Hormones: how they affect mood, weight and libido

Our mood, sexuality, appetite, heart function and immune system depend on the hormonal background. How it works, explains hormone therapy specialist Sylvie Demer.

Every biological process in a woman’s body depends on the level of hormones. Their influence is even more serious than previously thought. For example, it has recently been shown that estrogen, among other things, protects against high cholesterol, obesity and baldness. And for abstract thinking and spatial imagination, the male hormone testosterone is responsible, which is also present in women, but normally in smaller quantities.

What are hormones? These are highly active chemicals that are formed in the endocrine glands or in individual cells. Hormones are rapidly destroyed in tissues, so their constant production is necessary to maintain a constant level in the blood.

Women are more affected by hormones because their hormonal background changes depending on the day of the cycle. And it affects the whole body.

Weight and metabolism

By the 7th day of the cycle, many women lose some weight. The level of female hormones decreases, the metabolism is activated, excess fluid is removed from the body faster, swelling disappears. Salivation increases, which means that starches are better processed in the mouth – this is the first stage of their digestion, which optimizes digestion as a whole.

But after the 24th day of the cycle, the opposite process begins. A swollen abdomen and swollen eyelids indicate the stagnation of fluid in the tissues. Do not be surprised if the scales show an increase of up to 1 kg to the usual weight. Doctors during this period are advised to drink diuretic infusions based on dill, anise, nettle, birch leaves, horsetail. In addition, it is better to eat low-salt and potassium-rich foods. We lean on bananas, dried apricots, figs and raisins.


On the 12-14th day of the cycle, women are most disposed to flirt and are especially sensitive to caresses. It is in the middle of the cycle, that is, at the most favorable time for conception, that many experience the most vivid orgasm. Scientists believe that this is affected by the biological mechanism of the survival of species. In other words, this is how nature intended!

On the 12-14th day of the cycle, women are most disposed to flirt and are especially sensitive to caresses.

But by the 21-23rd day, a feeling of vulnerability appears. Instead of sex, you want tenderness and beautiful words. Non-exhausting physical activity (yoga, tai chi), a relaxing massage or swimming in warm water will help relieve tension.


On the 22-28th day, the immune system works with a bang, and the body is most reliably protected from viruses. In addition, it is easier to cope with physical stress. A high level of female hormones helps strengthen the heart muscle and improves the supply of oxygen to the arteries. But on the 1-4th day of the cycle, women are the least protected from infections, they feel lethargic and tired. Allergic manifestations are likely, if there is a tendency to them.


In the period from the 10th to the 12th day of the cycle, you feel great, the brain works no worse than a computer. Sense of smell and hearing are aggravated. But on the 22-28th day of the cycle, the mood worsens, and emotions become difficult to control. Many women feel overwhelmed. Doctors recommend sports activities that stimulate blood circulation, breathing exercises, outdoor walks and foods rich in vitamin B6 and magnesium.


On the 18-21st day of the cycle, the body burns more calories. The best time to arrange a small detox or mini-diet. The result will be impressive.

On the 15th-17th day and then on the 26th-28th, many people experience a persistent feeling of hunger. Hide away chocolates, chips, cookies and other junk food. You can inadvertently significantly exceed the daily calorie intake. It is better to lean on greens, dairy products, vegetables and lean fish.


On the 6-7th day – that is, immediately after menstruation – the skin and hair suffer the most. The fact is that the sebaceous glands produce more fat due to low levels of estrogen. Hence the dull complexion, shine and micro-inflammation on the face. However, already on the 8th-10th day the situation improves by itself.

But on the 22-24th day, the level of estrogen decreases again, and progesterone levels increase. The consequences, again, are not the most personal: circles under the eyes, acne and hair without volume. Of course, all this can be corrected with the help of cosmetics. It’s also nice to find a simple biological explanation for sudden problems.

About expert

Sylvie Demers Hormone Therapist, best-selling author of Female Hormones: Rethink Your Health.

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