… Applause to Tatyana! Tell me, please … «- it’s us (already aware or not) building a hierarchy!!! The more a person fulfills your small requests and instructions, the more — through his behavior — he unconsciously accepts your right to be Older, More Important, Wiser. Teach him.

Pay attention to how often N.I. Kozlov asks to raise hands and applaud. Of course, the hierarchy here is not the only goal, but in fact it also contributes.

Some fun and warm exercise at the beginning works for the same effect. During its execution, people follow your instructions, and they only feel good about it (positive reinforcement).

It is important for me to tell the participants at the very beginning that I am not going to teach them the profession. Key Message: I have no doubt you are doing a great job! Treat what will now be like a refresher course.

  • Let’s say: guys, you sell computers. I have never sold computers!! Yes, I don’t understand them at all. You know and can do much more in your profession than I do! And at the same time I have a deep conviction. As soon as a person decides that he is such a cool professional, he knows everything, and he does not need to study — at this moment, as a professional, he begins to degrade. Do you agree? Yes, everything that does not develop, degrades. I don’t know many technical things, there are special product trainings for this. At the same time, I have such and such experience (knowledge). Actually, this is what we will do. And now we … (let’s say we get to know each other).

Look: Manuel Smith in «Training for Confident Behavior» calls this «negative statement», Sergey Azimov in sales training uses the expression «Removing the filter», Jim Camp in «First say «No!»» — «etching the line.» We join the doubt: “what can he (a) teach us here!”, proactively making a seemingly even sharper statement.

And people have interest and slight confusion: if he (a) speaks about it so directly and confidently, then he (she) has a really strong position!

And we also have compliments there — and also a little unexpected.

Then — we set the context for the questioning about goals: you don’t seem to impose a thought, but you talk about your deep conviction, and here “what doesn’t develop, degrades” is a truism, a banal hackneyed truth. To this and (most importantly!) to yourself, and out loud, you can’t help but say “yes!”.

  • What next — the main motivational action: what would you personally like to receive in such a training?

It happens that people are simply not interested in working better, because the system of payment in the organization is so built (rather, not built). If you have already learned this (more often by asking direct questions to the management before the training and to the participants at the very beginning of the training), you emphasize that the training skills will be useful in your personal life and future career.

This is an extremely important point: we should all stipulate the individual meaning of the training for the participants! I emphasize this by often offering to raise the hands of those who plan to retire from the “…” company. A pause, sometimes an aged employee or someone young raises his hand out of laughter. Laughter… And — again — people have the feeling of a direct, honest conversation. And then a normal explanation of how all these skills from the training will be useful to them — in any case! ..

There is no conflict of interest here, I work unequivocally for the customer who paid the money. This is an alignment of interests.

  • The question of goals comes in different forms. Extensively cumbersome: write down what I expect from myself? From a coach? From a group?

It’s simple — what I would like to get at such a training (by the way, it’s okay that many will say: “Learn something new”: we will try to specify, but the main thing happened: he told himself what he wants from the training.

“What do you do best, strong side, what do you take? And what else would you like to learn, what is not so strong yet?

And a very good option, especially in «heavy», generally unmotivated groups — «throw a ball to someone you know and tell me what is his strengths in work? What does he take?» They talk about a person, you ask him to supplement him, and you already ask him what he would like to work on in such a training. Then he rolls on. Very warm atmosphere, and especially when the group is not in the mood to “buy” the skills prescribed by the management, it “buys” the atmosphere at that moment. And you get the opportunity along the way, in fact, to train them.

  • Then it is appropriate to give any psychogymnastic exercise, where there will be many contacts, incl. lots of touches — something fun and warm. Only with a Very Serious Meaning that is relevant to the topic of your training, feedback and, possibly, access to an appropriate mini-lecture or discussion.
  • Last thing! From the very beginning, and especially at the stage of questioning about goals recognize informal leaders.

Bold direct open look / / Active behavior / / Demonstrativeness, when it is combined in appearance and behavior / / Extensive experience in the profession — offhand those signs by which I myself am guided.

Accordingly, theyincreased attention, hidden and direct compliments, we take as partners to demonstrate some examples, touch …

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