Horned Horned (Clavaria delphus fistulosus)
- Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
- Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
- Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
- Subclass: Phallomycetidae (Velkovye)
- Order: Gomphales
- Family: Clavariadelphaceae (Clavariadelphic)
- Genus: Clavariadelphus (Klavariadelphus)
- Type: Clavariadelphus fistulosus (Fistula Horned)
The fruit body is elongated-club-shaped, about 0,2-0,3 cm wide below, and about 0,5-1 cm above, and 8-10 (15) cm high, thin, at first almost needle-shaped, with an acute apex, then club-shaped , with a rounded apex, cylindrical below and widened round obtuse above, later paddle-shaped, spatulate, rarely oblique, wrinkled, hollow inside, matte, first yellowish-ocher, later ocher, yellow-brown, bristly-pubescent at the base.
The pulp is elastic, dense, creamy without a special smell or with a spicy smell.
Hornwort grows from mid-September to late October in deciduous and mixed forests (with birch, aspen, oak), on leaf litter, on branches immersed in the soil, on grassy lawns, near paths, in groups and colonies, not often.