Horoscope diet for all zodiac signs

It turns out that astrology has long and effectively been helping people lose weight. There is a special direction – astrodietology! Astrologer Olga Aristova helped the editorial staff of Wday.ru find out what products Taurus needs to get rid of and how many cups of coffee a day are allowed for Pisces.

Chartered Astrologer, Clinical Psychologist, Writer

There are no uniform recipes for everyone, the diet according to the horoscope for each person is made up individually. It takes into account the synthesis of the elements in a person’s natal chart, as well as strong and weak planets.

But if you give general recommendations on astrodiet, then it must be borne in mind that it is recommended to start it in the first days of the growing moon. On the waning moon, it is good to expel excess water from the body. And at a time when the Moon is in the signs of Virgo or Capricorn, it will be easiest for you to follow a strict diet.

But do not forget that in addition to astro predictions, before starting a strict diet, you should consult with a therapist.

For Aries: choose dishes that have the least amount of dark meat. For you, such meat is a heavy food that slows down an active metabolism. Pay attention to the fish. Instead of traditional black and green teas, choose berry and fruit teas.

For Taurus: you should avoid a lot of sweets and go for an abundant amount of fruits, vegetables, berries. Drinks should be chosen based on cranberries and lingonberries. Chamomile tea is especially beneficial.

For Gemini: choose foods high in potassium and vitamin B (potatoes, figs). Do not overuse coffee, pastries, pasta. Add all kinds of cereals and dairy products to the diet (cheese is required).

For Cancers: reconsider the number of meals. You should switch to fractional meals, increasing the times of meals (but reducing the portions). Add chicken, turkey, cereals, dairy products to the diet. Drink more plain mineral water.

For Lviv: heavy fatty foods and alcohol should be avoided. Be sure to add more proteins to your diet (eggs, boiled chicken). According to the characteristics of the zodiac sign Leo, zucchini, dried fruits, eggplants, figs will be useful. Take your food calmly and slowly.

For Virgos: The main problem of Virgos is irregular meals. It is worth actively fighting with this and correcting habits. Be sure to add grilled vegetables, pasta (al dente and with a minimum amount of sauces), steamed meat to the diet. Grain bread will also be useful.

For Libra: it is worth eating less salty food, this slows down metabolic processes in the body. You need foods containing vitamins A, E, C. Eat more hard vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, asparagus. From fruits – grapes, oranges, apples. Alcohol should be completely eliminated.

For Scorpions: review your diet. Fractional food intake is very important. Increase the amount of vegetables (carrots, beets, pumpkins, radishes) and protein foods. Meat, poultry, fish, seafood will be excellent products. For garnish, choose rice, broccoli. Try to add mineral salt to your diet.

For Sagittarius: add dates, peaches, apricots to the diet. When choosing salads, watch out for the dressing, it should be olive oil with lemon juice. Parsley, dill, cilantro, mint should be added to salads. Drink plenty of natural mineral water that contains potassium. Vegetable soups can become the basis of nutrition.

For Capricorns: Feel free to add various spices (cumin, anise, sage) to your food, this will contribute to excellent digestion. Stews, vegetables, whole grain bread, dairy products (kefir are required) will be excellent dishes in the diet. Eliminate fried potatoes, canned food.

For Aquarius: be sure to reduce the amount of sugary foods and baked goods. The most beneficial will be a balanced diet rich in fruits and berries. The pomegranate will be especially useful. Buckwheat porridge will add strength and energy.

For Pisces: avoid dark meats and fried foods. Choose grilled vegetables, steamed dishes. Add more fruits and berries to the diet (especially cherries, cherries). Follow your diet by reducing snacks. You should not drink large quantities of coffee, one cup a day is enough. Don’t drink sugary drinks.

See also: horoscopes of compatibility of zodiac signs.

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