Horoscope 2018 by the signs of the zodiac, which signs of the zodiac are the best mothers

A horoscope can tell us not only with whom it is better to connect our destiny, but also influence what kind of parents we will be.

It turns out that some signs of the zodiac are more inclined towards hard maternal labor than others, although everyone, without exception, loves their children.

Aries moms fill their kids’ schedules with music lessons, sports, hobbies, social activities, and hiking. In the meantime, Mom has a full calendar too. She wants her kids to love adventure and not be afraid to try something new. She encourages them to overcome difficulties and fight for what they believe in. Sometimes Aries mom can be harsh, but she will immediately regret it. She can put pressure on the child, and she needs to develop the ability to truly hear what her child wants and does not want.

Taurus moms are incredibly patient and practical at the same time. They can be stubborn, leading to conflict with teenage children. Taurus mom instills in her child a love of beauty and nature. She has a tendency to indulge them in everything, so she needs to be careful not to overfeed her children and teach them to value money.

Gemini mothers know how to talk with their children about everything, including sex. Their children are very sociable and aware of everything that happens in the world. A unique trait of a Gemini mom is the ability to understand children regardless of age and gender. Gemini moms throw the best kids’ parties and celebrations.

Cancer mom is caring and attentive. Her children know they are truly loved. Cancer mom is always ready to listen to the child and do everything to make it easier for him. She wants her home to be a place of love and comfort, and that the children are not afraid to share anything with her. If all other methods do not work, the Cancer mom will cook the child his favorite food, just to show how much she adores him. She also effectively develops creativity in children and does not hesitate to tell the world about their genius.

Leo moms are the most playful of all signs. They love to play with their children and give them lavish gifts. True, sometimes they can be self-centered and put their own interests above the interests of the child. For example, throwing an expensive party not because her son or daughter wants it, but to impress other mothers. Leo mom loves her children dearly, but she has narcissistic inclinations. Children are just an extension of herself. She can easily flirt with her son’s teacher, even if the child is embarrassed, cites Popsugar research.

Whatever breaks, Virgo mom will do everything in her power to fix it, be it a toy or a broken heart. She expects a lot from her children and can be a harsh critic, but at the same time she loves them dearly, even if they do not meet her expectations. She often makes mistakes as she works, raises children and volunteers at the same time. But at the same time, her house is always in perfect order. Virgo mom has the makings of a perfectionist, and she is able to put a lot of pressure on her children. In this she should be careful.

Libras are wonderful mothers because they are balanced and calm. They provide harmony in the home. If a quarrel breaks out between the children, the Libra mom is able to see everyone’s point of view and help them find a neutral ground for reconciliation. Libras do not like to be forced to observe discipline and would like to be not parents, but rather friends of their children, especially when they grow up. Libra mom teaches her kids to share, have compassion and be good friends.

Scorpio mothers have a very developed intuition, and they know what happens to their children before the children themselves know about it. These mothers are very honest, loyal and protective of their children while they speak the truth and care for others. They are ready to fight for their children more fiercely than for themselves. Family interests for Scorpios come first.

Sagittarius moms have a big heart, and they are ready to give the whole world to their children. They start traveling with children from an early age. They convey to them a thirst for knowledge and a strong sense of independence, as well as an unusual sense of humor. These mothers know that childhood will pass very quickly, and they want their children to enjoy every minute of it. For example, a Sagittarius mom might impulsively take the kids to the beach instead of school. These mothers have few rules, because they want their children to be independent, and not copy their parents.

Capricorn mothers will fight to the death for their children. They are insanely loyal and always stand up for their own. These moms take their parenting responsibilities very seriously. They strive to instill in children the correct attitude to work, discipline and concentration. Often these mothers need to be reminded so that they do not forget about themselves and do not devote every free minute to their family.

Aquarius moms are very controversial. They can provide home schooling for their children, but sometimes they force them to go to school. Their children will be trained to help others and learn all about global warming. Aquarians stimulate their children’s imaginations and allow them to experiment. But they lack endurance in the event of crises and any emotional manifestations. Aquarius mother should remember: her children must be sure that they are loved, and she must regularly assure them of this.

Pisces teaches their children to love art and encourages them to be creative. Pisces mom’s children will be sensitive, imaginative and will learn to treat other people with compassion. Pisces mothers convey to them a love of nature, a sense of pride in helping others and an independent spirit. Mom-Pisces may not know how to help children realize their dreams, but she will support them all the time, as long as they figure out themselves.

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