Hormones in women
Hormones in women affect the entire body. Different sex hormones are produced depending on the age, day of the menstrual cycle. We learn the norms of female hormones, and how to maintain this delicate balance

What hormones are produced in women

Hormones are protein substances that are produced by the endocrine glands, the correct flow of the most important processes depends on them. The combination of various hormones in the body of any person is called the hormonal background.

In total, there are dozens of hormones in the body, women produce about 60, and each of them is vital. But it is sex hormones that especially affect women’s health, since every month cyclic changes occur in her body. Sex hormones control fertility, weight fluctuations, and even mood. When the delicate balance of hormones is disturbed, serious diseases can develop in women.

The main female hormones are progesterone and estrogen. The latter, in fact, make a woman out of a woman – they stimulate the growth of the uterus and mammary glands, affect menstruation, the degree of body hair.

Estrogens is a group of hormones that consists of estradiol, estrone and estriol. Estrogens are produced mainly in the ovaries and slightly in other organs.

In women of childbearing age, the hormone is dominant estradiol. When menopause occurs, predominates estriol, which has little effect on the body. It is the increase in estriol and the decrease in estradiol that accelerate skin aging and other aging processes.

Progesterone also produced in the ovaries. This hormone is the main one in pregnant women, it prepares the uterus to receive an egg every month, and controls the first stages of pregnancy.

The hypothalamus and pituitary gland in the brain produce hormones: pituitary follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), prolactin. They influence the synthesis of estrogens and progesterone, control the menstrual cycle at every stage. For example, luteinizing hormone causes an egg to be released from the ovary.

Important for women’s sexual health testosterone. Although it is traditionally considered a male hormone, the beautiful half of humanity also has it. Testosterone is synthesized by the adrenal glands and is responsible for libido, the distribution of tissues in the body, and endurance.

Hormone levels in women by age

When deciphering the test results, the doctor looks at a lot of values: age, cycle phase, the ratio of individual hormones, concomitant diseases. Since the level of hormones fluctuates from the slightest changes, it is not worth evaluating the result on your own. The norms given below are approximate, and it is impossible to compare your analysis with them and make a diagnosis without the help of a doctor.

Before the onset of puberty and the onset of menstruation, sex hormones are weakly active, and do not yet depend on the phases of the cycle. In adolescence, fluctuations are often observed, the body gradually stabilizes the hormonal background and the correct ratio of hormones. This process is normal and, if all goes well, is usually limited to teenage acne and mood swings.

HormoneFollicular phase (1-13 days)Ovulation (13-15 days)Luteal phase (day 15, onset of menstruation)Menopause
Estradiol (pmol/l)67 – 1270 Feet132 – 1654 Feet92 to 8625 – 46 Feet
Progesterone (nmol/l)to 3,51,4 – 5,4 Feet3 – 68,1 Feetmore 0,64
Prolactin (mU/L)94,5 – 574,5 Feet132,0 – 945,0 Feet103,0 – 840,0 Feet25,0 – 400,0 Feet
FSH (mIU/ml)3,5 – 12,5 Feet4,7 – 21,5 Feet1,7 – 7,7 Feet25,8 – 134,8 Feet
LH (mIU/ml)2,4 – 12,6 Feet14,961 – 11,4 Feet7,7 – 59 Feet
Testosterone (nmol/l)0,5 – 1,72 Feet0,5 – 1,72 Feet0,5 – 1,72 Feet1,7 – 5,2 Feet

In childbearing age, the hormonal background gradually levels off and becomes relatively stable, changing strictly according to the phases of the cycle. Violation of the concentration of any hormone can be both a consequence and a cause of the disease. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor, and not prescribe treatment for yourself on the basis of some tests. A much more extensive examination is usually required.

Some hormones are closely related to the condition of a woman. For example, during pregnancy prolactin increased by about 15 times. But if there is no pregnancy, and prolactin is high, you should pay attention to this. This condition could be caused both by taking certain medications and by a pituitary tumor.

Progesterone actively released towards the end of the cycle, preparing the uterus for pregnancy. If this does not happen, normally the production of the hormone decreases. Elevated progesterone leads to bleeding, cysts, and menstrual irregularities. Violations in synthesis FSH and LH reduce the possibility of conception, disrupt the cycle and maturation of eggs.

During menopause, most of the sex hormones are produced less actively. Their lack and leads to a deterioration in the health of a mature woman.

Abnormal estrogen values ​​are most pronounced, especially estradiol and progesterone. A decrease in these indicators can provoke obesity, diabetes, deterioration of the skin and hair.

Estrogens speed up the utilization of glucose and prevent it from being converted into adipose tissue. If there is not enough estrogen, there is too much sugar in the blood, which leads to diabetes. Trying to cope with this, the body urgently processes sugars into fat, especially in the abdomen. Elevated estrogen can lead to thrush.

Increased content Testosterone stimulate female libido, also the appearance of male signs – coarsening of the voice, increased body hair, hair loss on the head. A decrease in this hormone, on the contrary, often reduces women’s interest in sex, making her lethargic.

Treatment of hormonal disruptions in women

To begin with, the doctor establishes what exactly caused the hormonal failure. This could happen from simple stress, lack of vitamins, taking inappropriate contraceptives. And sometimes the causes are much more serious, such as infections and tumors of the ovaries.

If it is established that there are genital infections, the treatment is aimed at removing the inflammation process. Surgery may be required if a tumor, severe erosion, and other organ pathologies are found.

Usually it is possible to get by with the intake of special vitamins, depending on the phase of the cycle, diet and rest. In some cases, hormone therapy is prescribed if there are not enough own hormones and their synthesis is impaired. Artificial hormones can be taken in the form of tablets, creams, suppositories, injections.


The diagnosis of endocrine and gynecological problems is handled by a gynecologist and an endocrinologist. In order to establish the level of hormones, a blood test is prescribed. It is usually carried out several times, since the level of hormones is unstable.

In addition to the analysis, you will need to do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, ovaries to exclude pathologies. To exclude infections, a smear is taken for the flora from the vagina.

If problems with the synthesis of pituitary and hypothalamus hormones are suspected, an MRI or computed tomography of the brain is performed.

Modern methods

The main and main method of diagnosis is a blood test. It allows you to set the exact values ​​of hormones depending on the day of the menstrual cycle.

Typically, diagnosis is carried out in the first and second phases of the menstrual cycle. When exactly to take the test depends on which hormone you want to check. If the testosterone level is set, then the analysis is carried out on any day

On the 3-5th day of the menstrual cycle, estradiol, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone and prolactin are determined. To find out if menopause is approaching, they are tested for FSH and anti-Mullerian hormone. The latter allows you to judge how functional the ovaries are.

On the 22-23rd day, they are tested for progesterone and estradiol.

You need to take the test on an empty stomach in the morning. The day before, it is necessary to exclude active sports, alcohol, sexual activity and stress. This can greatly affect the hormonal background and distort it.

Prevention of hormonal disruptions in women at home

Small failures often happen due to external factors. Climate change, work stress, new diet. Pay attention to whether something has changed recently, perhaps it is this that is causing the failure.

Excess weight or its lack also affects the hormonal background. You should not abuse diets or vice versa allow yourself to eat unlimitedly anything. An imbalance of vitamins and minerals from such a diet can lead to hormonal disruptions.

At least twice a year you need to visit a gynecologist for prevention. It will not be superfluous to keep a calendar and mark the days of the menstrual cycle in it. If problems arise, do not self-medicate, do not prescribe contraceptives and other hormones for yourself. A doctor’s supervision and regular blood tests are necessary to adjust the treatment.

Popular questions and answers

Is it necessary to increase hormones in women?

Hormone therapy is necessary to maintain a woman’s health during menopause, when the reproductive function of the body decreases and the ovaries stop producing hormones. Deficiency of the hormone estrogen provokes violations of the psycho-emotional and physical condition. Competent and timely hormonal correction can save a woman from such problems and stop their development when using minimally effective doses.

The basis of hormone replacement therapy is to compensate for the lack of ovarian hormones with medications that are similar in structure and effect, which significantly improves the patient’s quality of life. If menopause is relatively easy, no drugs are required at all, only lifestyle changes.

What to do with high hormones in women?

It depends on which indicator is increased. Some hormones rise naturally at some point in the cycle or during pregnancy. For example, progesterone ensures the preservation of pregnancy, the preparation of the mammary glands for lactation. Outside of pregnancy, this hormone should not rise much.

An excess of the female sex hormone estrogen leads to numerous pathological conditions – estrogen stimulates the cells of organs that have estrogen receptors, which can lead to their growth, to the formation of benign and malignant tumors.

There are many indicators of the hormonal background, so only a doctor can judge whether the numbers are increased. If there is an excess of some hormone, an additional examination is usually carried out and treatment is prescribed. When prescribing hormone therapy, individual hormone levels are taken into account. If the violations are not critical, oral contraceptives can be used to normalize hormones. In other cases, it is necessary to determine the therapeutic course, the use of hormonal drugs with a therapeutic dosage of hormones.

Hormonal preparations are nothing more than synthetic analogues of our natural hormones. In obstetrics and gynecology, hormone therapy has been used for a relatively long time and brings quite impressive results. Often, in addition to hormonal drugs, vitamins and minerals are prescribed that help eliminate the consequences of hormonal disorders and contribute to the normalization of hormonal levels: vitamin A, C, E, B vitamins, selenium.

When is it necessary to contact a specialist? What are the most common complaints?

Thirst and dry mouth, menstrual irregularities, painful menstruation, sudden weight changes, stretch marks on the skin, skin problems, hair loss, excessive growth of body hair.

Causeless weakness, rapid fatigue may occur. There can be many manifestations of hormonal disorders. Often they stand on the border with other specialties. The presence of several or even one of these symptoms is a reason to see a doctor to find out the cause.

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