Horoscope for July 2020

In July, the influence of the cosmos on the elements of the zodiac is different. In general, water and earth signs tend to be more relaxed, air signs tend to be more active, and fire signs are more flirtatious and romantic.

Water element

Representatives of the elements of water will also avoid the influence of Mars and will go with the flow. Water signs will become gurus for earth signs. Energies of subtle inspiration will come to them through relaxation on the banks of water bodies. The career, which for the signs of water represents the elements of fire, will become irrelevant. After all, interaction with fiery transits is minimal.

air element

Basically, the impact of the planets will be on the 1-2 decade of the air element. And this is the impact of the rapidly moving planets ─ Mars and Venus. Since the position of the planets changes every week, life will be intense and dynamic. The horoscope for 2020 for the element of air recommends physical activities combined with emotional experiences, such as walking in the mountains in the company of a pretty person of the opposite sex. Also, attending a training in the fresh air will spiritually enrich the air girls and give new experiences.

fire element

Fire signs are influenced by Mars and Venus. Sociability and flirting are at a high level in Aries and Leo. Venus entered Gemini in April, so Lions and Aries have the opportunity to evaluate how they and their relationship have changed in 3 months. The conclusion of how beneficial the influence of the constellation Gemini will be for each individual.

earth element

The signs of the earth are waiting for the activation of three types of the elements of water – the lunar energy, which starts the processes, the energy of the constellation Cancer, which gives relaxation, and Neptune, which gives a harmonious emotional state.

After the pragmatic attitude of the signs of the earth, on the contrary, inner softness and smoothness await. They succumb to impulses and feelings. Some women are likely to experience mood swings and even tears, but any scandals during this period are a way to release emotions.

The signs of the earth in their transformation in June will go through 2 phases: from the discovery of emotionality to inspiration and a state of harmony with the universe.

Finance and Career Horoscope for July 2020

The reason for the increased relaxation in the summer month of July is not only the good weather, but also the weakened influence of Jupiter. Jupiter does not form aspects with most sun signs. That is, only 3 decades of the elements of earth and water will want to work (and even then with exceptions). These signs of the 3rd decade will be divided into 2 groups:

  1. Scorpio, Virgo and Capricorn will gravitate towards working from home, creativity and freelancing, some of them are interested in developing their own business in the field of online advertising and marketing.
  2. Pisces and Taurus are most disposed to work in teams, office everyday life will charge them with enthusiasm. It is very good if Taurus can study or go abroad, and Pisces will be led by the team and do what friends or colleagues advise them.

However, fruitful activity should not be expected, ambitions are weakened. The month of July is more suitable not for work, but for shopping, traveling and living on rent.

Health and energy in July 2020

Unlike Leo and Aries, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces will tend to overeat. Cooking will become one of my favorite hobbies. There will be no desire to engage in sports, and self-acceptance will give an indifferent attitude to the figure.

The influence of Mars on the signs of Fire can give an unscheduled burst of energy. It is advisable to eat less, the acceleration of metabolism is the result of an increase in the energy of fire in the body, and hence the pita dosha. There will be an opportunity to lose weight for those who want it. However, heartburn and indigestion are likely, you should refrain from spicy foods and not be in the sun in large quantities.

Libra will be the laziest in terms of sports, passive rest by the sea is more suitable for them. But Gemini and Aquarius will be happy to move over rough terrain, sing songs around the fire and live in tents. There is almost no impact on the 3rd decade of air signs. Libra of the 3rd decade may encounter a problem with superiors and relatives, so escape and outdoor recreation will have a beneficial effect on their moral peace.

Life changes in July 2020

What is the use of courage and new ideas if they remain unfulfilled? Uranus gives impetus, and the Sun helps to give shape, this is true from July 1 to 10. The transformational influence of the planets will affect the following signs and spheres:

Many Scorpios of the 2-3 decades, especially free ones, can look for a partner for a family abroad. To this end, they could explore foreign sites.

Pisces of the 2nd decade will update the image of their social networks, add a photo with a lover, as well as their own creative items.

A friend or psychologist in a heart-to-heart conversation with Virgo for 2 decades will point out to her the source of her problems.

Capricorn 1-2 decades are waiting for novelty in the romantic sphere, a favorable implementation of ideas in connection with rest in a couple.

Love horoscope – in July 2020

In connection with the complex influence of Venus and Mars, for the arrangement of personal life, it is necessary to use 2 houses of the horoscope at once, which they will indicate the location of transits. This influence can be strengthened or weakened by individual aspects of the card.

  • Aries and Aquarius should develop communication skills, learn to call and write to people they are interested in.
  • Taurus and Pisces will receive energy to harmonize their personal lives only in a permanent relationship, but they need to learn how to spend money on the realization of joint fantasies with their loved ones.
  • Gemini and Leo will be lucky in flirting in large companies.

Cancer will not have new acquaintances, women are prone to solitude in July, Virgo and Scorpio are more inclined than others to replace their personal lives with work, and Libra, Capricorn and Sagittarius will devote themselves to a stable relationship with their soul mate.

Tasks for July 2020

There are many long transits in July, their influence will prompt tasks for the zodiac.

  • Those who rule Venus will notice that she is in sextile with Mars in the sky. And this means that communication and flirting should be combined with outdoor activities. Taurus, Libra and Pisces are recommended camping trips. This will make them healthier and more beautiful, cheer them up.
  • The second aspect of the sextile of Mars and Venus will be reflected in Capricorn and Aries. These signs will receive energy only if they do what brings them pleasure.
  • Mercury is experiencing the influence of Uranus, which means that its wards – Virgo and Gemini, can afford to act impulsively.
  • The influence on Jupiter indicates that Sagittarius and Cancer will be interested in business and creativity.
  • Due to the complex influence of Pluto and Neptune, as well as the Sun from July 10 to 15.07, Aquarius, Leo and Scorpio need to try public speaking.

Horoscope for July 2020 according to the signs of the zodiac:

Aries Horoscope July 2020

Aries will have the hardest time for 2-3 decades. If their activities are not established and they are in search of a new one, then destructive processes in the areas of career and family are likely. Mainly, Aries men will face problems in work. And women can lose the support of loved ones and relatives if they do not work, or cause disapproval of their superiors. The result of resolving difficult situations depends on how Aries’ self-esteem is adequate to the opinion of professionals and society. Usually male Aries have a high opinion of themselves, they may face criticism of their work.

Representatives of the 1st decade will live calmly and harmoniously, if they do not try to change their way of life, all changes will be difficult and in the end everything will return to its previous course.

Taurus Horoscope July 2020

For Taurus, transits are favorable and promise a lot of good news. All Taurus will show miracles of commerce and will be in demand among acquaintances, they will receive a lot of compliments. Taurus musicians and poets must definitely perform in public. A phenomenal rise in popularity is possible. And the third decade of Taurus, especially creative individuals, can get into a TV show or act in a movie. Also Taurus horoscope for July 2020 recommends traveling and blogging. The theme of changing the worldview or visiting museums will be especially popular. Despite the fact that the school year is over, Taurus can show themselves perfectly as tutors, nannies or teachers of various courses. Working with the audience will bring them fame and money.

Gemini Horoscope July 2020

After the active and chaotic spring-summer months, Gemini expects stable development in the field of the team and relationships with people. This is the main area of ​​implementation for July. But since Mars is an active energy, it is better for Gemini 1-2 decades to go on a camping trip. Gemini gurus can organize trainings. Difficult tasks will only inspire the men of the sign. Gemini women have a great chance to arrange their personal lives with the courageous guys of the Aries sign. Passions will boil, however, only between long-known comrades. True, if in a new company a woman is introduced to Aries, this should be taken as a sign.

The twins of the 3rd decade are free in their behavior, but their dreams, most likely, will not come true in July.

Cancer Horoscope July 2020

Cancers of the 1st-2nd decade in July will be successful and in a good mood if they understand whether it makes sense to “break through the wall” and in what area of ​​life. It is better not to fight for career achievements: the month is fundamentally intended for relaxation, but in the circle of acquaintances, and it is better not old, but new. It is the novelty of the company that will give Cancer the surge of strength he seeks.

Cancer women of the 3rd decade may experience difficulties in relations with their spouse, especially if he is strict, demanding and domineering. The power of the Moon makes Cancers recalcitrant, and since they do not like open conflicts, they will prefer an escape strategy. Probably, it will be learning new things, finding yourself, the desire to create.

Cancer women in search of a love partner will suit a smart man like a guru, perhaps a yoga leader.

Leo – horoscope July 2020

Representatives of the 1st-2nd decade of Leo will develop under the influence of the constellations Gemini and Aries, which means that Leo’s priorities are reading, communication and travel. In summer, the sign of fire is not inclined to work, it seeks to change the situation, and students will want to go to foreign museums or go on expeditions to use these materials for term papers and theses.

Leo 3rd decade will have a very calm period, the influence of the planets on it is minimal. Relations with Lviv will be especially harmonious with the signs of fire and air. Lucky for those Lions who have the opportunity to live off business income, on interest from a deposit, or on the maintenance of a spouse. The job situation is fraught with instability.

Virgo Horoscope July 2020

Virgo is friendly and sociable, she seeks to expand her social circle. She is quite capable of organizing events or creating an Internet forum, but it is better not to use her talent for communication for the benefit of the profits of dubious network companies. The opposition of Neptune indicates that Virgo can be deceived by 3 decades.

Virgo’s personal life will decline, emotional biorhythms are weak, but intellectual activity is high. The mind interferes with feeling. There may be misunderstanding in romantic relationships, especially with air signs. It is favorable for Virgo to have a rest abroad for 1-2 decades, buying tickets even on credit will pay off later.

But it’s not time for Virgo to go abroad for 3 decades, her energy will be higher if she does practical work for her own good.

Libra Horoscope July 2020

Libra 1-2 decades will be happy if everything is fine in their relationship, harmony is unlikely with Aries. Housework should be postponed. Scales tend to eat not at home, their element is entertainment and restaurants. Representatives of the 1st decade are not expected to change their place of residence, they will probably rest in the summer outside the city.

Sports, running, trips will not really attract Libra, as well as the people who call them with them. Born in the 3rd decade, on the contrary, it is favorable to live elsewhere, but you should not abuse the hospitality of your parents, this can result in a conflict.

Libra women can have a bad relationship with passive and caring men, because this air sign lady is not enough, she appreciates other qualities in men.

Scorpio Horoscope July 2020

If a love relationship inspires a Scorpio to travel, then this will bring him happiness. It is good to combine communication with your beloved with active secular recreation and make a photo report. Immersion in another culture can be without going abroad. A creative journey through the sights of your hometown and its suburbs will also charge Scorpio with enthusiasm. However, it is better not to plan a trip by car, especially in the 1st decade of the sign, there may be fines for violating the rules.

Scorpio 1-2 decades are waiting for both positive moments and obstacles. Reading, intellectual development and study will be given with pleasure, but relationships with family and partner may not be very smooth.

Sagittarius Horoscope July 2020

Sagittarius 1-2 decades are not interested in personal life. Permanent partners will face misunderstanding and love of freedom of Sagittarius. But it is likely that women, even married ones, will have an affair on the side. Perhaps the tempter will be an Aries man or Capricorn.

However, Sagittarius 1-2 decades, most likely, will not change anything and will remain in the family. They are also ready to go hiking in the mountains, preferably combining this with training. However, some may want to get away from the informational noise and prefer to rest alone: ​​in a cave or in a sea bay, away from civilization.

Sagittarians of the 3rd decade are the least susceptible to change, but a creative crisis may await them. They definitely won’t work as freelancers. They are more attracted to office work.

Capricorn Horoscope July 2020

Capricorn has problems in partnerships, the sign of the earth will show individualism, a desire for freedom, which will look like a desire for distance. Capricorn changes his outlook on relationships, discovers that he is ready for something new, gives in to impulses.

The third decade of the sign will be inspired by a car trip to the monastery. Despite the fact that typical representatives of the Capricorn sign are not too creative, the energy of Neptune will gently change the personality of Capricorns in the 3rd decade. In this regard, music lessons, as well as any kind of creativity where inspiration is required, will be favorable for them.

In the natal chart of Capricorn in July, the vibrations of the higher planets are stronger than the personal planets, so the month is favorable, rather for development than for primitive pleasures.

Aquarius Horoscope July 2020

Aquarius has few aspects of the higher planets, they are mostly affected by fast transits. This means that Aquarians should not think about the future, but rather live in the present moment.

The first and second decades of the sign are experiencing the transit of Mars and Venus, which are also in sextile with each other, this is a very successful combination and distinguishes Aquarius from all signs. This transit advises you to touch 2 spheres of life at the same time for a maximum energy surge. For example, there will be progress in love relationships if Aquarius becomes sociable and travels. And vehicles will only increase the possibility of new acquaintances, you can get acquainted both thanks to your car and on the train.

Pisces Horoscope July 2020

The sign of Pisces is likely to have an increase in the element of water in the system of natal and transit energies. Illuminations of the 1st-2nd decade will come through Uranus, which is activated from communication with Taurus. But Cancer men will provide support. The Pisces-Cancer relationship is expected to peak. Joint trips Pisces are good only for short distances – out of town or into nature. Reading should be approached carefully, Pisces are more suited to fiction novels by well-known authors with a positive attitude. Dubious literature can give unnecessary impressions, since Mercury influences emotions strongly this month. Relations with the household of a woman of the sign of water can become boring. The husband will cease to evoke feelings, a change of scenery will help to renew emotions.

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